Chapter 344: Analyzing

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:21
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Even though Watanabe Saki had ten thousand reluctance inside her heart, she had no choice but to agree to help Kimura Hiroshi. She felt that it was both for the sake of their love and to be able to be the woman behind a successful man.

Watanabe Sawaki knew that even if she could not marry an outstanding man like Kishimoto Masayoshi as her wife, she had to at least find a decent man to be her husband.

In her opinion, Hiroshi Kimura was a very good choice. The other party is a graduate of Waseda University, the age is also only the early thirties, is currently the group headquarters personnel department of the third section of the head of the class, looks there are some small handsome, talk insightful, dress also have taste ……

According to the Japanese local company that kind of annual merit sequence system normal development interval, he must still have a certain upward space in.

The two in the future after the marriage, their own resignation at home as a full-time wife, is not impossible. In the economy, there will not be much pressure.

As for the future, their husbands higher, then will become better in the income above. Their family’s little life would follow suit.

Watanabe Saeki’s pure thoughts were also the actual situation that would more or less normally occur to a woman caught in the middle of a passionate love affair.

“The food here is to your liking. If you like it, I can bring you here more often.” Kimura Hiroshi said caringly.

“In the future, it’s better if you don’t spend this kind of money indiscriminately. We should have quite a bit more to spend in the future.” Watanabe Saeki held on to the concepts of traditional Japanese women.

Once she took the initiative and was willing to go on a dinner date alone with a certain man, it meant that she had decided to be good with the other person. This kind of good, not just for fun, but towards marriage.

Even though Japan has a well-developed pornography industry, it is only one facet of the country and society as a whole. As a result, many people mistakenly think that Japanese girls are casual. In fact, Japanese girls are generally quite conservative.

When a man asked her out to dinner or something, she would seriously think about it and think about it again, even for as long as a week before giving the other party a positive reply as to whether she would go or not.

“I see. You don’t need to worry about a single thing above your training assessment scores, as well as your future job assignments.

I’m here, so don’t worry. I’ll do my best to keep you working at the group headquarters.” Kimura Hiroshi coaxed and lied.

“I don’t mind working somewhere.” Watanabe Saeki’s heart was still thinking that sooner or later she would get married. After this marriage, she herself would leave her job. Even if she worked now, it would just be a transition period.

“You must be on top of it, don’t have this attitude of indifference. The distribution above will be related to the direction of your future career and future in the Hard Gold Group.

A good distribution, or a bad one, can make all the difference. It is a characteristic of not only our company, but also local companies all over Japan, that those who stay and work at the headquarters tend to be the best ones and the ones who are most likely to be promoted in the future.

Those who are put into subsidiaries, though superficially the same, are also divided into three, six, nine classes. Take the current situation of our hard gold group!

There is no better level of subsidiary than Hard Gold Capital. It is also a wholly owned subsidiary. This goes to work in Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, and is even better than working at the headquarters.

However, Kobayashi Kiyoshi, a workaholic plus strict in treating his subordinates, also has a reputation. It’s not appropriate for you to go to him, after all, he’s still a man with prejudice and discrimination against women.

Secondly, Hard Gold Construction is likewise a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hard Gold Group. At the moment, they even succeeded in taking down Roppongi’s old city remodeling plan, so not only are they in the limelight, but they’re also treated well.

It’s just that construction isn’t for you women. Even in the clerical field, you’ll be working late into the night. In order to meet the deadline, the overtime is even more intense. There are no holidays.

President Katsuhei Yamaguchi was a tough and vigorous man, but also a man who was not easy to get along with. As for the remaining wholly-owned subsidiary, it was Miyazaki Ryui’s Hard Gold E-commerce.

It was a company in the midst of preparations. There was definite information that the chairman’s first investment down was 20 million dollars.

Not only that, but he also said in a high-level meeting that he wants to dominate the industry in Japan. Therefore, I believe that hard gold e-commerce will have a lot of development in the future.

Miyazaki Ryui and I are still alumni. He is a very easy-going man. If you really can’t stay at the headquarters, you might want to go over to his side.

Lastly, there is Hard Gold Media, a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Hard Gold Group. The relationship here is quite complicated in my opinion.

Even though the chairman is also the president, there are still a lot of intertwined relationships and interests. In addition to the shares of the Hard Gold Group, there are also shares of the Mitsubishi Group, and shares of some of the former TV Tokyo shareholders.

Of course, Hard Gold Media is quite popular with women, after all, being able to have the opportunity to see their favorite artists there, as well as a variety of stars.” While talking eloquently, Kimura Hiroshi also made a very objective analysis and said.

“You can!” Watanabe Saki said with a smile on her face after hearing his headlong analysis.

“It’s not that I’m boasting in front of you. In terms of ability, I definitely have it. The only thing lacking is an opportunity, a chance to be able to stand on the stage.”

Kimura Hiroshi’s right index finger was up. He sort of came to a three-sentence talk while still not forgetting to instill her with the help thing Dao.

“I will absolutely, absolutely speak to Rie properly. It’s also a loss for our company to bury a talent like you.” Watanabe Saki was completely in a lover’s eyes, looking at her in any way that was good. Even if it’s no longer good, it’s still good.

“Saiki, you must, must remember in your heart that I’m not just doing this for myself alone, but for the future of the two of us in mind.”

Kimura Hiroshi’s repeated cadence was not for him alone, but their purpose together was to give each other the greatest motivation.

In his opinion, the only way to make Watanabe Saki move forward was to bind the two of them together. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have much motivation.

In his own heart, he was too eager to obtain the position of head of the San Francisco office in the United States. As he had told her earlier, it was a pathway for future promotion to the president of a subsidiary.

“I’ll keep that in mind. This weekend, I’ll personally go to Rie to have a good chat about you.” Watanabe Saki said in all seriousness.

“It’s better for you to do this sooner rather than later. If Minister Nanno officially announces the candidate ahead of time, it will be completely pointless again.” Kimura Hiroshi said seriously.

“Okay, I know.” Watanabe Saki nodded in response.

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