Chapter 381 The Iron Brush (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:06
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Alcohol is a good thing. After a person has had a couple of drinks, all of a sudden they may go from being silent to opening up and gradually letting go of the defenses in their mind.

Nowadays, instead of sitting in rows of women and rows of men as they did when they first came here, they also played the characteristic game of Japanese-style sororities, exchanging places. Men and women sat next to each other.

At this time, Masayoshi Kishimoto was sitting with Yuki Mizuhara on his left hand and Rie Sakai on his right. He didn’t feel the slightest bit of discomfort or uneasiness.

“Brother Justice, there you are. This one sorority’s expenses, it’s not like we have to make it again!” Mizuhara Yuki said bluntly.

“All of us are equals. I’m not capable of being special.” Masayoshi Kishimoto feigned a rather serious look and said.

“Who doesn’t know that you’re a Zaibatsu? Can you bear to make us, especially me who has absolutely no source of income and is still in college, pay out of pocket?” Mizuhara Yuki pretended to look at him in a pitiful manner and said.

“A plutocrat? How come I didn’t know I was a plutocrat? You really know how to joke. What’s wrong with college students? According to international practice, one is considered an adult when one reaches the age of eighteen.

Not to mention that the monthly living expenses of a college student in your category are higher than the monthly income of any ordinary office worker.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

“Rie-san, look at Brother Justice, he’s just too stingy. How did you fall for a miser like him?” Mizuhara Yuki leaned her body forward slightly to look at Sakai Rie and said.

“It’s obvious that he’s just playing with you. And you took it seriously.” Sakai Rie said as she held a champagne glass in her right hand.

“You’re so silly. However, I like silly girls like you.” Takahashi Kazuya, who was sitting on the other side of Mizuhara Yuki, joined in with a smile on his face and said.

“Brother Justice, are you fooling me now?” Mizuhara Yuki pretended to be angry and directly gave Kishimoto Masayoshi a furious glare and said.

“I’m definitely not tricking you. If you ask the people inside my company, I’m the fifth greatest Scrooge in this world. Could it be that you haven’t heard the saying, the more you have, the more stingy you are, the more stingy you are?

Shylock in the British Shakespearean comedy The Merchant of Venice; Abagon in the French Moliere comedy The Stingy Man;

French Balzac’s novel Eug茅nie? Gront毛 in Balzac’s novel Eug茅nie Grandet; and Poryushkin in Gogol’s novel Dead Souls in Russia.

They are rich precisely because they are stingy. Since you think I’m rich, you should understand that I’m also money-grubbing.

You’re still trying to pluck feathers from me, an iron rooster, is that possible?” Masayoshi Kishimoto held back from laughing out loud and said as if it were true.

“Rie-san, look at Brother Justice! You don’t care about it either.” Yuki Mizuhara said as she turned to Rie Sakai.

Sakai Rie drank the champagne from the glass, and as soon as she put the glass down with her right hand, she picked up a fork from the side and tapped it.

She took the initiative to stand up and said seriously, “You can eat and drink whatever you want, order whatever you want, and drink whatever you want. All expenses will be reimbursed at public expense by the president of the Hard Gold Group, Masayoshi Kishimoto.”

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately cheered and responded to by the crowd. In fact, people didn’t care about any system, they just thought it was fun.

“Brother Justice, aren’t you the self-proclaimed iron rooster who doesn’t give a dime? How come you’re getting your hair pulled down now?” Mizuhara Xue “clucked” and laughed nonstop.

“Who let this iron rooster of mine meet its natural nemesis, the iron brush? This iron brush brushes on the iron rooster’s body, and can not brush down the hair?” Justice Kishimoto shook his head.

When he said this, the crowd became even more delighted. People who didn’t know Kishimoto Masayoshi originally thought that a big shot like him would have a serious face and a domineering demeanor.

Who had thought that he was also a man with a sense of humor? Men have no money, not handsome, are still able to let women endure. What women can’t stand is a man who can’t talk.

The main thing is that he is not humorous and will not make himself happy. With such a man together, in addition to boredom, still feel bored, really far better to stay at home inside lying eat, pot drama interesting.

“Brother Justice, you are really too humorous. I really envy Rie-san, she must be very happy.” Mizuhara Yuki laughed and said.

“Whether she’s happy or not, I’m not her, how would I know?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

Sakai Rie sat down slowly and took the initiative to reach out her hands just to take one of his arms, smiling like a flower and said, “Happiness, I’m really happy.”

“It’s good that you’re happy. I was afraid that you wouldn’t feel happy.” Justice Kishimoto said offhandedly.

After Mizuhara Yuki finished laughing, she did not fail to feel a slight pain in her cheeks, so she used two fingers on each of her left and right hands is gently pressed in rubbing.

She looked at Takahashi Kazuya and suddenly snapped, “Since you like me, then you say, what exactly do you like about me?”

Takahashi Kazuya was, after all, a veteran of the flower world. When he encountered this kind of silly question from a woman, he was able to defuse it without much effort.

He immediately looked at Mizuhara Yuki with a sincere gaze and said, “Do you believe in love at first sight? Ever since that time when I first saw you at the Kiraku Premium Japanese Cuisine Pavilion in Ueno, Taito District, my heart couldn’t help but beat wildly. It told me that you were the one for me.”

“You’re definitely lying to me with that. I don’t believe it.” Mizuhara Yuki blurted out.

“How could it be? If you don’t believe me, you can touch my heart.” Takahashi Kazuya took the initiative to just go and take one of her hands, following which he placed the other’s hand at his heart, still maintaining an unblinking and sincere gaze as he said.

“I don’t feel anything, huh?” Mizuhara Yuki said in confusion.

“Feel it properly again. Close your eyes. Knock, knock, knock, my heart is beating for you.” Kazuya Takahashi said as he folded his hand with the other’s.

Mizuhara Yuki really did close her eyes up to feel the beating of his heart. She suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes lit up, and she smiled, “It really is beating with a thud.”

Meanwhile, although Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai didn’t speak, their eyes were constantly in the middle of communicating. The first thing Sakai Rie’s eyes conveyed to him was that you men are all liars.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s eyes replied, I’m not. Rie Sakai’s message again was, I’m not. Masayoshi Kishimoto’s reply, I’m really not.

“Can you not thump thump thump thump? No thud thud thud heartbeat, he’s dead. Yuki, you should never believe the sweet words men say to you.” Sakai Rie interjected directly.

Mizuhara Yuki pulled her hand back and said, “Rie-san, I know.”

“Kazuya, do you know why you failed? It lies in the fact that you made a mistake above strategy. This wants to take care of the main girl, then you have to take care of the people around her first.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed playfully.

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