Chapter 334: Outsiders

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:39:53
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The constant influx of people from small places into big cities may not necessarily be all in favor of the former. The increase in the number of people will inevitably bring about the crowding of urban space.

For this reason, it would further push up property prices, especially rent prices. Rising rents will have a ripple effect and will likely cause prices to rise.

Wages are not rising much, which will inevitably make them increase their expenses, and their real life will deteriorate. Scrimping and saving to squeeze out the money for rent first.

The first people within the big cities will then feel that the influx of outsiders has taken away their jobs. Furthermore, the outsiders’ first priority was to survive, and they would voluntarily lower their hourly wages in order to get a job, further eroding the interests of the first people.

The contradictions and conflicts between the outsiders and the forefathers create a situation that is simply impossible to resolve. After living in the big cities for a number of years, outsiders are often unable to return to their homes, even if they want to.

This want to continue to stay in the big city and feel the pressure, after all, the cost of living is too high, a rent may take up half of their monthly income, or even more.

The place where you live will be due to the situation of work income reduction or rent increase the more you move more and more remote, the more you live more small, the more poor.

Buying a house? You can’t afford it at all. It’s hard to save for even a down payment. Even with a down payment, you still have to take out a monthly mortgage.

This can take up to thirty-five years. The house that you buy is only an ordinary house of 20 or 30 square meters, or 30 or 50 square meters.

In addition, during this period of time can not be sick, not to mention dare not have a serious illness. Unemployment and so on, that is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue, directly able to push people toward the road of death above. Everything would have to go smoothly.

When Justice Kishimoto thought of this, he was reminded of the most classic line in “Desperate Poisoner”.

After living for fifty years worrying about this and fearing that, he was suddenly diagnosed with cancer one day, and in turn, he was grounded. He didn’t lose any sleep and slept through the night every day.

This shows how stressful life is for ordinary people and how hard it is to live. That’s what’s so sad about being an ordinary person, isn’t it?

“I remember you’re from Tokyo! You were born in the northern district of Tokyo, Japan.” Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly remembered a what-do.

“You know me so well.” Kyoko Fukada smiled and said.

“I accidentally flipped through the top of a magazine.” There was no way Masayoshi Kishimoto was going to tell anything about his previous life said.

“What is the northern district of Tokyo? It’s sandwiched between Itabashi and Adachi wards, with an Arakawa ward neighboring it.” Kyouko Fukada wasn’t speaking in faith when she said she was an outsider.

Even if she was born in the northern district of Tokyo, it didn’t mean that she was a local; after all, some of these marginalized districts generally had a majority of outsiders living above them.

“You also left out two districts that border Kita-ku. One is Toshima Ward and the other is Bunkyo Ward. You were at least born within Tokyo’s twenty-three wards.

If you have to say you’re an outsider, I am. I was born in Shikoku Kochi Prefecture, a typical country place.” Masayoshi Kishimoto added with a smile.

“You won’t care where you’re from if you’re rich.” Fukada Kyouko didn’t mean it as a compliment, she just stated an objective fact and said.

“If you’re an actress, you won’t care what place you’re from.” Masayoshi Kishimoto followed her syntax was to follow her lead and said.

“You would be wrong. The Japanese entertainment industry is still very quite particular about origin. No matter how much you package and dress up fashionably, some people will still think that you’re a rustic bumpkin when they take a look at your origin.” Fukada Kyouko’s right index finger was shaking left, right and left towards him, saying.

“No way! What kind of era is this where bloodlines are still important?” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

“That’s a strange thing to say. Even today’s Japan is still heavily influenced by the bloodline theory. Some people in the entertainment industry not only have entertainers among their fathers, but also among their ancestors.

It’s a family tradition. The director also takes this into consideration when hiring people. A play is not only a play so simple, but also involves a lot of interests and relationships.

According to our jargon, before any movie starts shooting, there will be a process of yardage.” Kyoko Fukada had a word for it.

Although it wasn’t the first time Masayoshi Kishimoto had heard it, it was still oddly refreshing to hear it through her mouth. The Hard Gold Group had a company, Hard Gold Media, that was involved in showbiz-related business.

The director doesn’t just hire people for roles in a movie. First of all, it depends on which company the director is from.

Secondly, the star he uses will bring what obvious benefits to the crew or the whole movie. Behind a popular star is a large number of fans and followers.

Even if the star himself acts badly, there will still be people who will say yes and clamor to buy the movie. As long as the investors and investment companies make money, everything is fine.

Art and so on, they don’t care, they care most about making money. This is called the fan economy. Any company or a theater will not ignore it.

Once again, although the old actors are not well known, they can guarantee the quality of a movie from the side. If the movie is too bad, even the director will feel disgraced, and it will also affect his or her future career.

No director wants to be known as such, a bad movie is mentioned by the people, will directly think of his name. If the movie loses money, or even loses a lot of money, it is extremely likely that a director’s career will be buried.

After all, this is the first time that even the big director like Akira Kurosawa made a bad movie that was not recognized by the market, but also will not be able to pull the investment to make a new movie.

In the end, there is fierce competition inside the entertainment industry, all sorts of open and shut battles, all sorts of pits …… who all want to wrestle their way to the top, who all want to be starry-eyed, who all want to endure.

“I’m so stupid. Why am I talking to you about this. You’re one of my bosses.” It was only then that Kyoko Fukada remembered that Masayoshi Kishimoto still held 10% of the outstanding shares of the HORIPRO firm in his hands. Not only that, but his Hard Gold Media, a subsidiary of the Hard Gold Group, also had an absolute holding in TV Tokyo.

“I just want to hear you, a circle insider, say a few words about the various things that happen inside your entertainment circle.” Justice Kishimoto said with interest.

“Don’t talk about it. We had an appointment to play online games together, how did it become a sit-down chat?” Fukada Kyouko didn’t want to say in front of him that the entertainment industry was glamorous on the surface while it was actually a mess.

If she really did that, wouldn’t it negatively affect her good impression in his mind? Even if she didn’t participate in it, there was no guarantee that the other party wouldn’t think in that direction.

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