Chapter 345 – Growing Up

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning, Watanabe Saki took a special leave of absence and returned to the campus of Tokyo University of the Arts. She wasn’t there to prepare for any thesis defense, but specifically for Sakai Rie.

As the other party’s best friend, Watanabe Saki was naturally aware of her routine and hobbies. Thus, she herself did not make a phone call in advance to ask, “Where are you? I’m coming to find you.

Watanabe Saki met Sakai Rie by chance at the coffee shop they frequented outside the school. With a smile on her face, she took the initiative and waved her hands at the other girl.

Watanabe Saki sat down across from Sakai Rie and ordered the same coffee as the other girl. This place was an ordinary caf茅 on the street close to the university, and its main business was prospective students and faculty members within the Tokyo University of the Arts.

“Are you done with your training?” Sakai Rie asked casually.

“Not yet! I took a day off just for you.” Watanabe Saki said honestly.

“For me? I’m not your boyfriend.” Sakai Rie suddenly burst out laughing.

“Rie, there’s something important I want to talk to you about. You must help me!” Watanabe Saki’s body leaned forward towards her and said in a serious manner.

“If there’s something, just say it.” Sakai Rie began to mature a bit after experiencing some things, gradually becoming less fussy than in the past and said.

“Kimura Hiroshi, you did meet him on that day. He is my boyfriend. We are dating for the purpose of marriage.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of a head of the San Francisco office in the United States. In terms of rank, seniority, and ability, Hiroshi is qualified.” Watanabe Saki acted as a lobbyist.

Sakai Rie completely understood what she meant, and just faintly smiled and said, “What’s the point of talking to me about your company’s matters?”

“This matter, can you have a good talk with Brother Justice?” Watanabe Saki said straight to the point.

“Since your boyfriend is qualified in all aspects, is there any need for you to be like this?” Sakai Rie said calmly.

“The competition is simply too fierce. We still know how many people within the group company have their eyes on the position of the head of the San Francisco office in the United States!

Even if Hiroshi is qualified in every aspect, it doesn’t mean that he’ll be able to take the position. There are many factions in a big company. He’s not in Minister Nanno’s inner circle.

Hiroshi and I were both willing to work for Brother Justice without hesitation. Having Brother Justice place such a trustworthy person in an important position will also make it easier to keep an eye on him, won’t it.” Watanabe Saiki pushed her heart out.

“Saiki, you’re also starting to become more and more oily. From what I know of you, it certainly wasn’t out of your intention. The person who asked you to come before me as a lobbyist is definitely Hiroshi Kimura, right?

If I remember correctly, the Personnel Director of your group company’s headquarters is Takayuki Nanno. He’s your brother Masayoshi’s childhood friend.

If you’re talking about how Takayuki Nanno and your boyfriend aren’t on the same page, it’s hard to dispel the suspicion that you’ve been instructed to do so.

Instigating a relationship between the two of them is not something you can think of.” Sakai Rie unhurriedly picked up the coffee cup in front of her with her own pair of slender jade hands and said.

“I definitely did not instigate the relationship between Brother Justice and Minister Nanno. I’m just stating an established objective fact. Although Hiroshi is the head of the Personnel Department, he is the head of the Third Section.

Even if he has notable talent, he is not valued by Minister Nanno. What he lacks is an opportunity, a chance to perform on stage.”

“In the past, the three of us, me, you, and Ryoumi Sato, would gather here from time to time to talk. Since Ryoumi got pregnant and dropped out of school, it’s just you and me.

I don’t want to see you following in Ryoumi’s footsteps.” Rie Sakai drank from her coffee cup, and suddenly said with a great deal of emotion.

“No, absolutely not. Hiroshi is so good to me, he’s sincere. Besides, it’s not like he’s rich.” Watanabe Saki said believing in the love between the two of them.

Sakai Rie put down the coffee cup in her hand and said, “Saiki, you are simply adorable. I’m assuming, just assuming, that if you and I weren’t bosom buddies, do you think that Kimura Hiroshi would take the initiative to pursue you?

It’s inevitable that his purpose of pursuing you would make people not be able to afford to suspect that it’s an impure motive. You once told me that at first, he was not friendly to you.

How is it that this suddenly made him make a 180-degree turn towards you? He should know very well that going straight to the door will never get him out of my way.

The only way to get closer to his target is through you. Don’t be nervous, the person he wants to approach is definitely not me, but Masayoshi Kishimoto.”

As soon as Watanabe Saiki became anxious, he hastily raised the three fingers of his right hand as a way to show that he could swear to the heavens.

Watanabe Saki still didn’t believe that she had made such an assumption. In her own heart, she still believed that Kimura Hiroshi’s feelings for her were pure.

“If you don’t believe me, you might as well give it a try. Take this matter for example, if you didn’t do it for the other party, see how the other party would react?

By then, won’t you know it all.” Sakai Rie gave her an idea to test whether Kimura Hiroshi was sincere or just being disingenuous Dao.

“Rie, help me one more time! Just this once.” Watanabe Saki was afraid to go through with the kind of test she was talking about. What if it really came up with that one result that she didn’t want at all?

Even if Hiroshi Kimura wasn’t her true love, he was still a rather suitable person to marry. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, she erected one finger of her right hand and begged.

“You’re just being silly. Even if I step in and talk to Masayoshi Kishimoto about this matter, it may not always work out.” Sakai Rie said with a clear understanding in her heart.

“Brother Justice loves you and favors you so much, he won’t not listen to you.” Watanabe Saeki said eagerly.

“I won’t deny that he does love and spoil me, that’s all because in normal times. I wasn’t originally from your company.

This sudden putting in a good word for Hiroshi Kimura in front of him, that’s definitely showing that I’m meddling in. I’m afraid it’s not a child’s play when it comes to personnel appointments and arrangements, or important positions.

I’m afraid it’s not a child’s play. I’ll be scolded by him. The big thing is nothing more than he will be born to my heart what is not good in addition to the idea. Since ancient times, women in the harem are not allowed to interfere in politics.

Not to mention that this is still our own company, and is not a public unit. I took the initiative to commit such a big taboo, is it worth it or not?” Sakai Rie said squarely.

It was only then that Watanabe Saki truly realized that Sakai Rie was no longer the same Sakai Rie of the past. The other party was starting to change as well.

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