Chapter 383: Bending the Curve

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:12
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Mizuhara Yuki was dropped off at her doorstep by Takahashi Kazuya. After saying “good night” to him, she turned around and headed inside. She opened the door and entered the house, humming a song happily.

Mrs. Mizuhara was still awake, sitting in the large living room watching TV. In fact, she couldn’t sleep either. She was always more or less anxious and unsettled when the family didn’t come back. Accompanying her was her eldest daughter, Suzu Mizuhara.

“You’re having fun! You kept us waiting.” Mizuhara Suzu said in a conspiratorial manner.

“Of course! Tonight’s party is with the executives of the Hard Gold Group. Any one of them earns over 30 million yen a year.

Kazuya Takahashi, whom mom has met, is also here. He’s the one who sent me back personally. Mom does know that not only is he the head of the legal department of the Hard Gold Group, but he is also from a five-generation family of lawyers, with his family living in Aoyama, Minato-ku, and his family also runs a famous law firm.

I remember that one of your boyfriends, Sis, had an annual income of 8 million yen, and you bragged about him like he was nothing. Young and promising, with a bright future.”

Mizuhara Yuki didn’t rush upstairs to her room and deliberately sat on the other side of her mother, happy to be true, but also with some provocative meaning.

Mizuhara Suzu openly stood up, excitedly said, “What are you showing off in front of me? What happened before there was a marriage, everything can be disregarded.”

“Both of you crawled out from inside my belly. How did you become incompatible?” Mrs. Mizuhara said with a serious face.

“Mom, didn’t you spend all day in the past talking about how good and great my sister was, how discerning she was, and how excellent and promising the boyfriend she found was.

That no comparison does no harm. You didn’t see tonight that each and every one of the executives of the Hard Gold Group is not only young and talented, but also good-looking.

In the end, it’s Rie who is the most discerning woman. This captured the president of the Hard Gold Group early on.” Mizuhara Yuki said bluntly.

“Don’t you go too far. I know that you’re saying it on purpose to piss me off.” Suzuhara Suzu said unhappily.

“Did I go overboard? I’m just stating an objective fact. If you don’t believe what I said, then you can ask mom!” Mizuhara Yuki said smugly.

“Suzu, I’m wondering if this current relationship of yours isn’t a bit hasty, the difference between an annual income of 8 million yen compared to 30 million yen is just a bit big.” Mrs. Mizuhara said, not without a thought in her mind that she wanted to change her eldest daughter’s marriage partner.

“Mom, why are you starting to favor Yuki too?” Mizuhara Suzu said in dissatisfaction.

“Although our family has some money, but compared to those who are really rich, we are nothing at all. Whether it’s falling in love or getting married, we as parents are just giving you guys a strict check.

If you don’t listen, we really can’t do anything about it. I don’t want to see death threats in our family. I have repeatedly warned you not to look for men who have no family background and whose origins are unknown.

I’ve also warned you over and over again that if the person you each find to marry doesn’t meet with the approval of your father and me, we won’t take on another yen.” Mrs. Mizuhara said at length.

Suzu Mizuhara was silent. She was about one and a half years older than Mizuhara Yuki. After graduating from her own prestigious university, she had also joined the workforce for a year.

She understood better than Mizuhara Yuki what the real world was really like. If she were to rely solely on her own meager income, she would not be able to support such a decent life at the moment.

She became the one who didn’t earn enough to spend on herself. What was not enough was naturally subsidized by her family. So, it was her mom who was helping to pay off the monthly bills of her credit card.

“Mom, you’re too snobby! Even though I don’t like my sister, that one boyfriend he found is not bad. At least, it’s good for her.” Mizuhara Yuki didn’t fall on her sword and said.

“He’s good to her because our family’s finances are pretty good. If our family was just poor people renting in the Adachi district, do you think your sister’s boyfriend would be looking for her as a marriage partner?

It’s a thousand times harder for people to climb up, and extremely easy to fall down. There is no harder climb for a person than rising up the social ladder.” Mrs. Mizuhara blurted out.

“I think it is most important for two people to love each other. As for other things, they don’t matter much.” Mizuhara Yuki said very naively.

Mizuhara Suzu did not appreciate her sister’s love at all saying, “In the future, you’ll be towering over me while I’ll be looking up to you on my tiptoes. You’ll definitely be talking in front of me about what places abroad you went to have fun, and what name brands you bought, and what you ate at that fancy restaurant ……”

“Am I as cheap as you make me out to be?” Mizuhara Yuki directly interrupted without waiting for her sister to finish her sentence.

“Even if you won’t now, there’s no guarantee that you won’t in the future. At that time, when you see me as a sister again, your eyes will be looking down.”

Suzuhara Suzu was saying whatever she had to say. The imbalance within her heart lay in the fact that her past self had always run ahead of her sister.

Nowadays, her younger sister suddenly came around the bend, and all of a sudden she ran ahead of herself and left herself far behind.

As my mom said, the difference between an annual income of 8 million yen and 30 million yen is really big. It’s not just the amount of money, but it also represents a huge gap in social status.

The former can’t catch up with the latter even fast enough. After all, Japan’s entire national salary system was still relatively transparent.

By the time her current boyfriend had risen from an annual income of 8 million to 10 million, the other was afraid that the other was approaching or exceeding an annual income of 40 million yen.

What she couldn’t stand the most was the class difference. A person with an annual income of 8 million yen was either a senior staff member of a large company, or a middle-level cadre, or at best, a section chief.

A person who can earn 30 million yen a year is a senior executive, or a leader, in a large company. There is a fundamental difference between an employee, a cadre and a leader.

“Mom, I’ll do whatever you say I should do. I’ll listen to all your arrangements.” Mizuhara Suzu made up her mind to change her marriage partner and said.

“This matter is still to be entrusted to someone to go and do a good job of searching for you. It’s not easy to find a young man with an annual income of 30 million yen.

However, don’t worry. Mom will help you find one even if she uses all her connections and contacts.” Mrs. Mizuhara said as she thoughtfully calculated.

“Why bother going to such trouble by traveling near and far? You guys like young and golden men, there are plenty of them inside the Hard Gold Group.” Mizuhara Yuki said casually.

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