Chapter 386: Climbing

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:21
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After Kishimoto Masayoshi visited Natsui Makoto, he didn’t do anything else in the middle of the visit, and directly returned to his home in Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku.

As soon as Rie Sakai saw him return, she complained bitterly, “I’m a girl, I’m young, and I haven’t married yet, so how did I become the matchmaker in everyone’s mind?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was instantly at a loss for words, just looking at her in a daze, but not saying a word, not knowing which tendon inside her head had hit the wrong one.

“It’s all your fault. It’s all your fault.” Sakai Rie started to dump the black pot on him in a brutally unreasonable manner, saying.

“What does that have to do with me?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with uncertainty.

“How is it not related? This whole thing started because of the fellowship with the executives of your Hard Gold Group.

Nowadays, one by one, the members of the Rosebud Society are coming to me to talk about matters relating to the introduction of blind dates.” Rie Sakai said with a straight face.

After hearing her say that, Masayoshi Kishimoto finally understood what was going on. He sat his butt down on top of the long sofa in the large living room, leaning his back against the back of the sofa and leisurely crossing his legs.

“The average man around thirty years old has an average annual income of thirty million yen or more. The average looks are not ugly, not to mention handsome.

The education is not to mention, all graduated from prestigious universities. Hard gold group at least is also a big hand enterprise, not only a moment of bankruptcy can not be closed down, and the whole development momentum is still flourishing.

If I were a young and beautiful woman, I would also like such a man. The problem is that there are too many monks and not enough to share.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a cloudy voice.

Sakai Rie sat down on the side beside him and said, “It is precisely because there are too many monks and not enough porridge to share that they all come to me. What can I do? It’s hard to believe that I’ll be able to pull the strings?”

“Even if you pull a match, it’s still not enough to share. Otherwise, to expand on that, the young, unmarried middle-level cadres of our Hard Gold Group might as well consider it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh and said.

“I’m worried to death. You still have the heart to joke.” Sakai Rie reached out and went to wring the flesh on the top of one of his arms and said.

“Where am I joking? Think about it seriously.” Masayoshi Kishimoto defended himself.

Sakai Rie stopped her hand and said, “The numbers are good. However, you don’t even understand the small minds of these people. They already see falling in love and even getting married as a comparison.

When Mizuhara Yuki and Takahashi Kazuya came into contact, her sister Mizuhara Suzu was not happy. Takahashi Kazuya’s annual income is 30 million yen, five generations of lawyers, the family also runs a famous law firm in Aoyama, Minato-ku.

Suzu Mizuhara originally had a boyfriend. Now, she’s about to break up, targeting Takayuki Nanno, a man with an annual income of eighty million yen.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto stroked his jaw with his right hand and said immodestly, “How come no one is looking at me? My annual income can be much higher than all of them put together.”

Sakai Rie’s pair of eyes instantly narrowed into a line, as if a cat was hunting. Without a meticulous smile on her face, she coldly said, “Whoever you have your eyes on, just give me a direct word and I’ll just step aside.”

“I don’t have my eyes on anyone, just you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto scowled.

“Come on less, you think I don’t know your flowery ways.” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

“Are we talking about me or this one hard thing you’re currently experiencing?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he brought the subject back up again.

Sakai Rie regained herself again and said, “Heads up, heads down. If this one is satisfied, that one will definitely be dissatisfied. I am unable to satisfy every single one of them in everything.”

“The idea, I did give you. Originally this was a situation that could be a win-win situation, it had to be made into a zero-sum game by you guys, so what can be done?

This high-quality man is just like a beautiful woman, both are scarce resources. It is impossible for everyone to have a share. Some of the women on your side aren’t willing to lower their standards a bit, so there’s really nothing you can do about it.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“I understand the reasoning. In practice, it’s another matter. This morning, Mizuhara Suzu said something that was too blunt and not easy to accept for a while, but after thinking about it a little, it wasn’t without her reasoning.

One was looked up to by someone all the time. Suddenly, let yourself to look up to the person who used to look up to you, this psychological gap is too big, it is also difficult for people to accept.

Not to mention being one’s own sister.” Sakai Rie did not fail to think of her own sister, Sakai Mirei, which made some things come back to her.

Although Sakai Misuzu did not succeed in bending the road, but let himself have another epiphany. If Kishimoto justice at first chose his own sister, rather than himself.

Would one not have been so calm, and would one have appeared as indignant as Mizuhara Suzu? In the end, love was inherently selfish.

In some of them, there would again be a difference in the trajectory of life. After all, marrying a man is like a second life, a rebirth, for a woman.

A woman marrying the right man and marrying the wrong man are two completely different concepts and destinies. Even if they could divorce, it would be difficult to have a situation where the second marriage would still be better than the first.

“When all is said and done, they’re not looking for someone to love, they’re looking for someone who is most favorable to them.” Justice Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

“That’s probably the sad thing about them! People who don’t know what’s going on inside always think how well off they are, that they have a car when they leave and a servant when they come home, that they are well-dressed and well-fed, but they never see the other, helpless side.” Rie Sakai sighed.

“What helplessness, it’s purely a comparison. Even ordinary women still make calculations. Most ordinary women’s standard for an ideal spouse is also defined as an annual income of 4 million yen or more.

As for the career preference of their future husbands, it is either a civil servant or an official member of a large company. They don’t choose a man who earns an unstable income and works as a temporary laborer as their preferred partner.

Drinking champagne drink habit of women, you let her drink soju, she certainly will not adapt, and will not do, not even try to do.

The preconceived notion inside their heads is that soju belongs to the lower class. Conversely, you get a woman who’s had soju to drink champagne and she’ll fit right in.

To put it another way, a couple where the man with no money is loaded with money, the woman will think he’s dishonest and has character issues and will inevitably break up.

The same is true for a couple where the man with money pretends to be poor, the woman won’t think he’s dishonest or has character problems, and instead of breaking up, she’ll rush to marry him.” Justice Kishimoto retorted.

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