Chapter 342: Promotional Movie

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:15
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The meeting continued. Nanno Takayuki said, “Miyazaki Ryui has been transferred back to Tokyo for some time now. Nowadays, the head of the U.S. San Francisco office is still in the middle of a vacancy.”

“Before this, didn’t I recommend my past assistant towards you ……,” Miyazaki Ryui snatched his words.

Takayuki Nanno did not wait for him to finish before interrupting, “The person you recommended has been carefully discussed by our Personnel Department and unanimously determined to be unsuitable.”

Miyazaki Ryui instantly became upset and said, “Is it the Personnel Department that finds it unsuitable, or is it you?”

“You’ve just gotten a good job, why are you becoming condescending?” Nanno Takayuki said defiantly.

“There’s no such thing. Don’t you slander me intentionally.” Miyazaki Ryui argued.

“The U.S. San Francisco office is an important stronghold of our Hard Gold Group in North America. There’s no room for sloppiness when it comes to hiring people.

I’m all for the public good, unlike some people who are all for the private good, and even the person they recommend to replace them is a member of their inner circle. Inbreeding is not good.” Nanno Takayuki coldly said.

“You …… I originally meant the matter over at the U.S. San Francisco office, besides me, the person who is currently most familiar with the situation and business is none other than my assistant.

Even if the replacement I recommend is my past assistant, I’m still completely following the company’s rules and regulations in doing things. This has always been the practice.

Since your HR department did not accept my recommendation, I have nothing to say. I have always been in the spirit of saving time and cost for the company to select and job match high degree of talent.

At the snail’s pace of your HR department, when will you be able to select a suitable candidate? Even if they are selected, they may not necessarily be able to understand the San Francisco side of the business.

By the time someone familiarizes themselves with the job description and gets back on the job, I’m afraid that a year and a half will have already passed.” Miyazaki Ryui was immediately unable to hang on to his face.

Even if the other party’s words were reasonable, it was not possible for him to admit it on the spot. Not only were there all the executives within the group, but it was also in front of the chairman.

If he couldn’t say it clearly, there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t leave nepotism and ganging up in the chairman’s mind.

Even if this kind of thing, everyone was more or less doing it openly and secretly, it didn’t mean that it could be brought to the table.

“You said it so well, shouldn’t I give you a round of applause? The efficiency of our Personnel Department isn’t a snail crawling on the ground.” Nanno Takayuki sneered back.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was long accustomed to quarrels between his subordinates. In his heart, he didn’t mind any nepotism at all. Could it be that there was also nepotism?

He only valued whether or not the person being used was capable enough to fulfill a certain position. He also knew that it wouldn’t be good if it was all one and the same.

“Longjing, this matter, you don’t have to be concerned about it. You just need to do the new task I’ve assigned to you. As for the rest of the matter, that will be left to the Personnel Department.

That is also supposed to be within their scope of work.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t want to see the two of them arguing endlessly, so he hammered it out.

Miyazaki Ryui and Nanno Takayuki saw that the chairman had spoken, so they stopped there. The two of them no longer dwelt on this matter endlessly.

“Chairman, our Hard Gold Group’s corporate image promotional video has been filmed. Now, you and everyone else together aren’t taking a look at it?” Natsume Ryousuke said in a serious manner.

“Then let’s take a look together!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with interest.

After his words, Yamada Mirai took the initiative to stand up and get up to pull up the shutters in the conference room. Natsume Ryosuke put the film he had prepared earlier into the projector.

In a short while, the Hard Gold Group’s corporate image publicity film began to enter a countdown of five, four, three, two, one.

Although the length of only one, twenty minutes of the company’s image publicity film, but shot quite a momentum, really meets the Kishimoto justice requirements of that a sense of self-sacrifice. After he watched it, he did not take the first time to take a position. He himself wanted to listen to the views of the crowd.

“What do you guys think?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked in a nonchalant manner.

“To be fair, the filming was really good. The only thing I’m afraid that I find lacking in beauty is that the cost is a bit higher on top.” Takahashi Kazuya first expressed his own attitude.

“There’s a reason why it’s expensive. In order to make this company image publicity movie, I hired a director with a good reputation in the industry.” Natsume Ryosuke made the necessary clarification.

“I also think it’s quite good. While watching it, it does carry an impulse that makes one’s heart pound. I think it’s straightforward to send this company promo to TV Tokyo for broadcast.” Oda Feijo calmly said.

“Using the complete movie, naturally, won’t work. I’ll cut the most climactic part from it and send it to TV Tokyo. Try to compress it into one minute.

The effect of this is that after the audience has seen it, not only will their moods remain unsettled for a long time, but they will also be able to instantly remember the great name of our Hard Gold Group.

If the company needs it later, we can broadcast only one segment on TV Tokyo without repeating it. Or, cut it into smaller segments and broadcast one segment after a while until we finish it off as if it were a TV series.” Ryosuke Natsume had a word for it.

“It’s infectious, I like it. I believe that if this were to be broadcast from Tokyo TV, it would definitely be quite good for our Hard Gold Group’s corporate image promotion.

The high visibility will also make it easier for our Personnel Department to recruit a wide variety of talents in the future.” Takayuki Nanno recognized the company’s promotional film.

Although Miyazaki Ryuui and he had an unpleasant disagreement over that matter just now, he did not intentionally go against Nanno Takayuki. He wasn’t stupid, he could see the situation clearly.

It was already obvious. Most of the executives have approved of such a company’s image propaganda film, if one sings against it, not only does it not have any meaning, but it is also completely pulling hatred. There was no guarantee that someone wouldn’t think that he or she was small-minded and was intentionally singing against Takayuki Nanno.

“This is the most imposing company image promotional film I’ve ever seen. The content of the film is rich in substance, and it completely emphasizes the kind of one-world spirit that our Hard Gold Group has.

I have no doubt that the general public will also enjoy it, thus memorizing the great name of our group company.” Miyazaki Ryui commented seriously.

“Since you’re all united in your opinions, let’s do this! Let’s show it to the employees within the group company before sending it to TV Tokyo for broadcast.” Masayoshi Kishimoto clapped his hands and finalized the decision.

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