Chapter 320 Contented

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:39:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto accompanied Kyoko Fukada until she had had her fun, and it was only then that she walked out of the Constellation Bar in Roppongi. Although it was far away from the powerful music venues, the street was not cold.

Some drunken men and women, especially women, were vomiting, bawling, falling over, and drunkenly unconscious. ……

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood at the curb and stopped a cab, dropping her off first back at her residence. Before they parted, he would not forget to utter the words that he would not be able to accompany her for the grand fireworks display in the harbor area.

Although Fukada Kyouko felt regret, she also forgave the other party’s backtracking, after all, she felt his full sincerity tonight. When she returned home, she was fully able to have a good night’s sleep and a beautiful dream.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the same cab, and instead of going back to Nishi-Mabu in the harbor district, he headed for Ueno in the Taito district. This arrived at the downstairs where Natsui Makoto lived, and it was only then that he stopped the car again.

He paid for the car, got out, and walked up the stairs humming a song. He pulled out his key and opened the door to his room to hear the sound of the television.

At this point in time, Natsui Makoto had absolutely no intention of getting up to check it out. She wasn’t surprised by his presence, after all, it was all taken for granted.

“Been there? I called you several times tonight, why didn’t you answer?” Natsui Makoto said coldly.

“The sound inside the nightclub was just too noisy, didn’t hear it at all. Sorry.” Masayoshi Kishimoto stood in front of her and raised his right hand to salute her in apology.

“Just you going alone? No way!” Natsui Makoto said with an expressionless face.

“If I told you to go, you wouldn’t go. By coincidence, I met a friend and we had dinner together, so we went.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he turned and sat down once he walked to her left.

“Such a coincidence?” Natsui Makoto stared at him sideways and said nonchalantly.

“Just such a coincidence.” Masayoshi Kishimoto leveled his gaze at her without avoiding it, and deliberately put on a look of sincerity on his face and said.

“How much did it cost?” Natsui Makoto broke the ice and said.

“It didn’t cost much.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she was frugal, so he didn’t dare to be truthful about tonight’s spending. He told a well-intentioned lie and said.

“How much is it if you didn’t spend much?” Natsui Makoto plowed through it all.

“A couple hundred thousand yen!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as much as he could towards less.

Natsui Makoto straight away believed him. If he had told her that he only spent a few hundred thousand yen, she would have become completely disbelieving.

This spending hundreds of thousands of yen, and if you didn’t get anything out of it and went home happily humming songs, it was simply unjust and idiotic behavior.

Although she had never experienced it, she had heard of it. No more, it had been seen by herself inside movies and TV dramas. Common sense would dictate that he would have to fuck or sleep with that whoever once or for a night anyways.

Natsui Makoto came closer to him and sniffed with her nose, there was no smell of a bath at all, but there was a strong smell of alcohol, which meant that there was no such thing as a room.

She was instantly relieved in her heart and said with a small mouth, “Liar.”

“I’m telling the truth, and you’re saying I’m lying to you. That’s not good.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew deep down that he had basically counted himself out.

“The other party should be a girl, right?” Natsui Makoto didn’t stop there and continued to pursue.

“It’s female. However, even if she’s powdered, it’s hard for me to look at her, not as much as my daughter-in-law’s face, which makes my heart flutter.” Masayoshi Kishimoto grinned and took the initiative to pull up her small hand, continuing to tell a well-intentioned little lie.

Natsui Makoto feigned anger as she pulled her hand back from his hand and said, “Smooth talker, coaxing me.”

“My own daughter-in-law is of course coaxed by myself. If I don’t coax you, who will?” Masayoshi Kishimoto started scowling at her and said.

“Did you guys really hang out inside the bar all night?” Natsui Makoto said still uneasy.

“Honey, I’ll go to the bank tomorrow and print out the bill for my night’s spending at the Roppongi Constellation Bar for you, okay?” Masayoshi Kishimoto had to come up with solid proof and said.

“I am concerned about you. If we didn’t have anything to do with each other, I wouldn’t bother asking you!” Natsui Makoto’s stance was proper, not going for overly covetous exclusivity.

She also felt that treating her boyfriend should be like flying a kite, with a good grasp of the scale of collection and release. If the control was too strict, it would easily provoke the other party’s rebelliousness, and would also negatively affect their relationship.

“I know you are concerned about me. Some of the so-called good women are all a whore’s face. However, you are completely different from them, you are in love with my person, not my money.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

He paused here and added with a twist of words, “Are you hungry?”

“By you saying that, I suddenly still feel really a bit hungry.” Natsui Makoto said as her left palm stroked her large, high belly.

“Then I’ll just accompany you out to eat something. What do you want to eat?” Masayoshi Kishimoto once again took the initiative to take her small hand and said.

Natsui Makoto thought for a little while and said, “Let’s just go eat ramen!”

Masayoshi Kishimoto responded with a “yes” and went out the door with her. The two of them walked out for a long distance with their fingers intertwined before finding a roadside stall selling ramen.

They sat side by side in front of the ramen stand and each ordered a bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen. Eating a steaming bowl of ramen at night was naturally an excellent treat.

Not only that, but they also each ordered a cup of poor quality sake. Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t mind the poor quality of the sake at all, reaching out to pick it up and taking a sip of it, letting out a soothing “ah” sound.

Natsui Makoto picked up the cup with both hands and also took a big sip, also letting out a soothing “ah” sound and smilingly said, “So happy!”

Kishimoto Masayoshi looked at her cute and easily satisfied look and said, “Your pursuit is really too low.”

“Those who are contented will be happy for a long time.” Natsui Makoto smiled.

“That’s what I like about you.” Masaru Kishimoto said seriously.

“So you only like that about me too!” Natsui Makoto grumbled.

Masayoshi Kishimoto, knowing full well that she was doing it on purpose, smiled and followed her words towards the bottom and said, “Eh, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Natsui Makoto instantly became completely relieved in her mind about him going to a nightclub with someone else. The result of her own brainstorming, a man’s normal socializing, that is, he was having a socialization with people inside his circle. She even began to have some self-condemnation, it was just too much to think.

Natsui Makoto suddenly picked up her wine glass and said, “Then shouldn’t we have a toast?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the glass in his own hand and came to clink it with hers, grinning from ear to ear as he took a large sip from it.

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