Chapter 336: Cooking

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:39:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was already past ten in the morning when Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived at Kyoko Fukada’s residence. The two exchanged a few more words in the living room before they went to the other room to start playing the game. It hadn’t even been up and playing for long before it was nearing noon.

“Do you know how to cook?” Justice Kishimoto’s two eyes were gazing at the computer screen, and while operating the character inside the game, he blurted out.

“Do you think so?” Kyoko Fukada wasn’t as focused as he was playing, and asked back without haste.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to cook, so are we going out to eat or ordering takeout?” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Neither.” Kyoko Fukada pursed her lips and said.

“Then what are we going to eat? Drinking water won’t fill you up.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly as his attention didn’t shift and remained on top of the computer screen.

“It’s fine to let me cook. However, I have one request.” Kyoko Fukada was still willing to cook herself and said.

“Washing dishes, I’m not doing it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“You men are just too strange. Why is it that you just don’t like washing dishes?” Kyoko Fukada said thoughtfully.

“Then tell me, why do you women all love shopping? Even if you don’t buy anything, you’re still able to walk tirelessly for half a day.

God arranged long ago that men and women need to do their own thing. Men have things that men need to do, and women have things that women need to do. There’s not so much as a why.” Justice Kishimoto argued.

“You have a point. If I cook and cook, then you have to be around to keep me company.” Kyoko Fukada made her reasonable request saying.

“Could it be that you won’t feel that I’m getting in your way by standing by the side?” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s first reaction was to think of the relevant words that Rie Sakai had said to herself and said.

“It won’t be! If you won’t, then I won’t cook myself. Anyway, I’m not going to dine out. Takeout or whatever, I won’t order it either.

You’re really hungry, but you don’t need to just drink water. I still have fruit and snacks here. Why don’t you just pad out for now?” Kyoko Fukada said with a knowing smile.

Masayoshi Kishimoto worried a little and said, “Then I’d better accompany you to cook.”

Once the two had talked it over, they each retired from the game one by one. Kyoko Fukada got up first and left the room, running towards the kitchen. She put on her white kitchen skirt and started to get busy.

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help in any way and stood by the side watching her pan the rice. Naturally, his gaze would not linger on the other’s hand movements, only on her alone.

“What are you always looking at me for?” As a woman, Kyoko Fukada didn’t care at all if her boyfriend, or husband, didn’t help with the cooking.

According to Japan’s traditional education on the division of labor between men and women, a woman is the main person inside the house, that’s her job. It is the man’s job to make money and support the family.

Unlike the idea of some Chinese women, their men are not only required to earn money to support the family, but also have to return home to cook and serve her.

Also asked to look a little more handsome, stylish, romantic, dedicated, the minimum requirement is no loan room, the dawn, the wake up, never dream not to catch a cold.

They are not looking for a man, they are looking for a new “father”. The flip side of the same argument applies to some men in this area.

“Because you look good! Not only do you look good, but you also smell good.” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her with a smile on his face and took a deep breath.

“Oily mouth. Just know how to coax me to willingly serve you as a slave.” Fukada Kyouko laughed out loud and ranted.

“A man who can coax his girlfriend to be happy for a moment is a truly good man. The man who will coax his girlfriend to be happy for the rest of her life …… do you know what that is?” Kishimoto justice put words to the middle is suddenly intentionally play a flowery accent said.

“What’s that?” Kyoko Fukada asked curiously as she followed his train of thought and looked at him sideways.

“Then it’s not human.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a chuckle.

Fukada Kyouko was caught off guard by him in a small way and feigned displeasure, “How can you be so annoying as a person?”

“How am I being obnoxious? I’m just speaking the truth. With a man like that, can he still be called a human being? Even a feudal society’s male favorites are completely incapable of doing something like that.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in self-justification.

With the rice cooker, cooking rice and stuff became easy. After Kyoko Fukada had washed the rice, she put it directly into the rice cooker to cook it.

In the spare time of cooking rice, the two of them didn’t return to the room to continue playing online games, but moved to the living room and sat on top of the sofa.

“This open kitchen of yours is still quite good. What surprises me the most is that a popular actress like you can still cook.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said casually.

“Since actresses are human, they are still women. A woman should learn to do some of the chores that a woman should do. Not to mention that I wasn’t originally born into any wealthy family.

Ordinary working class children, especially girls, if they don’t even know how to cook, won’t they be unable to marry in the future?

Besides, I didn’t have much money in the beginning. In order to save on my living expenses, I had to cook myself.” Fukada Kyouko said one thing.

“Hearing you say that, it’s not easy for you to go all the way.” Justice Kishimoto lamented.

“The easy things are things that everyone does, so there’s no shortage of people. The things that aren’t easy aren’t something everyone can do, that’s why there’s a shortage of people. When I was a child, I started learning to swim and had been working hard with the goal of being inspired to become an Olympic swimmer.

I also took piano lessons and learned to compose music on the side. When I got a little older, I admired Tomomi Hwabara and fantasized about becoming a star.

To get closer to my idol, in 1996, when I was still a second year junior high school student, I participated in the 21st Rookie Talent Show TSC audition sponsored by Horipro Entertainment and won the championship, Miss Holy, and thus entered the acting world.” Kyoko Fukada spoke eloquently about some of her past paths.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew very well that when a woman was alone with a man and took the initiative to talk about her past, especially some of the things she did when she was a child, then it meant that the other party was genuinely in love with him nine times out of ten.

“Since you can play the piano and compose music, then you are also considered a lover in the field of music and art. What do you think of the piano skills that Rie Sakai played on top of that one New Year’s Concert this time of year last year?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto sort of kindly reminded the other party once again not to say anything later that he had cheated her by stepping on several boats with one foot.

Fukada Kyouko didn’t answer, but he also knew what it meant to be in your favor. He already knew that Sakai Rie was Kishimoto Masayoshi’s fianc茅e. So what?

Is it hard to believe that because they met first and she met him later, she shouldn’t like him and give up? It was precisely because she couldn’t do it that she was falling deeper and deeper into it like this.

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