Chapter 363: The Third District

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:41:15
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A week later, Masayoshi Kishimoto and his group flew back from Hangzhou, China to Tokyo, Japan. After disembarking at Haneda International Airport, he asked Yamada Mirai to accompany him to rush to Hard Gold Construction’s office premises in Roppongi, Minato-ku. As for the rest of the people, all of them returned to the headquarters in Ueno, Taito District.

Katsudaira Yamaguchi was a little surprised by the sudden arrival of the Chairman and Mirai Yamada. Especially when he saw that their suitcases were still there. Even if he was so busy here that he was flying off the handle, he had to take time out immediately.

“I’ll give you half an hour to notify all of your core managers here to come to an impromptu meeting.” Masayoshi Kishimoto instructed bluntly.

After understanding, Yamaguchi Katsuhei immediately asked his secretary to go and notify them one by one to come to the meeting. He personally accompanied the chairman and the head of the secretary’s office was to the conference room first.

“Yamada, bring me a map of the Hangzhou city area in China for a moment.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Yamada Mirai hurriedly retrieved the map of Hangzhou City, China from his suitcase, and then unfolded it on the conference table.

“Come closer.” Masayoshi Kishimoto raised his hand and signaled Katsuhei Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei moved closer and looked down to see a detailed map of Hangzhou, China. He realized in his heart that the Chairman should have just returned from Hangzhou, China.

This just got off the airplane and came straight to his side. It wasn’t hard to guess by himself that he was afraid that another big investment project needed to be organized by Hard Gold Construction.

Justice Kishimoto’s right hand drew a circle on top of an area of the Hangzhou city map and said: “This piece of land in Hangzhou’s Xiaoshan District, I have basically reached a verbal agreement with Hangzhou’s vice mayor in charge of the economy.

The next thing is to leave it to you to finalize the signing. The ceremony will be made quite grand by the local municipal government, just to set up a model for attracting foreign investment.

If there’s anything you’re not sure about, the head of the Hangzhou office, Kotaro Koizumi, will fully cooperate with you in carrying out your work.”

“What about the Roppongi Old Town Renovation Plan? This is an important project for our group.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei mistakenly thought that the chairman was asking him to go over and take full charge of the new project, saying.

“I’m asking you to go over and make a signature with the local city government on behalf of Hard Gold Construction. After the official contract is signed, the land premium will be transferred to the other party’s public account as soon as possible.

Credit is very important for the first cooperation. You give me firmly remember, no matter how the Hangzhou municipal government in the future to urge you, do not give me in a hurry to start construction.

First, you will try to get more land from the municipal government and hoard more land. As for when to start the construction, it is subject to my notice. Other than that, when it comes to anything that starts construction, just use the word procrastination.

After you’ve taken care of the land, send a competent person to prepare a branch office. Design sketches and whatnot, the basic structure is similar to the Gangnam 3 district in Seoul, Korea.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

He knew better than anyone else that the real estate market in mainland China in 2000 was not at all as crazy as it would be in the next one, two decades.

The Chinese government had measures in place to restrict the real estate industry, and if a plot of land remained undeveloped for more than two years, it would either be repossessed without compensation, or would be heavily fined.

Nowadays, there is no such regulation at all, which means that there is no time limit for hoarding land. In terms of land acquisition, it is not as transparent as it was later on, and it is done in the form of auction, where the highest bidder gets the land.

Therefore, Kishimoto’s strategy for the real estate industry is to hoard land first and not to rush into commercial development. His main goal is to focus on Xiaoshan District, Yuhang District and Binjiang District in Hangzhou.

Because he knows that these three districts will be the three fastest growing economic districts in Hangzhou. Even the Jianggan District, where the municipal government offices are located, is completely unrivaled.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei some confusion: “Since you want to increase investment in the real estate industry, then why not focus on South Korea Seoul’s three districts in the south of the river?

Even if you have plans to enter the real estate industry in mainland China, you should focus your investment on a first-tier city rather than a second-tier city.”

“What is the most important thing about investment? Return on investment. Although Hangzhou is a second-tier city in mainland China, some of its future property prices will not be lower than those of first-tier cities in China, nor will they be lower than those of the three Gangnam districts in Seoul, South Korea.

Small capital and big profit like this. Why don’t I place a heavy bet?” Masayoshi Kishimoto could be clearer than him about one of the future development trends.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei had difficulty understanding the mystery of it. He still stubbornly insisted, “I know that you, Chairman, are very optimistic about Hangzhou.

However, I think you should still be a little more cautious. Just in case, and I mean just in case, what if you look away and make an error in judgment?”

“There’s an old Chinese saying that there’s paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. The reason why I would invest in Hangzhou instead of Suzhou. It lies in the fact that Hangzhou is blessed with economic development opportunities and chances.

Suzhou is subject to too many constraints and limitations, especially the suppression of Nanjing, which is the capital of Jiangsu Province. Don’t look at Hangzhou first in the not so eye-catching, one or two decades later, it will be very bright.

Hangzhou three districts, also not to lose the South Korean Seoul Gangnam three districts of various information now eraization construction. To this day, have I ever made an error in judgment and looked away from a project?”

Kishimoto justice knows Suzhou even if its own economic output is 1.5 times that of Nanjing, or even higher, there is still no airfield. It’s not that Suzhou doesn’t want to fix it, but it won’t let it.

Alibaba will take off in Hangzhou, which means that Internet technology will also be the first to come in and popularize in this city. The degree of modernization and informatization is not inferior to that of Gangnam, which is much talked about by Koreans.

Furthermore, there were also a lot of Japanese investments over in Suzhou. I do not want to spend energy and Japan related to the various large and small local companies or between the plutocrats to carry out an internal game and bargaining.

Japanese people in foreign investment is not like the Chinese first internal fighting, and then go to get the project. They belong to the first to take the project, and then begin to share the cake together. Of course, the process of sharing the cake is bound to be less harmonious.

Yamaguchi Katsudaira personally felt the president’s determination is unshakeable, it is not good to advise. He would just follow the other party’s wishes.

“I know that people in the construction business are particularly hard. Coming in the wind, going in the rain. Nowadays, I’m making you guys fly around both domestically and abroad, so it’s even harder.

You must always believe that how much you give, how much you get back. I am not going to let your efforts be worthless.” Justice Kishimoto encouraged.

“Hard work, I’m not afraid of it. We at Hard Gold Construction aren’t afraid of it either. I’m just a little worried about the deployment of funds. Chairman, you’re spreading it out into a big mess.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei voiced his concerns to his face and said.

“Don’t worry, I will prioritize the deployment of funds for your Hard Gold Construction to use.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made an assurance of his own and said.

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