Chapter 357: Regional Cultures

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:40:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The next day, Justice Kishimoto was letting the crowd move freely. There was no need for anyone to follow by his own side. He just wanted to go out alone to walk around and have a look.

All along, Masayoshi Kishimoto had been most interested in the marketplace cultures of various countries. The first material that he personally experienced was the truest thing.

Documentaries and such, even if they were more real, there were traces of artificial selection and processing, rather than being presented in a completely original flavor.

As for the West Lake and other famous sightseeing spots, he would not go. He would no longer feel much for places he had been to, but preferred those he had not been to.

Wang Yan naturally became the Japanese translator and tour guide for Yamada Mirai and the rest of the group. Of course, the remuneration given to her would not be small, and it was perfectly capable of making her feel very satisfied.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t ask the five-star hotel to call him a cab. He walked out of the door of the five-star hotel. Although he is not familiar with this city, but under the nose is the road, ask always will.

If it is not possible, standing on the side of the road to stop a cab, can also return here, after all, his Chinese is extremely fluent.

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but think of his own previous life when he first came here on business, but he also went out of the hotel at night to go shopping alone.

After he got into a cab, he hadn’t driven out far before the cab driver took the initiative to ask himself if he wanted to go to that kind of place for fun.

At that time, his own person was still particularly young, having just stepped out of college not long ago, the whole person was shocked. Even after living another life, I still remember the feeling of shock in my heart at that time.

One is definitely not going to go. After this, the cab driver didn’t say one more thing, just drove off in accordance with where the guest was going.

In the whole process, let himself in turn jittery. Waiting to experience more things, is only to understand the cab driver is to play a kind of sales role.

Pull a guest to that kind of place, they can also take an introduction to the head of the fee. Like driving a cab in Hangzhou, many drivers are northeasterners.

Since the northeast economy failed, a lot of young and strong northeastern people left home, toward the economically developed eastern coastal cities to make a living.

This is one group of people in the northeast army. There is another group of people who go abroad to work, mainly to places as near as Japan and South Korea, and as far away as Britain and France.

Of course, they do not come out through formal channels, but generally in the form of black labor. They first apply for a tourist visa, and then they go with an overseas tour group. And then they run away when they get to their destination country.

Beforehand, there are acquaintances waiting to meet them at an appointment place. Something like this was most evident shortly after the first big wave of nationwide layoffs in 1998; after all, the Northeast was the hardest hit by this economic upheaval.

Only people adapt to their environment; it is impossible for the environment to adapt to people. As long as people live in this world for a day, then every day they have to eat, drink and consume.

The heartache and hard work of the ordinary people to make a living, only I know best. Just like the classic line in “Silver Soul”, unlike you young masters, we have already done our best just by living.

As Masayoshi Kishimoto walked through the streets of Hangzhou, he clearly felt the economic prosperity of the traffic and people coming and going.

He deliberately observed the passersby, not all of them were either black or thin. They were still quite well dressed. Some of them even wore gold and silver jewelry. Many women had put on beautiful makeup and permed their hair …… chasing the pace of fashion.

Young people are all busy, all is not that kind of nothing to do in the street wandering look. If you don’t have money in your pocket and have nothing to do, it’s easy to get into trouble.

Spiritual pressure, the heart of the depression is particularly will make people because of extremely small things will cause a rage, hands fight, and even use a knife to kill.

Northeastern gentlemen that, when you can do it, try not to BB, pure waste of character. The result is that the fight is great, but the economy is a mess.

Therefore, the best way to manage social stability is to develop the economy, increase employment, and improve the income and living standards of the people. With everyone busy making money, who would have the leisure time to fight.

If someone really fights, he will only be regarded as a fool who is too idle to do anything. If you have this kind of energy and leisure, you might as well go and find a good job to do.

The air here in Hangzhou is good, and there won’t be any sandstorms. The main thing is that the location advantage is obvious, the distance from the magic city is also not too far. In addition, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang area has always been the most affluent place in mainland China.

Kishimoto Justice has long known that one of the high growth points of the Chinese economy in the future is still here. Furthermore, his own personal perception, Jiangsu and Zhejiang people of the middle and lower classes are more gentle and elegant, pay attention to culture and education.

It’s not like the old GuangZhou lower middle class, although in making money on top of the special hard work, but in the bones of the face of culture and education in the investment is not very positive.

There is a kind of mob mentality, I have no culture, never read a book, what’s wrong? I’m still rich. Those university students, masters and doctors, who are educated and have read a lot, are still working for me.

It is similar to the geographical difference between New York and Texas in the United States. Texas is ranked second in the economic ranking of the fifty states in the United States, but it is always looked down upon by the first state of New York, and is always regarded by the other side as a place that specializes in red-necked old men.

Justice Kishimoto can fully understand this kind of regional differences. The Lao Guang region has long been a backward place in feudal China.

It was also a place for exiles and convicts. Unlike Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which have long been known as the land of fish and rice.

Have money, eat well, will naturally pay more attention to the spiritual needs. Culture and education will be increased investment.

Over time, there will naturally be polarization among the rich. The rich and uneducated will be looked down upon by the rich and educated.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was wandering aimlessly on one side of the street, while on the other, his head was filled with random thoughts. He was most attracted to the morning tea culture in Cantonese cuisine.

There were hundreds of different types of Cantonese breakfasts, which could be considered the richest. In addition, Cantonese desserts were also the most outstanding.

The high-grade dishes in Cantonese cuisine are not only labor-intensive and time-consuming, but also expensive, and there is even a saying that a dish of Cantonese cuisine can be worth a table of Sichuan cuisine.

The main reason for this is that the selection of ingredients for high-end dishes in Cantonese cuisine is on the expensive side. This cost naturally went up. It is because it is not affordable, resulting in the popularity of Sichuan cuisine in the minds of the public in the best position. Among the Cantonese cuisine, the home-cooked food reveals its own thin side.

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