Chapter 359: Pride and Prejudice

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:41:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sakai Rie got up and left the principal’s office. Before she left, she pulled out a 10,000 yen bill from her wallet and placed it on the coffee table.

Sakai Rie walked along the boulevard in the middle of the campus without a single bit of regret in her heart. Perhaps, in the eyes of some people, she had shown the arrogance and prejudice of the upper class, but the cause of the whole thing did not lie with her.

Sometimes, the upper class was like the meat of a monk in the eyes of many people, and all demons and monsters wanted a bite.

The reasoning is actually very simple, when dealing with the poor, not only can you get nothing, but you may also dig out your own things.

When dealing with the rich, not only will you not easily lose, but you may also gain. Even girls from the lower and middle classes of society understand this basic truth.

Thus, their desperate need to find rich men is the same and the same. There is no shortage of girls who even shouted out that they would rather sit inside a BMW and cry than sit on the back of a bicycle and laugh.

A red convertible Porsche 911 was suddenly stopped. Mizuhara Yuki honked the horn and smilingly greeted Sakai Rie who was walking on the sidewalk, “Rie-san, get in. I found a delicious restaurant. Let’s go eat lunch together.”

Sakai Rie naturally recognized the other party. Mizuhara Yuki was not only a member of the Rosebud Society, but she was also an elementary school girl who had only entered her first year at Tokyo University of the Arts this year.

Sakai Rie walked over and opened the car door, following which she sat on top of the passenger seat. As she smoothly closed the car door, she reminded, “You shouldn’t be so high profile.”

Mizuhara Yuki held the steering wheel with both hands and said with an unchanged smile, “Where am I high-profile?”

“Not high profile enough? What more do you want?” Rie Sakai asked rhetorically.

Mizuhara Yuki restarted the car and instead of doing a windy drive, she obeyed the speed limit on campus. As she drove on one side, she casually said on the other, “I see you’re coming out of the administration building. Is something the matter?”

“Our principal invited me to talk about the library renovation.” Rie Sakai had always been friendly with the other party, so she didn’t make any secret of it.

“The principal is too much of an asshole!” Mizuhara Yuki blurted out.

“Be a lady and don’t talk so vulgarly. Luckily, there’s no your mom here. Otherwise, she would have to scold you again.” Sakai Rie said knowing her blunt character.

“It would have been an asshole thing to do. Who doesn’t know that Hard Gold Construction built the entire Roppongi’s old city remodeling plan? Hard Gold Construction is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hard Gold Group.

Brother Justice is also the president of the Hard Gold Group. You and Brother Justice are unmarried, so it’s obvious that you want to take advantage of your relationship.

You won’t really agree to this kind of unreasonable request, right?” Mizuhara Yuki frowned, making it seem as if she herself had been wronged and said.

“Am I that stupid? How could I possibly agree to something that even you can see? I merely stated that I donated 10,000 yen in my personal name to my alma mater for the renovation of the library.” A smile appeared on Rie Sakai’s face and said.

“Ten thousand yen. Rie-san, that’s really something. Worthy of being my idol.” Mizuhara Yuki directly “giggled” and laughed out loud.

“When did I become your idol again?” Sakai Rie said in confusion.

“It’s just what happened just now. If I had encountered a situation like yours, I would have jumped up on both feet and cursed. This kind of way of dispatching beggars that you have is really too brilliant.

Not only did you sweep the face of the other party, but you also let him or her have bitter words. I’m sure that in the future, it won’t look for you anymore.” Mizuhara Yuki happily said.

“Giving ten thousand yen to a beggar, the other party will still thank you a thousand times. This ten thousand yen I gave out, I’m afraid it will only make its heart resentful.” Sakai Rie calmly said.

“Is it hard to believe that you’re still afraid of being expelled? It doesn’t matter if you read this book or not. If you really want to continue studying, you can absolutely transfer to a foreign country.

According to my mom, women of our social status are just experiencing college life. At the end of the day, the kind of man we’re going to marry has already been arranged.

However, I do envy you. Although Brother Justice and you are married in the womb, there is love between the two of you. You love him and he loves you.

For you to marry him, it doesn’t count as any kind of political marriage at all.” Mizuhara Yuki put away the smile on her face and suddenly said with a bit of despondency.

Sakai Rie couldn’t help but laugh and said, “How old are you! Do you know what love is? Know what it means to have a political marriage?”

“You’re a free man, and I’m not.” Mizuhara Yuki sighed with emotion.

“Words can’t come from you. If you were truly born into an ordinary family, do you think it’s possible for you to be driving a Porsche 911 convertible like you are now?

You are enjoying what your family has given you, but you are not willing to pay for the family you are in, is it not a kind of unfairness that you are only asking for?

If you were given the kind of freedom you want, I’m afraid you wouldn’t do it again. You would no longer enjoy all the conveniences and benefits that all this materialism has brought you.” Rie Sakai said with a slight smile.

“If someone else had said that to me, I would not have been able to hear it. However, if you say something like that to me, I’m really able to listen to it.

It’s a reasoning that I understand. It’s just that it makes one’s heart uncomfortable, and it’s always difficult to cross that threshold.” Mizuhara Yuki pushed her heart.

“In the beginning, my heart and you also have this kind of stigma. Why should I be made to accept the arrangement that I have to marry Masayoshi Kishimoto?

For the first eighteen years of my life, I had never even met a man like him. When I first met him in Tokyo, I was not attracted to him, but I was disgusted by him.

After all these years, you slowly realize that that was your own initial arrogance and prejudice. Jane? I’m sure you’ve read the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

If you haven’t, you can read it. Perhaps, it can give you a different kind of life lesson.” Rie Sakai spoke eloquently.

“Even my own sister, I’m not willing to interact with her much. Rie-san, do you know why you’re my favorite person to talk to? It’s in the fact that you’re always able to put words into people’s hearts.” Mizuhara Yuki said honestly.

“I don’t really think so. It’s probably because your own sister was born into a rich girl’s family, whereas I’m not from a real gold background like you guys who went all the way from kindergarten to prestigious schools towards the top. I’m a gold-plated one at best!” Sakai Rie said frankly.

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