Chapter 352 – Business Jet

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:44
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Rie Sakai drove the car smoothly to Haneda International Airport. By this time, the entourage accompanying Masayoshi Kishimoto on his flight to Hangzhou, China had already arrived one after another.

Instead of flying to their destination with other strangers, they had chartered a Gulfstream business jet.

After meeting with his entourage, Masayoshi Kishimoto entered the tarmac through a VIP tunnel. Before boarding the plane, all of the gifts were also sent onto the plane earlier by the airport staff. They boarded the plane one by one, and each of them found a seat and sat down.

Even if Yamada Mirai had something in her heart that she needed to say to the chairman, she could not. After all, there were still a number of other people within the company present here.

The matter did not have much to do with her, but was entrusted to her by someone else. That one person was Sato Hidetaka. He was considered one of the company’s original batch of personnel.

Back then, as a Korean interpreter, he accompanied Miyazaki Ryui to Seoul, South Korea to set up the first overseas office of the Hard Gold Group.

Later, after Ryui Miyazaki was transferred to San Francisco to replace Kiyoshi Kobayashi, he took over the position of head of the Seoul office.

Just last night, Hidetaka Sato had flown to Tokyo from Seoul, South Korea, in private, and had approached her for an interview. Although this was not the first time they had dealt with each other, they were more accurately described as stakeholders rather than friends.

Hidetaka Sato’s objective was clear: to become the head of the U.S. office in San Francisco. The lure of this position was so great that many people saw it as a shortcut to the Chairman’s trust and recognition, as well as their own future promotion.

After all, before this, there was Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Miyazaki Ryui. Now they are the president of a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hard Gold Group.

Currently, there was a vacancy in this position. For those who had the ability, seniority, and ambition, it was an opportunity, and they would never let it slip away from them without striving for it.

Under the command of the tower, the airplane in which Masayoshi Kishimoto and the others were traveling entered a runway at Haneda International Airport and taxied. What followed was an acceleration from slow to fast, and finally a flight off the ground and into the sky.

“What do each of you have to say about this trip to Hangzhou, China?” Masayoshi Kishimoto, holding a book in his hand but not reading it, took the initiative to have a point and said.

Everyone first looked at each other but no one said anything. They had known for a long time that the chairman was extremely optimistic about the Chinese mainland market. What about them? Can truly not think so.

The most difficult for them to understand and emotionally unacceptable is that the chairman of the need to have to personally go out? The investment object of this trip is a little-known company.

In their opinion, Hangzhou is a second-tier Chinese city with a less obvious location advantage than Qingdao and Dalian, which are located by the sea.

“Chairman, I have a question that I can’t figure out, why are you optimistic that Hangzhou, China is far better than Qingdao or Dalian?

In Qingdao and Dalian, there are a lot of Japanese companies. That would suggest that everyone favors Qingdao and Dalian over Hangzhou, a Chinese city that is not directly on the sea.”

Shinta Horii, one of the top management trainees in the class, was not only selected for the chairman’s secretary’s office, but also had the honor of accompanying him on the trip.

In order to leave a deep and favorable impact on the chairman, he had gathered enough courage to say when he saw that none of the others were answering when asked.

Without hesitation, Yamada Mirai directly gave the other party a cold warning look. The message conveyed by her eyes couldn’t be clearer, is there a place for you to be able to take the initiative to speak?

“I for one prefer quiet. Since everyone is there, I won’t join in the fun!” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied meaningfully.

“I’ve already informed the Hangzhou office in advance. They’re all ready to go. The Chinese translator is also a Japanese teacher from Zhejiang University.” Yamada Mirai told the truth.

“Good teacher! Ma Sang was also a university English teacher at first. Later, his heart that was not willing to be ordinary was at work, so he quit his job and came out to start his own business.

If it’s about education, he can compare to all of you who graduated from famous universities in Japan. Masan graduated from an ordinary teacher’s college.

He took the exam three times. The last time, he would have taken the exam a fourth time if the university hadn’t lowered his score to a lower one.

The college students of Ma Sang’s era were a quasi-elite class once they entered the university, unlike the college students in China after the expansion of colleges and universities in 1998.

China’s university candidates in the 1980s went crazy and committed suicide because they failed to pass the exams. Many of them regarded college as a ladder to change their destiny and promote their social class.

There is no tuition fee for university education. A few of them, such as military schools and teacher training colleges, also have living allowances. After graduation, they were even given jobs.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“I’ve always kept in mind the Chairman’s words not to belittle China’s local companies. It is precisely because they are weak and lack capital that is gives us the opportunity to get ahead of them.” Yamada Mirai rummaged through her brain to find out what Masayoshi Kishimoto had once said in a meeting at the Hong Kong office.

“It’s good that you were able to remember these words of mine in your heart. The Chinese people are creative, not that the foreign media said that the Chinese people lack creativity.

Foreign media reports are unfair because they are not familiar with China’s national conditions. It is very difficult for Chinese people to do anything, and they are often tied down by things above the system that make it difficult for them to do so.

They are not a completely free market economy. This is completely different from Japan. How can I put it? They are a dualistic economy.

Within the system, they are still practicing the socialist system of planned economy, while outside the system, they are constantly loosening their economic ties and learning to be a market economy.

However, this market economy is not a free market economy, but a market economy under the control of state capital.

Therefore, like Ma Sang, China’s local emerging industries in order to facilitate the convenience of a number of foreign investors are favored. In this way, his company is in fact a joint venture.

In the current Chinese investment promotion, foreign investment in mainland Chinese companies is subject to certain tax exemptions and preferential treatment.

The cooperation between the two sides is mutually beneficial, not a zero-sum game, either you eat me or I eat you.” Justice Kishimoto said slowly.

“I believe that this trip along with you to Hangzhou, China is certainly not a wasted trip.” Yamada Mirai was praised by the chairman was heartily flattered and said.

“Both sides of the business negotiation is to be. However, don’t be in too much of a hurry. You guys first relax for two days, have more fun in Hangzhou, and take a good look at China’s economic development with your own eyes.” Justice Kishimoto confided.

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