Chapter 371 Favor

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:41:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The office premises of Hard Gold Denshi in the Central District. Miyazaki Ryui’s secretary entered the president’s office. She received the headquarter paper from the president’s secretary office with fax just sent over the notice is presented to the president’s hands.

After Miyazaki Ryui personally looked at it, he raised his hand and handed it back to his secretary and said, “Do it.”

The secretary took it over his hand, but did not turn out in a hurry and said, “In such a situation where the Internet economic bubble is beginning to burst, even if the group headquarters wants to carry out a layoff or salary reduction, it will only be the first to fall on our heads.

With this piece of paper from the group headquarters secretary office issued by the official notice, that can really let everyone completely do not have to go to nonsense, just need to work peacefully.”

“This also fully illustrates the great importance and trust that the President places on our Hard Gold Electricity. The only way we can live up to this favor of his is to work even harder.”

Miyazaki Ryui knew best that company layoffs were not romantic. Naturally, he recalled the pain he felt from losing his job in the first place.

At that time, if he hadn’t been lucky enough to meet Masayoshi Kishimoto, I’m afraid that he would have hung himself from that cherry tree in Ueno Park.

“President, you are so right.” The secretary was genuinely recognizing it on one hand, and on the other hand, it was more or less tinged with a subordinate acting on the orders of his superiors.

“Quite a few of the President’s decisions tend to be out of the ordinary, always inscrutable and unpredictable. All along, his judgment has been right.” Miyazaki Ryui lamented.

“President, as far as I know, you were the first person to follow the Chairman. The current office premises of our Hard Gold Group headquarters were all run by you personally back then.” The secretary smiled curtly.

Miyazaki Ryui immediately lifted his spirits when he heard this and said, “I’m not bragging, the first employee of our Hard Gold Group is really not me, Miyazaki Ryui.

Hard Gold Capital’s Kobayashi Kiyoshi, that all came later. In terms of seniority, he’s even later than Oda Feijiao. As for Hard Gold Construction’s Katsuhei Yamaguchi, that’s even later.”

“President, not only are you the number one person in our Hard Gold Group, but you’re also the chairman’s number one confidant. The fact that this layoff didn’t happen to us is also thanks to you.

If it wasn’t for the fact that you personally ran to the group’s headquarters earlier to meet the chairman, I really don’t know what would have happened now.” The secretary flattered.

Miyazaki Ryui smiled without saying a word, leaning back on his leather seat as his body weight fell backward. In his heart, he understood that although the Hard Gold Group did not emphasize a lifetime employment system, it would never fire an employee easily. In his own opinion, the president felt that the employees were not easy.

At this time, Watanabe Sawaki, who had already reported for work at Hard Gold Denshi, walked straight in. She couldn’t help but look at the president’s secretary one more time.

The secretary bowed slightly to Miyazaki Ryui before turning her back and heading outside. When she and Watanabe Saki passed by, she couldn’t help but look at each other one more time.

Miyazaki Ryui saw his secretary leave the office, and only then said nonchalantly, “Don’t make things so heated between the two of you!

Those who know the inside story know that your personalities don’t get along. Those who don’t know the inside story will mistakenly think that it’s because of me.”

“I really don’t know how she was recruited into Hard Gold Electricity? And made her a secretary for you, and you’re a secretary who’s good for nothing but kissing ass.” Watanabe Saki said bluntly.

“That’s not how you put it. You’re just covering the whole thing with a point.” Miyazaki Ryui corrected.

“You’re defending her so much. Can’t it be that you guys really have some kind of secret to hide?” Watanabe Saki said bluntly.

“Don’t go too far. I know that you’re the Chairman’s fellow countryman, and even more so, Rie Sakai’s BFF. That’s not a capital for you to be able to act recklessly in front of me, is it!” Miyazaki Ryui got serious and said.

“I’m sorry, I’m not targeting you, President, but just can’t stand her.” Watanabe Saki also realized that she had put her words too far. Thus, she took the initiative to apologize by bowing forty-five degrees towards Miyazaki Ryui.

Miyazaki Ryui accepted her apology and wouldn’t bother with her one whatsoever. It could not be helped that people did not have the same personality.

It was just as if he and Nanno Takayuki had contradictions, as well as personality differences. He had originally recommended his former deputy in San Francisco to take over the post of head, but unexpectedly, Nanno Takayuki had intentionally interfered and arranged for another person to go.

He absolutely did not believe that Nanno Takayuki had acted out of fairness. The new head of the U.S. San Francisco office was an employee of the headhunting firm that Takayuki Minamino had founded in the past.

“Say something!” Miyazaki Ryui sat up and said.

“Is there a temporary pause in our acquisition progress? In addition to that, should the recruitment of the relevant personnel also be temporarily halted?” Watanabe Saki said seriously.

“Not only can we not stop in these two areas, but we also need to speed up our progress. This is not something I’m bent on doing, it’s something the chairman personally authorized me to do.” Miyazaki Ryui said truthfully.

“You’re not going to lie to me, are you?” Watanabe Saki couldn’t believe that what he said could be true. In her personal opinion, how could the Chairman make such a perverse decision in such a current environment that was not favorable to the development of e-commerce?

Miyazaki Ryui crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at her with a drooping head, “Watanabe, you’ve only been with the company for a few months.

I’ve been here for several years. Besides, I’m the president of Hard Gold Denshi, not you. I don’t need to explain one thing or another to you about everything!”

Watanabe Saki once again realized that her slip of the tongue had upset the other party. She apologized with another forty-five degree bow towards Miyazaki Ryui, “I’m sorry.”

“I can understand that you desperately want to make some remarkable achievements. However, you also need to set your mind right. Those people outside aren’t like you who have gone through the training of the Group’s Personnel Department.

They really don’t belong to the direct lineage of the right people, but they are still working hard.” Miyazaki Ryui’s face did not have the slightest hint of a smile on it.

Even though Watanabe Saki said “I know” with her mouth, she was still unimpressed in her heart. She had gradually begun to understand that in a large company, it was not always a matter of being able to excel.

The law of survival and the ecological environment here is to take sides, that is, to divide into factions. Following the right people and following the wrong people can make a world of difference.

In her mind, Miyazaki Ryui had followed the right person in the first place. Otherwise, the other party wouldn’t have been able to sit on this presidential position today.

“If you don’t have anything else to say, just go out!” Miyazaki Ryui calmly said.

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