Chapter 313 – The Chinese Man

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:38:53
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A few more days passed, and this evening was the time that Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to make an appointment with Kyoko Fukada. He arrived at the fancy restaurant early, and not only did he pack the whole place, but he also prepared a large bouquet of flowers.

By all rights, there should have been a violinist as well, but he simply vetoed it. Once the music started, shouldn’t he get down on one knee and propose? He didn’t have such a thought in his mind at all.

Perhaps, in her heart, Fukada Kyoko wanted to marry herself and become the wife of a plutocrat. The problem was that not everyone was fortunate enough to become a plutocrat’s wife.

Some women were not even qualified to be the maid of a plutocrat’s wife, but they were always dreaming of unrealistic things.

Even though Kyoko Fukada had a certain level of competitiveness, she was still unable to shake Rie Sakai’s position in Masayoshi Kishimoto’s mind.

Masayoshi Kishimoto put his fingers in front of his mouth and sat at the most prominent table, waiting patiently for Kyoko Fukada to arrive.

Without looking at the time, and not knowing how many hours had passed, he saw Kyoko Fukada walking from far to near with a smile on her face.

As soon as Kyoko Fukada stopped, a waiter moved a chair for her so that she could sit down.

Soon after she sat down, another waiter who had been prepared at the side was holding a large bouquet of flowers in both hands and brought it to her.

Fukada Kyoko received the flowers and lowered her head to smell them. The smile on her face became wider and wider, “Why are you making it so grand?”

“We have been friends for many years. We’ve been friends for many years. You’ve always been busy with your business, and I’ve been busy with mine. Rarely do we sit down for a proper meal like this.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was not quick to say.

“That’s true. Although I have made great strides above my career in the past few years, it’s simply not worth mentioning compared to you.

Nowadays, the chairman of the Hard Gold Group, Masayoshi Kishimoto, is a well-known name.” Fukada Kyouko slightly turned sideways and raised her left index finger to point to her left ear, saying.

“I’m just a bit more fortunate than you guys.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not show the slightest hint of complacency. He still maintained the kind of warmth and humility of the Chinese scholar class, rather than the kind of self-righteousness of a petty official in the middle of a government office.

At this time, the store manager personally opened the pre-dinner wine for them, and poured it into the empty glasses in front of the two of them one by one. After that, he moved to the side of Fukada Kyoko and said with a professional smile, “Do you want me to take away the flowers from your hand?”

Fukada Kyouko raised her hand and handed the flower over to the other man to take for himself for the time being, after all, having it around made it inconvenient for personal dining.

She smiled winkingly, “Do you know why I fell in love with you?”

“No idea.” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out without even going through the inside of his head.

“It’s because even though you have outstanding talent, you still manage to remain humble. It makes me feel like you just don’t look like a Japanese man.” Kyoko Fukada couldn’t help but laugh and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto just spread his hands a bit. In the Showa Era of the past, Japanese men were most concerned with the spirit of Bushido. Nowadays, it was the Heisei Era, and even if Japanese men had not turned into pigs, some of them had gradually become effeminate.

Furthermore, the prevalence of otaku culture. The gradual awakening of Japanese women’s rights. They have jobs, have income, are enterprising, and generally prefer gentle men.

“China, which is across the sea from Japan, not Korea. That’s where women’s paradise is. The standard for a good Chinese man is not only to be responsible for buying a car and a house, but also to be responsible for bringing up children, cooking vegetables, as well as doing housework.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not engage in any exaggeration at all and said.

“Then if you talk about Chinese men like that, they must not have a job!” Kyoko Fukada said incredulously.

“No, they all have jobs. Not only do they have jobs, but they also have higher incomes than women.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

Fukada Kyouko blinked up her eyes and stared at him, completely unable to comprehend such a thing. She asked curiously, “Some of these Chinese men’s wives must not be able to take care of them because they are busy with their work, so their husbands do it for them.”

“There are a number of Chinese women who do not work. They think it’s only natural for them to be supported by their men. Even if they stay at home every day, they can do nothing.

They kill their boredom by playing mahjong. Otherwise, they go shopping. Even so, they still don’t know how to be satisfied, and they scold their men for being incapable.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not smile meticulously.

“Then what value do they have to speak of as human beings?” Kyoko Fukada said without understanding at all.

“Presumably, they just exist only for the purpose of giving birth to children, to carry on the family line for the man.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“You must be making up stories to trick me!” Kyoko Fukada said not believing that it would be true.

“Believe it or not.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Fukada Kyouko had no interest in this one thing. She just thought of it as idle chatter between the two. She picked up her wine glass in her right hand and sent it out in his direction saying, “Let’s toast.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto also raised his glass up and said, “Cheers.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he tilted his head back and took a sip before putting the glass down slowly. Instead, he did not stop the conversation, “In some places in China, not only are all the expenses for the marriage paid by the man, but the man also has to pay the bride price to the woman.”

“In Japan, such a thing is not unheard of!” Kyoko Fukada did not deeply understand the meaning of his words. She thought about the road completely in accordance with Japanese thinking.

“The Chinese bride price can be different from the Japanese bride price. The latter is more just symbolic. The former that’s anything but. Under normal circumstances, marriage is like buying and selling.

The woman makes the offer and the man has to follow it. Quite often, the man has little bargaining power. In a word, if the man can’t accept the price, the woman will look for someone else.

Some families not only save money all their lives, but also borrow money from loan sharks in order to marry their sons. The more backward China is, the more money is required for the bride price.

According to their thinking, a daughter married off is like water thrown out. If a woman is born in India, the dowry is less, and she will be burned, beaten to death, and so on.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“How do you know so much about Chinese conditions?” Kyoko Fukada asked with interest.

“Because I love China. after 2000, I will put part of my career focus on China. At the moment, I have already established an office in each of Pengcheng, Huadu, and Mudu in mainland China.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had a word to say.

“Your careerism is just too strong. For a man, that’s a good thing. If I were married, I would have quit the entertainment industry and just stayed at home to raise my children.” Fukada Kyouko looked towards him and made her heart clear.

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