Chapter 337: Silly White Sweet

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:01
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When the fragrant rice was on the table, Masayoshi Kishimoto was surprised to find that there were no dishes. He was instantly dumbfounded. Inside his memory, Japan didn’t seem to be like China where there were always brinjal stores, cold dish stores and whatnot nearby around the residential areas.

“For lunch, we’ll eat soy sauce mixed rice.” Kyoko Fukada said without haste.

“This is too miserable!” Masayoshi Kishimoto cried and laughed.

“If you don’t like eating rice with soy sauce, you can choose to eat rice with tea. Or else, I’ll give you a raw egg with rice to eat.” Kyoko Fukada did not make a joke and said.

“I’ll stick with the soy sauce bibimbap!” Without too many good choices, Masayoshi Kishimoto had to have to choose back again and said.

“The true meaning of food is nothing more than the word simple.” Kyoko Fukada said calmly.

“No, I’ll take that as a diet.” Masayoshi Kishimoto blearily watched as she took the soy sauce bottle in her right hand and poured a small amount of soy sauce towards herself and her bowl of rice containing white rice, saying.

“Eat it while it’s hot for the best flavor.” Kyoko Fukada said as she put down the soy sauce bottle in her hand.

Masayoshi Kishimoto held the bottom of the bowl with his left hand and his chopsticks with his right hand, and following her hand movements, he first combined the soy sauce with the white rice, causing the white rice to turn into black rice.

Then, he used his chopsticks to pick up a little bit of it and carefully put it into his mouth as if he was eating poison to slowly chew it.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s furrowed brow was instantly relaxed, the flavor was really good. He took a big bite.

“How’s that? I’m not lying!” Kyoko Fukada said with a smile on her face.

“Delicious things don’t necessarily need to be so complicated on top of cooking techniques. Simple and wonderful methods are the valuable experience that working people have learned through long practice. It is still the working people who are the greatest.” Masayoshi Kishimoto exclaimed.

“In addition to eating it like this, you can also add a raw egg. Or, add a bit of butter. Each person has different tastes and eats it slightly differently.

Personally, I like to eat it like this by adding only soy sauce amongst white rice.” Kyoko Fukada chatted as she ate.

“There’s also another way to eat it, which is to add a little bit of monosodium glutamate in this. And of course, add spicy oil. Sriracha should be a good first choice.” Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly remembered the Chinese national goddess as he spoke.

“What kind of eating style is that again? And what is Lao Gan Ma?” Fukada Kyouko said since she didn’t understand the Chinese way of eating bibimbap.

“Chinese way of eating. This Lao Gan Ma is the universal favorite woman of overseas Chinese.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed out loud and said.

Fukada Kyouko saw that he was smiling impishly, so she didn’t believe it and said, “Don’t lie.”

“I really didn’t lie to you. If you don’t believe me, just go out on the street and ask a random Chinese person if you love Lao Gan Ma? Nine times out of ten he will say, love. And then you ask him how much he loves it. Nine times out of ten, the other person will also tell you that he can’t eat without it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without changing his smile.

Kyoko Fukada blinked twice and said, “She’s a Chinese star?”

“Sort of! She’s a household name.” Masayoshi Kishimoto explained.

“That must be a very good-looking Chinese woman.” Kyoko Fukada said as her thoughts went completely in the direction of a youth idol.

“Pretty is not pretty, it just tastes delicious and has some spice.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he revealed the mystery.

Fukada Kyouko then responded saying, “It’s not human, it’s food.”

“Both food and human.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and gave her a nod as he said.

Fukada Kyouko became more and more confused by her winding her up and said, “How can a person be eaten? You must be making up stories now to trick me again.”

“Hey …… heaven and earth, I really didn’t lie to you.” Kishimoto justice seriously said.

Fukada Kyouko didn’t go deeper. She just smiled and enjoyed the fun she got from eating soy sauce bibimbap with him.

At the same time, Masayoshi Kishimoto also worked up an appetite and feasted. He understood in his heart that he belonged to the category of people who were tired of eating mountainous delicacies. This sudden change in flavor was naturally something extremely pleasing.

The human tongue to certain long-term eating things for a long time, the same will happen to taste numbness, that is, the same thing why it is not as delicious as the first time the feeling.

“To ask you to come to my house to have fun and yet let you eat this, are you thinking in your heart that I belong to a particularly stingy woman?” Kyoko Fukada said with a wide smile.

“There’s no telling how many men this wants to walk into your boudoir? I belong to the lucky one.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“I gave you rice mixed with soy sauce, not honey. It’s no wonder so many girls have fallen in love with you.” Kyoko Fukada said with an unchanging smile.

“You are really exaggerating. The women who fall in love with me would only be silly white girls.” Masayoshi Kishimoto responded tactfully as he ate the soy sauce bibimbap inside his own bowl.

“So, I’m also a silly white sweet?” Fukada Kyouko intentionally dropped her head and stared at him with an innocent expression as she said.

“Don’t you look at me like that. Otherwise, I’ll develop a sense of guilt in my heart.” Justice Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“In fact, the most unforgettable thing for a person is their first love. If I say that you are my first love, do you believe me?” Fukada Kyouko blinked twice at him and said.

“No way! There are a lot of handsome guys in your entertainment industry. Haven’t you rubbed a little flame of love with any of them?” Justice Kishimoto said casually.

“No, not at all.” Kyoko Fukada said firmly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that her words were not necessarily false to her face, and were very likely to be true. According to the trajectory of Fukada Kyouko’s life, she had already begun to dabble in the entertainment industry when she was in her second year.

Even if the second year of junior high school was a stage where people were most at the age of love and rebellion, it did not indicate that Fukada Kyouko would have anything to do with it.

After all, in her second year, she had already made it to the top of the TSC audition for the 21st rookie talent show organized by Horipro Entertainment.

This meant that there would no longer be a possibility of developing a romance between her and her regular peers. Others would only become to look up to her and become her fans.

As for her agency, her manager would definitely be repeatedly urging her to maintain the image and persona of a jade girl in the hearts of her fans.

This is especially true at the beginning of her career when relationships are forbidden and even attached to the contract between both parties. As for adulthood, it’s fine. The Japanese concept is that it would be strange to be a virgin in your twenties and not have had a relationship yet.

Kyoko Fukada’s rainy season is coming to an end at 17, ushering in her 18th year. There is a strange thing in Japan. Instead of coming of age at 18, they count 20 as coming of age.

However, after turning 18, Japanese people have to fully shoulder their due responsibilities given above the law. If a crime is committed, there is no such thing as a light sentence because they are underage and not old enough.

The main reason why her romance with herself was not “cleansed” by her agency’s crisis communications, but rather was fueled by the fact that when they met each other, they were both ordinary people.

This gives the public the intuitive feeling that the two dating is to have a pure and innocent love affair, and money does not exist much of a relationship.

Furthermore, their current social status and identity could both constrain Horipro Entertainment and allow the public to fully accept them.

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