Chapter 364 – Shopping Revolution (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:41:17
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Subsequently, Masayoshi Kishimoto had a long meeting with the core management of Hard Gold Construction. The person in charge of recording the entire meeting was naturally the head of the secretary’s office, Mirai Yamada.

After the meeting was over, Masayoshi Kishimoto did not return home, but only ordered a cab to be called. He still took Yamada Mirai with him to get into the car, and left with a forty-five degree bow from the core management of Hard Gold Construction headed by Yamaguchi Katsuhei.

The next place that Masayoshi Kishimoto would be going to was the Hard Gold Electric office premises in Chuo-ku. Without a phone call in advance, Miyazaki Ryui was not a little surprised but a little confused to see the sudden visit of the chairman and the head of the secretary’s office.

“What are you looking at? You’re coming in with me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto instantly said one thing.

Miyazaki Ryui then followed behind him as he obediently walked into the conference room. Yamada Mirai, dragging her suitcase with both hands, also followed her in. As soon as she put down her suitcase, she immediately started to get her own notepad to prepare to take minutes of the meeting.

“What’s going on with the hard gold e-commerce? Isn’t it developing too slowly?” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“I’ve been living and eating at the company for it. It’s true that there’s a bit of a problem with the recruitment of relevant professionals. It’s just that there aren’t many people who really know what they’re doing.” Miyazaki Ryui told the truth.

“Tell me which companies in the Tokyo area are doing this kind of business. We’ll make a direct wholesale acquisition.

On top of that, I’ll acquire some of Amazon’s shares. At that time, you will send some more people to the United States to conduct e-commerce related deep learning.

By the way, during my trip to Hangzhou this time, even though I didn’t sign a contract directly with Alibaba, Ma-san has already positively stated that he will personally come to Tokyo to discuss matters of cooperation again.” Masayoshi Kishimoto pushed his heart out.

Miyazaki Ryui’s entire body boiled with fervor after hearing this. The Chairman was not only going to invest 20 million dollars in the first round this time, but he was also fast and furious.

“Boss, are you that optimistic about the e-commerce piece? As far as I know, although there are quite a few companies doing it in Japan, they are not as big as us right off the bat.”

Miyazaki Ryui was not without worry that the risks involved were too great. Just because e-commerce was able to take off in the United States didn’t mean that it would necessarily be able to receive the exact same good results in Japan.

“That’s why I told you to speed up. Chinese martial arts novels have such a wise saying, the world of martial arts, indestructible, only fast and unbreakable.

For now, I want speed. It’s because those companies you mentioned are small that I’m going to make a wholesale acquisition.

If they are big, it is not good to acquire. Just a negotiation on the bargaining will take a lot of time. Against these small companies, it is much easier.

Directly give a price, dry, give money. If you don’t want to do it, change to another company. I can also give the founders of the acquired company the promise of entering management.

Of course, it’s not impossible that they don’t want the money and want shares in our Hard Gold Group or Hard Gold Ecommerce.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said decisively.

“Boss, aren’t you being too hasty?” It was the first time that Miyazaki Ryui had seen him in such an urgent mood to push for an investment project and said.

“It’s not that I’m in a hurry, but time waits for no one. I want the boldness to be the first in the world. Nowadays, just because many plutocrats are waiting to see what happens, they don’t even think that e-commerce will be able to change the way people live.

Therefore, they will not invest large sums of money into this field. In fact, I can understand the mentality and thinking of these old guys.

What I want to do is to fill the gap in the market, so that I can occupy the market, control the market, and gain excessive profits in the future. Otherwise, what am I running around so much for?” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“Americans and Japanese are not the same. The lifestyles of the two are also different. Although I’m happy that hard gold e-commerce is highly valued by you, I always feel in my heart that the risk is too great.

We shouldn’t go particularly big at first, and it’s perfectly fine to follow the example of some of those small companies for a pilot program.” Miyazaki Ryui reminded him of the difference in culture above the road.

“What’s the point of a dragonfly? To do it, you have to be one of the best in the industry. If we don’t achieve economies of scale, we won’t be able to maximize the marginal effect.

We can not form a monopoly and dominance in this field, then it is difficult to grasp the relevant right to speak and bargaining power in the hand, and will not allow consumers to really feel that we are in a shopping above the revolution.

The only way to let them experience the convenience of not leaving home, only through the mouse on the computer screen above a few clicks will be able to complete the desired goods they want to buy, that is how convenient.

Not only that, our shopping platform is 365 days a year, 24 hours a day without closing. No matter what time period above the crowd, can according to their own rest time to carry out a shopping, completely do not have to move time to be able to go out to purchase their desired goods.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked extremely far ahead. His thinking was exactly the way e-commerce would be almost twenty years from now. In this one aspect, not to mention Miyazaki Ryui, even the current Amazon founder, Jeff? Bezos, wouldn’t have thought of it.

Yamada Mirai, who was sitting on the side and was taking minutes of the meeting, was completely just listening to the clouds. In her heart, she also admitted that the Chairman’s idea was very good, and it was like the lifestyle of the science fiction movies she had seen as a child.

However, whether it could be realized or not was a different matter. If the investment was wrong, it would bring about considerable losses to the company.

“Boss, this one of yours is a little too forward thinking. Even if I can accept it, it will be difficult for ordinary people to accept in a short period of time.” Miyazaki Ryui had a word to say.

“For this reason, that’s why I’m dropping money to cultivate such a market first. The purpose is to make the current Japanese people change their current shopping habits so that they can gradually develop the habit of shopping online.

Don’t forget that there are still quite a few hikikomori, otaku, otaku, etc. in Japan. They don’t like contact with the outside world, but they do spend money.

Our shopping revolution will not only benefit these people, but also make money from them. Isn’t it worthwhile to develop the potential of such a huge market?

It’s a win-win situation for everyone. Even in the future, people can use not only computers, but also cell phones, just move a finger to realize shopping.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money. We can also provide a credit card type of spending first, then repayment mode. If you can’t pay it off at once, you can still pay in installments.” Masayoshi Kishimoto completely utilized his pre-traveling online shopping mindset and rattled off.

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