Chapter 315: The Star Seat Bar (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:38:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After Masayoshi Kishimoto and Kyoko Fukada finished their dinner in paying the bill, she did not fight with him for it. She gladly accepted all of this elaborate arrangement that the other party had made for her.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took out his wallet and pulled out a Centurion black and gold credit card issued by American Express and handed it to the waitress.

The waitress swiped it on the POS machine, and the sound of a small ticket being printed out came from inside the POS machine.

The waitress tore off the ticket and handed it over to Masayoshi Kishimoto for a signature. While signing, he said to Kyoko Fukada, “Roppongi, Constellation Bar, are you ready?”

“I’m always ready.” Kyoko Fukada said without showing her refusal.

“Let's go,” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he finished signing and pointed to the exit with a lift of his right index finger.

He stood up and reinserted his credit card back into the slot inside his wallet, closed the wallet, and returned it to his right pants pocket.

Kyoko Fukada retrieved the large bouquet of flowers from the side and walked out of the fine dining restaurant side by side with her handbag hanging from her left wrist.

As they left the restaurant, they were greeted with the words “Welcome again”. They stopped at the side of the road, hailed a cab, and headed straight for the Constellation Bar in Roppongi.

Cab drivers in Japan don’t think that they don’t make detours like Chinese cab drivers, there are still people who make bad money. The only difference is that the former tends to like to screw foreigners, while the latter is specialized in screwing their own people.

Arrived at the place, the cab parked on the side of the road, Kishimoto Masayoshi paid the money, pushed open the door of the passenger side of the car is a step later than Fukada Kyoko get off.

The good thing about Japanese cabs is that after getting out of the car, you don’t have to close the door, after all, it will open and close automatically.

There was already a long line in front of the Constellation Bar. Masayoshi Kishimoto and Kyoko Fukada were not VIPs of this high-class bar, so they didn’t have the priority of not having to wait in line and directly entering the venue.

They honestly lined up and waited patiently for the fish to enter. As Masayoshi Kishimoto watched so many people lining up, it wasn’t as if non-Japanese foreigners made up the majority.

There was no shortage of blonde whites, blacks and blacks (American) with white teeth. As for those who can tell at a glance that they are from Southeast and South Asia, they generally don’t come to such places for fun.

Even if they have the same need to work and de-stress, they still drink, sing and play loud music in the “workhouse”. In Japan, they are mainly engaged in heavy and dirty manual labor.

The reason they go abroad to make money is to make their families better off. Therefore, they do not make high spending moves. If you see them in such entertainment venues, nine times out of ten, they are staff members.

Even if people from Southeast Asia and South Asia come to spend money, it’s only the middle and upper class people on top of the pyramid, such as foreign students in Japan, tourists traveling freely, and so on, who have that kind of spending power and free money.

This is the best evidence to refute the claim that Japan has entered a low-desire society. Even if Japan’s annual economic indicators grow slowly, there is no continuous years of no growth, or even negative growth. If that is the case, the Japanese people are not living in dire straits?

Omae Kenichi’s “low desire society” the concept of the title of this book has a small market in China. It is regarded by many netizens as another strong evidence of Japan’s total failure.

The term “new middle class” in the title of the book “Japan’s New Middle Class” by the American-Jewish Fou Gouyi has also had a far-reaching impact in China.

That was Japan’s past glory, and now it is completely gone. The first country to advocate this threat is not the United States, but Japan.

I am familiar with the fact that Fu Gao-yi also wrote a book called “Japan First”. His purpose is not simply to brag about Japan, but to give the United States a revelation. In the heyday of Japan’s socio-economic takeoff, it was known as the engine of the world.

The current Chancellor of the United States was interviewed by an American reporter when he was young and admitted that Japan had been the engine of the world, and there is video of it.

The titles of the books “The Lost Twenty Years”, “The Low Desire Society”, and “Japan’s New Middle Class” are not only on the Internet, but are also being trumpeted in the media as the “Three Great Weapons” that prove that Japan is completely incompetent.

In fact, the people who say this in the night are not even going to buy a copy of the book and put it away, let alone read it once. It doesn’t cost money to pretend to be a pussy on the Internet, but it does cost money to buy a book and read it at home.

A book must cost dozens of yuan, might as well buy cigarettes to smoke. This smoking five dollars a pack of cigarettes lonely, eating gutter oil life, but also full of thinking about national affairs.

I don’t know that one of China’s top nine vice-ministerial ambassadors to foreign countries is Japan.

Kishimoto justice to Japan’s understanding of the Yamato nation not only worship the strong, and especially stoic, do not do the world one of the best, will not surface to let people know.

In addition, this nation has a culture of shame, many people can obviously eat low income, but would rather commit suicide, starve to death, but will not take the initiative to reach out to the government for help. There is also a culture of generation before and generation after (seniority), where those who come after must have the respect due to those who came before them ……

“What are you thinking out loud? Hard to believe, heartbroken about your money?” Kyoko Fukada teased.

“If you follow my son out to have fun, you can have nothing, but you will definitely not be without face.” Masayoshi Kishimoto invisibly revealed his nature from his previous life and said.

“Don’t you regret it?” Fukada Kyouko’s mouth tone was exuding as if she was going to be slaughtered, but inside her heart, she wouldn’t really do it like that, she said.

“I have nothing to regret. My lord never talks without practicing. By then, you will know.” Masayoshi Kishimoto had made up his mind a long time ago.

He knew in his heart of hearts that occasions like this were money burners. If you want to be affordable and can’t afford to spend money, don’t come to this kind of place to have fun or even to pretend.

In China, the market price of a bottle of wine into the high-class bar inside, at least will be multiplied by a three, four times to sell to consumers.

Consumers will not be clear in their hearts? They know very well that if they want to drink at market price in a high-class bar, is it possible?

By that time, the owner will be so broke that he will not even be able to put on his pants, which is similar to doing charity work. Operating costs are always needed, first of all, to raise a group of people, which from cleaning to watch the venue, as few as dozens of people, more is the size of hundreds of people.

On top of that, sound and light, all kinds of performances, taxes, the venue’s rent …… that one don’t money. Where does this money come from? Of course, from the head of the consumer.

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