Chapter 317 – Pretty Woman (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:39:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Under the catalyst of the dim lights, the powerful and dynamic music, and the alcohol, it immediately ignited the calm hearts of the young people.

Along with the sound of the music, they began to get high, some directly into the dance floor to dance, some stand around the location of the body twisting, even the people sitting, will be more or less affected by the current atmosphere, either with physical action, or gradually excited.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was sitting on a high chair with his arms crossed in front of his chest, watching Kyoko Fukada, who was gyrating at the edge of the dance floor, releasing the pressure of her work.

However, he was not at all awakened from that slumbering heart of his by this. He couldn’t help but even yawn.

When he didn’t come, he wanted to come. After coming, he felt bored. This kind of creature is really too elusive.

This kind of night life, not all people like. Especially that kind of heart disease or high blood pressure people, it is very likely to be able to directly to its death.

Even if they don’t die on the spot, an ambulance will be called for a resuscitation. Of course, there are also people who want to come but can’t.

Although the entrance fee of 2,000 yen to 4,000 yen is not too expensive and comes with a drink, a drink is not a solution to the problem, unless it is just to go to see, see and then leave, it is inevitable that the person will pay money to spend money outside again.

Nightclubs always give young people a lot of space for reverie, resulting in shy, timid nature, more honest children, always eager to want to go but do not dare to go.

Unlike the kids in “Fourteen Years Old”, for which Ishida Yira won the Naoki Prize, three of them even took the initiative to find a prostitute for their terminally ill friend as a birthday gift.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was different from ordinary people, after all, his previous life’s origin dictated a high starting point. He had seen a lot of things, and that’s how he knew that in Korea, there were nightclubs that were specifically open only to high school students.

Inside there, in addition to the same sound and light that should be inside the nightclubs that restricted minors from entering (the quality was a lot worse), they were only able to sell non-alcoholic beverages, not even the beer that American high school students were able to drink.

If not for the sake of flirting or whatever, it still allows high school students to actually feel some of this high. The mystery of nightclubs lies in the fact that they come from movies and TV shows and some word of mouth.

On the one hand, it is those legendary bad guys, bad things to shock, in case they encounter what to do, on the other hand, it is those who are said to drive a Ferrari in the rich little brother to the town, the face of high consumption is afraid of losing face.

Of course, there is also a youthful stirring, want to go to see the handsome men and women, after all, is the most accessible place, there is no one.

Kishimoto justice is not without feeling, or honest children suffer the most. The girls who were good looking and could dress themselves usually burst into youthful rebellion by the time they reached the second year stage.

The boys they like are either those who play basketball, soccer, soccer in the US, or baseball in Japan, or those who like to dance, hold a broken acoustic guitar, and play in some kind of band or combo.

And then there are the ones who are obsessed with fighting. A very few will like boys who do well in school. Their first time is often taken by these guys in middle school. Then again, it’s high school and college.

The so-called bad boys are in their glory during this period, and also like to go in and out of the bars and nightclubs of the adult world. The streets of Shibuya wouldn’t be filled with so many young boys and girls.

After this period of time passes, once they enter the social period, the nerds one by one have the chance and possibility to turn over a new leaf.

After all, big companies, government departments and other places that control the economy and power of society need talents, not fools.

The most important criteria are university, grades and so on. With that, the girls grew up to be women, and finally realized what kind of talent is the best way to follow.

Along with that, financial hardship has taken away the aura that the bad boys used to have. As for power, there is even less. As long as the government, or the police want to rectify, at any time can clean up your head, borrow your head to use to appease the people, to win the trust and support.

Du Yuesheng’s theory of the night kettle is the most penetrating of all. If you are not a member of the government, you should never be a drummer for the government. Because drummers in the eyes of the government is always worth only a night pot of copper inlays.

When you are in a hurry to urinate, you can take it out and use it, and when you are done, you can put the night pot in the corner. The more vigorously you blow, not only the public despise you, the government despises you even more. That’s why drummers don’t end well.

Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly felt someone scratching over one of his shoulders with a fingertip to get his attention. He turned his head sideways and saw a woman with a delicate figure, exquisite makeup, and still wearing a relatively cool dress, with a good view of her chest smiling, “I’m able to sit down and buy me a drink?”

“It’s no problem to buy you a drink, just sit down!” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not intend to have a point of intersection with her at all. He came to the nightclub just to reminisce about the past, nothing more.

Visiting to see a beautiful woman, as well as a one-night stand or whatever, hadn’t even crossed his mind. He was still patiently going to slowly develop Kyoko Fukada himself.

It wasn’t once, or twice, that he had been hit on by good-looking women. In his previous life, he had encountered it so many times that he had reached a state of numbness.

Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his hand and snapped his fingers at a waitress not far away who was waiting on standby to serve the guests. So, she immediately responded.

Tonight, the other party had all ordered an Ace of Spades champagne. If more was needed, all the better. She took three steps and quickly walked over to him and said, “Can I help you?”

“Get this one lady an empty champagne glass.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Okay.” The female service immediately did so.

The pretty woman winks and smiles at him, “Could it be that you don’t want to get acquainted with me?”

“I have a girlfriend.” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied succinctly.

“What does one more girlfriend matter?” The pretty woman said with an unchanging smile.

“One already gives me a headache. One more out there would kill me.” Kishimoto Masayoshi wasn’t all jokes, he said.

“Then dump her and be with me!” The pretty woman tried bluntly.

“I’m not blessed by your directness. I’m still only able to buy you a drink. You go and hunt for another prey!” Masayoshi Kishimoto waited for the waitress to go and return, and while signaling the other party to pour a glass of wine for the pretty woman, he firmly stated his attitude and said.

The pretty woman held the wine in her right hand and threw it at him with two fingers of her left hand on top of her own lips and kissed it, saying with a lustful tactic, “If you change your mind, you can come back to me again.”

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