Chapter 350 The Legend of Love

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:38
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Masayoshi Kishimoto stood up and walked unhurriedly to the kitchen. He put on his kitchen skirt and prepared to start cooking. He himself was cooking for Natsui Makoto and the children in her womb with his own hands once before he left for a long trip.

Afterward, Natsui Makoto, holding her large belly, also got up. She walked over to the dining table, made a move to pull out a chair, and slowly sat down again.

“You’re going to that city in China, huh?” Natsui Makoto asked casually as she watched him work in the open kitchen.

“Hangzhou. Going to talk to Alibaba’s Masan about an investment.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Natsui Makoto, hearing about such a city in China for the first time, asked curiously, “Is this your first trip to Hangzhou?”

“No.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t stop his hand movements and answered in a concise and positive manner.

“Is there anything special about Hangzhou, China?” Natsui Makoto was always full of inquisitive interest in places she hadn’t been to before.

“There is an ancient love legend that is widely spread in Hangzhou. It tells the story of a snake woman and an ordinary man.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a slight mention.

Natsui Makoto’s interest in love stories instantly increased, and she couldn’t wait to say, “Then tell me their love story properly!”

“There is a bridge named Broken Bridge on the West Lake in Hangzhou. On a certain day, a man named Xu Xian happened to be there.

At the same time, the snake woman called Bai Suzhen, accompanied by her maid Qing’er, also appeared there. Qing’er was also a snake girl.

Only, he was a green snake while Bai Suzhen was a white snake. The latter was a snake demon that had cultivated for thousands of years, while the former was only a snake demon that had cultivated for five hundred years.

Why did Bai Suzhen appear on this day? It was that she was looking for the little shepherd boy who had once saved her life many lifetimes before. After all, at that time, she was still just a white snake, completely incapable of any spells or anything like that ……”

Masayoshi Kishimoto, while cooking, recounted to Makoto Natsui such a story that was widely spread among the Chinese.

Natsui Makoto listened attentively and was mesmerized. Ancient Chinese love legends and ancient Japanese love legends always have cultural differences, resulting in the fabrication of these myths are not the same.

For example, the West always tends to humanize gods. All gods have one flaw or another. The East prefers to deify people and create a perfect person.

“A human and a snake are still able to have children together?” Natsui Makoto interrupted in surprise when she heard the part about Bai Suzhen getting pregnant.

“What are you getting serious about? Everything is possible within mythology. Bai Suzhen was originally a demon. He was shaped like a Japanese fox woman or something like that.

A beautiful woman with a good heart, but not able to be tolerated by the heavens and the world. Then, there is a series of various twists and turns and ups and downs.

In the end, it’s all about ending up with a happy ending. These stories were originally made up to cater to the tastes of ordinary people.

Nowadays, it becomes a reason for many people to go to Hangzhou for sightseeing. It is also a cultural card and the best gimmick to promote tourism in Hangzhou.

Especially in this story that one Bai Suzhen in order to save Xu Xian is not afraid of water flooded San Francisco Temple. Everyone was moved to tears by this, the power of love is really great.

This caused tens of thousands of people to suffer. The biggest realization for me is that when immortals fight, mortals suffer. When monsters and magicians fight, mortals suffer.

Being a mortal is really helpless and hopeless. Even if Bai Suzhen was finally suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda, it was only a matter of 20 to 30 years.

So many mortals died, the so-called severe punishment by heaven is so light. After she was released and reunited with her husband and son, she even ascended to immortality.

Why do I feel like this is giving a reward?” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but shake his head as he voiced some of his different opinions.

Natsui Makoto was so confused by him that she in turn began to get confused. She realized that there was something in his words, not just on the surface of the story, but something else entirely.

“You know I’m not good with my head, so don’t be so subtle and say what I understand.” Natsui Makoto said bluntly.

“Take today’s general strike by Tokyo bus drivers! It’s really like a fight between a demon and a mage.

Even if the Tokyo bus drivers have a union, it doesn’t mean they’ll be able to have enough leverage and bargaining power above the negotiating table.

I’m afraid that the employers are not just preparing for this with one hand, but with the other hand, they are secretly organizing a group of temporary bus drivers who are waiting for their turn.

If the negotiation fails or breaks down. If the negotiations fail or break down, the employer will not wait for the government to intervene and let another group of people start working, and it will also put out the word in advance to break up the trade union, that is, to set a time limit for the bus drivers to return to normal working order.

If not, they will be fired outright and will be replaced by someone among the temporary bus drivers. The reality of each bus driver’s situation varies.

There are those who support a large family by themselves, with the whole family counting on his share of the paycheck to get by. Therefore, this category of people is most prone to defection and mutiny.

If you put yourself in their shoes, you can’t blame them, after all, they have no choice. As long as there is still some ability to resist, who would want to be the first to become a traitor?” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“Not to mention getting into such trouble, wouldn’t it be better to go up some?” Natsui Makoto said innocently.

“That’s easy for you to say. Do you know what human nature means by getting two for the price of one? If the employer makes a concession or compromise today, I’m afraid it won’t be long before the guild organizes a second, third ……

Will the employer make concessions and compromises every time? Will all the increased costs be passed on to the passengers?

By then, the passengers will also be up in arms. They can fully understand when fares are raised once in a while. Not long after that, the fares go up again. They will likewise organize a protest.

So, what the employers hate most is a strike organized by the trade unions. Once you change something there’s a chain reaction. They themselves are caught in the middle.

If the employers don’t maintain a certain profit margin, they won’t have the necessary funds for upgrading and development in the future. Without even a chicken, where will there be eggs?” Masayoshi Kishimoto explained.

Natsui Makoto sighed heavily, “After hearing you say that, it’s not easy for anyone.”

“It’s not easy to work part-time, and it’s even harder to be a boss. A part-time worker will only think about getting paid when the time comes, and will never think about how to find ways to get money for payroll. Even if the company loses money, it has nothing to do with the former.

The latter still has to pay the wages that should be paid. So, when you only see the wolf eating meat, you don’t see the wolf getting beaten up.” Masayoshi Kishimoto carried out a proper name for the capitalist.

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