Chapter 341 – Hard Gold Electricity (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:12
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The New Year’s vacation was over, and everything resumed again. Masayoshi Kishimoto held a high-level meeting at the headquarters. Kobayashi Kiyoshi was in full charge of Hard Gold Capital Corporation in Marunouchi, Chiyoda District.

Katsuhei Yamaguchi was in full charge of Hard Gold Construction in Roppongi, Minato-ku. The two of them each arrived at the Hard Gold Group headquarters in Ueno, Taito District, in their own special presidential car.

“You’re close by. It won’t take long to get back to Marunouchi after the meeting. I’m much farther away. I have so many things left to do that I barely have time to even eat or sleep, and I still have to be called to the company headquarters for a meeting.” Katsuhei Yamaguchi looked to Kiyoshi Kobayashi, who was sitting across from him, and said bluntly.

“I have quite a few things to do as well. And you’re complaining. Even if it’s a hassle, it’s only for a few small years at most. By the time the group company’s headquarters moves to Roppongi in the harbor area there, you’ll be too much closer than me, right? If you really have any opinions, you can bring them up to the chairman at the meeting later!” Kobayashi Kiyoshi calmly said.

“You’re really the bad one, asking me to commit a crime. Why don’t you take the initiative to bring it up?” Yamaguchi Katsuhira shot back.

“Who made you feel like spending more time on the road than me?” Kobayashi Kiyoshi laughed a little and said.

“Both presidents, there’s only one regular meeting a week. Only once in a while do you add an extra high-level meeting on an ad hoc basis. You all come and go equipped with company cars.

If even you guys find it troublesome, then what can we do? We don’t enjoy the company being equipped with a special car and a special driver.”

Natsume Ryousuke knew that they were notorious workaholics within the group company. The thing that the two of them found troublesome was the time delay on top of this one road trip.

“What are you guys bothering about? Each of you have your offices right here. Even if you’re living, you’re living in the area of the capital center or the sub-capital center.

You mustn’t tell me that you guys still commute to and from work every day either by bus or tram?” Kobayashi Kiyoshi blurted out.

“We’re busy too. Don’t think we’re just idle all day. We’re likewise working efficiently utilizing our time, all for the sake of the company.” Natsume Ryosuke of course understood that the other party was being sarcastic with his words.

As the top executives of the Hard Gold Group of Companies, they were all those who had each bought an imported European or American private car of their own. Even if they didn’t drive to work, they would still take a cab.

How could there be a case of going to squeeze a bus or tram? This was something that even the official members of the society within the group felt ashamed of.

“Don’t remove me from amongst you with one mouthful of us. I’m not being represented by you.” Kazuya Takahashi objected saying.

“Don’t argue. When the group headquarters building in Roppongi, Minato-ku, is completed in the future, President Kobayashi Kiyoshi will be able to land on the roof of the building by helicopter. Other than that, everyone will be saved.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei suddenly did not fail to find them too boring to say.

As soon as the door to the conference room opened, Masayoshi Kishimoto walked straight in. He ran over to his boss’s seat and sat down.

Shortly after sitting down, Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled and said, “You guys are so lively. I heard your speeches when I was at the door. It looks like you guys had a good New Year’s vacation.”

“If you would be willing to give me a few more days off, that would be really appreciated. However, I know that’s something that’s absolutely out of the question.

Who made you the boss and me the part-timer? Bosses are capitalists. Capitalists are vampires.” Although Takahashi Kazuya was clear that it was a formal occasion, it was perfectly fine to make a joke before getting down to business.

“Your logic on this one is faulty and doesn’t hold up.” Masayoshi Kishimoto retorted.

Yamada Mirai closed the door and walked without wind to the back side of the president being able to sit down. She took out her notepad and Parker gold pen, ready to make notes on important matters.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took a look at all the people present before he said unhurriedly, “Before I leave Tokyo to go to Hangzhou, China, I’ll make some arrangements.

During the period of time that I’m not at the headquarters of the group company, the day-to-day affairs will be handed over to Takayuki Nanno. If you guys have any matters, just look for him.”

He paused here and then added, “You all know that my trip to Hangzhou, China is of great significance.

The company that I personally went to negotiate with is an Internet company that I value very highly. For this reason, I can’t absolutely guarantee that I will be able to negotiate with the other party to finalize the cooperation.

So I decided to make two preparations. One hand was to finalize the company in Hangzhou, China, and the other hand was to prepare a new company with the same business nature in the whole of Japan.

The name of the new company will be Hard Gold E-Commerce. The person in charge of this preparatory new company, and the future president, will be Miyazaki Ryui.”

Hearing this, Miyazaki Ryui was not happy, and was greatly nervous and puzzled, “Boss, my ass is not even warmed up yet above the position of the head of the planning department? You’re transferring me to a field where life and death are unknown?”

“Among us, you know the most about the Internet. You’ve spent a lot of time in San Francisco, and you’re already clear about EBAY’s business model.

I am setting up a company for online shopping in Japan. All people need to do is to sit at home and select what they want from a computer and place an order.

For this purpose, I will also set up a supporting logistics company in the future. But that’s for later. First is for you to take the lead in getting the e-commerce piece off the ground.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

Miyazaki Ryui was in a difficult mood and said, “Good deeds, you can’t think of me. The hard work, why do you always think of me?”

“The investment amount of that company in Hangzhou, China, my intention is 20 million dollars. The hard gold e-commerce company that covers the whole of Japan, I likewise intend to invest 20 million dollars first.” Justice Kishimoto said without haste.

“Boss, why didn’t you say so earlier? I’ll do it. I’ll fight with whoever among you fights me for this one position.” Miyazaki Ryui was instantly energized.

Without receiving any news, he had been made to believe in this way that he was being asked to prepare a brand new small company.

Even if it was a full-fledged subsidiary of the entire group, it was still the president of a small company. Where would that be as good as the position of the head of planning at the group headquarters?

When one heard that the first round of investment was 20 million dollars, or just over 2 billion yen, that was extraordinary. With subsequent investments, the capitalization of this brand-new subsidiary would not be less than 10 billion yen.

Although it can not be compared with hard gold capital, hard gold construction of these two large, but also enough scenery and honor. In addition, the group company has an internal rule that the president of the subsidiary company will be arranged with a special car and a special driver. This kind of feeling and treatment is not a problem that can be measured by the amount of money.

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