Chapter 332: Clinton

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:39:47
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Sakai Rie took the initiative and leaned forward, stretching out her hands and pulling Kishimoto Masayoshi, her meaning couldn’t be clearer, that is, she wouldn’t let him go.

“No more confessions.” Kishimoto Masayoshi couldn’t help but laugh and said.

“Tell me more about Clinton. It’s so strange that he made such a big sex scandal, but in the end, nothing happened to him.” Rie Sakai said curiously.

Masayoshi Kishimoto resumed his seat and said unhurriedly, “The president of any country enjoys a certain amount of judicial immunity during his term of office.

What’s to say that a president should be directly removed from office over such a sesquipedalian matter that only involves a private individual? Although the West is very respectful of women on the surface, in reality it is a different matter.

This is especially true in the midst of a political power struggle, where a small, insignificant person like White House intern Lewinsky can be removed from office just because she suddenly stirs up trouble? That’s just funny.

Men and women are not a big deal in the ****ty West. Unless you catch the president ** or something like that, it’s pretty much the same, after all, it’s one of the big taboos in the West.

As for adult women, then there exists something that cannot be said. What’s the guarantee that it’s just you and me, and Lewinsky uses it to try to climb up the ladder?”

“You’re too macho.” Rie Sakai cut in and said in evaluation from a man’s point of view.

Without making a single defense, Masayoshi Kishimoto continued to speak about Clinton, “Even if Clinton is branded as a playboy, he is not a mediocre American president.

His opponent at the beginning of his campaign was George Bush Sr. who wanted to seek re-election. The Bush family is one of the 200 or so most powerful families in the United States.

Bush Sr. himself was a World War II hero. Although his plane was shot down by the Japanese back then, they didn’t catch him in the end.

Even if he had been captured alive, there wouldn’t have been much of a negative impact. According to the American concept of war, even if he was captured, he was still a hero, hanging medals and loved by the public as usual.

September 2, 1945 at 9:00 a.m. or so, in the United States battleship Missouri anchored in Tokyo Bay held a solemn surrender ceremony, also known as ****** the National Shame Day.

MacArthur actually took out five fountain pens. What was the meaning of these five fountain pens? Behind MacArthur stood two other men, one was Rear Admiral Arthur of England and the other was General Wainwright of the Philippines.

Both were MacArthur’s comrades in arms when he was in the Philippines. Then MacArthur retreated early. As a result, he left more than 90,000 American troops on the Philippine battlefield.

This led to the capture of these 90,000 men by the Japanese, Major General Arthur was also captured, as well as Major General Wainwright in the Philippines. These two men were later imprisoned by the Japanese in a Japanese POW camp in Shenyang, China.

It wasn’t until after the end of World War II that these two men were released and the three men hugged and cried. MacArthur was very sorry to his two comrades and said, “I was sorry for you two in the beginning and made you two suffer so much in the end. Today I must let you two share this glorious moment with me.

So he pulled out a pen and signed. MacArthur’s full name was, Douglas? MacArthur. So he signed ‘Doug’ with a pen, and then took that pen up and inserted the cap and presented it to General Wainwright in the back. Then he wrote ‘Russ’, finished it, then inserted the cap and presented it to Major General Arthur in the rear.

Finally three pens were produced and signed ‘MacArthur’. This pen was later given to the Archives of the United States for retention. The 4th and 5th pens were signed with his titles, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, and 5-star Admiral. One of these two pens was given to his alma mater, West Point, and the other to his wife.

It’s totally unlike the military culture in Japan, or even East Asia. Soldiers are supposed to die on the battlefield, wrapped in a horse’s body. To surrender and be captured is a great shame. The only way to show that a soldier’s integrity is still intact is to commit suicide.”

He said here paused for a moment, feeling a little far away, so he pulled the topic back to say: “The old Bush seeking re-election slogan is still the honor of the American soldier, fighting and so on.

Clinton on the dominant to improve the lives of the general population of the United States, playing the economic card. Americans are not all fools.

The old Bush that set of false head and brain things is simply not Clinton real to improve the standard of living to the good and practical. After all, everyone wants to live a good life. The end result was a resounding victory for Clinton.

During his tenure, the U.S. national strength has increased dramatically, and the economy has realized a number of successful transformations. Unemployment is down, employment is up, and incomes are rising.

Clinton also signed and enacted a presidential executive order to raise the minimum wage in order to reach the low-wage laborers at the bottom.

His most remarkable achievement, in my opinion, is that the United States has had a surprisingly low domestic inflation rate of 0 for quite some time.

This means that the government did not intentionally rob the people of their wealth by raising and lowering it. Clinton’s second term of office is coming to an end.

I believe that the American people will truly love a president like him. Even if he is indiscreet on top of his private life, it doesn’t hinder him too much, after all, there is no such thing as gold and no one is perfect.”

Sakai Rie drooped her head and stared at him and said, “Why do I feel that you are borrowing to tell me about Clinton to make a defense for your own flirtation?”

“You’re the one who asked me to talk about it, it’s not like I took the initiative to tell you these things.” Justice Kishimoto defended.

“Clinton was first brought up by you. Did I just jump into the hole you dug beforehand in a haphazard manner?” Rie Sakai said thoughtfully.

“You don’t always think the worst of me. There’s no conspiracy theory in this at all.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“You must be implying that I am, look at other people Hilary, even though her husband cheated on her like that, she still didn’t divorce him and remained together.

At the very least, the husband and wife give the public the impression that they are in love. Clinton has Hillary’s understanding. What you’re saying is that you want me to be like Hillary, and you’ll be able to be like Clinton.” Rie Sakai argued.

“I see that you and Hillary are quite similar in that you are quite strong with your man. So, even if Clinton cheated on her husband, she was able to get quite a bit of understanding from a lot of people, and it stems from that.” Justice Kishimoto sighed.

“I’m not Hillary, you still just put away your desire to be Clinton for me while you still can.” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“I can’t be Prime Minister, and you can’t be Mrs. Prime Minister.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a smile or not.

“No matter what you become in the future, I will keep a firm eye on you.” Sakai Rie’s two fingers on her right hand first pointed to her own eyes, and then aimed at him and said.

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