Chapter 382 – Carrying the Daughter-in-Law

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After the sorority was over, the crowd was spread out and no one was left behind. Masayoshi Kishimoto held one of Rie Sakai’s small hands was strolling through the streets of Akasaka in the harbor district. As for the car and whatnot, we’ll talk about it tomorrow.

“If Kazuya Takahashi just wants to have some fun, I won’t agree to him wreaking havoc on Yuki.” Sakai Rie solemnly said while walking along with Masayoshi Kishimoto’s footsteps.

“I’d say that boy has moved on for real this time nine times out of ten. When they combine together, not only will they be strong, they will only get stronger, and both parents will not object, they will only readily agree.

The main thing is the free love between a man and a woman, unlike an arranged marriage like mine.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said, half-seriously and half-jokingly.

“Regret? Too late.” Sakai Rie knew he was deliberately talking like that to piss himself off. She didn’t take the bait and said bluntly without getting angry.

“Not only do I not regret it, but I feel like I’ve earned it. Free love may not always end well, and arranged marriages may not always end in tragedy.

If arranged marriages were really useless, then they wouldn’t have had the vitality to last until now. Parents have been there before and naturally know what is important in a marriage.

A marriage can last, that is not just say I love you can solve all the problems in reality. The economic foundation is the root of the stability of marriage.

This is the age of materialism, the age of consumerism. A lot of people divorce because of less money to make a mess out of it?

If a man does not have money, outside of those kawaii girls will care about you strange. How many young people in their late teens and early twenties really know what love is?

In my opinion, it is more of a physiological reaction to sexual maturity. People should feed themselves first before talking about love.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

Sakai Rie strolled above the busy streets with him, watching people come and go, and traffic flow. Even if she took in everything he said, it didn’t mean she agreed with it.

“You always like to materialize women. I dislike that about you very much. Not all women in this world are materialistic and love money.” Rie Sakai didn’t hide her words.

“You’re talking about an individual phenomenon. Or a minority phenomenon. I’m talking about a universal phenomenon. You can’t deny that most women are materialistic and love money even more.

Among the women who are not good at some of these, that tends to be good at men.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh as he spoke and said.

“Why do you always have so many crooked ideas? Your machismo is exposed.” Sakai Rie stopped her steps towards the front and turned sideways to face him, saying in a serious manner.

“Don’t Japanese men tend to be like that? It’s not like it’s the first day you’ve known. You are able to list the N number of bad things about Japanese men, so why are you still willing to marry them?

Aren’t European and American men very gentlemanly, romantic, and respectful of women? Why are you guys not willing to marry?” Masayoshi Kishimoto put away his smiling face and said.

“European and American men are the best at pretending, the best at acting, the best at saying one thing and doing another, and machismo is the same thing, and it’s not a good thing.

To be precise, they know how to maximize benefits at a small cost.” Even though Rie Sakai hadn’t dated any other boyfriends, she had heard people talk about them.

Even if Japanese men were bad in one way or another, they also had a good side. The responsibility that should be on their shoulders, then they would carry it. If they haven’t thought it through, they won’t be too blind.

European and American men are the ones who say they love you, and that’s often all about getting you into bed. In the end, his is still his, your is still his.

“This shows that European and American men and women know the way of investment!” Justice Kishimoto laughed again and said.

“Can you stop bringing everything to investment?” Sakai Rie didn’t like this look of his much and said.

“Occupational disease, can’t be changed. You really don’t like this about me, then you can only change yourself and try to slowly adapt and accept it.

It’s not as if you’re asking me to change! At that time, we can only go to drink the northwest wind in the future. Who let me only do this line of work?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without changing his smile.

“You always have so much sense.” Rie Sakai straightened and shook her head.

“Do you still want to turn around? If you don’t want to go, we’ll just take a cab home. If you still want to walk around some more, I’ll accompany you all the way.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“I’m tired of walking, so just carry me!” Sakai Rie suddenly said in a flash of inspiration.

“That’s not too good! Just in case, just in case, it’s caught on camera by someone, we’ll be on the front page.” Masayoshi Kishimoto found an excuse to shrug it off.

“What’s so bad about it? I’m the one who’s your real girlfriend. No, it’s fianc茅e. I’m the one your Kishimoto family dangled a contract to propose to.

Besides, I haven’t been on the front page yet? Are you able to tell me what it’s like to be on the front page?” Sakai Rie said with her head held high.

As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto heard her words, he knew that the other party still hadn’t forgotten about the time he and Kyoko Fukada were on the cover of Weekly Bunshun.

Women claimed to have bad memories, but in reality, their memories were so much better than men. There were things that they could remember for the rest of their lives.

Not only that, but they will also bring up the man’s old scores from time to time. This makes the man seem like he owes her for the rest of his life, and he can’t even pay her back.

“I’ll carry you on my back, okay!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said helplessly.

Sakai Rie immediately put a big smile on her face and said, “That’s right! Now, I can’t walk anymore.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi clenched his teeth and stomped his foot, letting go of her hand and turning around to half-squat down. He knew deep down that rather than wasting time theorizing, it would be better to just be straightforward.

Without any hesitation, Sakai Rie graciously flung herself onto his back. Even if there were pedestrians looking at her, she was fearless. The beauty in her heart was able to completely overcome everything.

Sakai Rie wrapped her hands around his neck and said with a smile, “Little horse, ride, let’s go!”

Masayoshi Kishimoto quite cooperatively returned a horse neigh, and with his hands behind his back hooked around her left and right calf areas he walked forward on her back.

“Tonight is the happiest night since I’ve known you.” Rie Sakai said with a sweet and happy smile on her face.

“Tonight is the worst night since I’ve known you. I’m a hard gold plutocrat who did such a childish thing in front of everyone.” Masayoshi Kishimoto imitated her accent and followed her lead.

“Not childish. You mustn’t be imagining things.” Sakai Rie comforted.

With things having come to this, Masayoshi Kishimoto had nothing to say. He took it all as if he was the one who was carrying his daughter-in-law. As a matter of fact, that was also the case.

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