Chapter 388 Strategic Intent

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After a cross-sea flight, the airplane in which Masayoshi Kishimoto and his group were traveling landed smoothly on top of one of the runways at Shanghai’s Hongqiao International Airport.

As soon as the people who picked them up saw Masayoshi Kishimoto’s face in the waiting hall, they bowed forty-five degrees in tacit agreement. The Shanghai office of the Hard Gold Group in China is different from other offices in that there are many Japanese people.

Masayoshi Kishimoto came this time, in addition to the accompanying secretary of the Office of the Chief Yamada Mirai, but also brought the hard gold construction of the president of Katsuhei Yamaguchi. He and Yamaguchi Katsuhei each got into the back seat of the main car, while Yamada Mirai sat on top of the passenger seat.

“I asked you to tag along this time, for no other reason than for you to go and personally inspect the Pudong area of Shanghai so that you can circle the good lots there for me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Chairman, you’ve hoarded some land in Hangzhou.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei reminded.

“Hangzhou is Hangzhou, Shanghai is Shanghai, don’t talk about the same thing. Current Shanghainese have this saying that they would rather have a bed in Puxi than a room in Pudong.

This means that Puxi has already been developed, and Pudong, which hasn’t been developed much, is extremely valuable for investment. Besides, I also made a five-year bet with Maki Iwasaki. I was optimistic about the mainland China market, while she was optimistic about the South American market centered on Brazil.

If I lose, I’ll have to give her 50 percent of Hard Gold Media. On the contrary, that fifty percent of shares in her hand will have to be given to me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed and said.

It was the first time Yamaguchi Katsuhei had heard the other party say this, so he finally understood in his mind why the chairman would unceasingly raise his stakes towards the top of the mainland Chinese market.

“You have a great responsibility! In addition to Hangzhou and Shanghai, you also have to go to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong to inspect the real estate market.

In this piece of China’s national map, where there is my office, there must be my real estate investment projects.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“Understood.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei placed his hands on top of his left and right thighs and nodded vigorously to lead the way.

“How much do you know about Shanghai?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked with interest.

“I don’t know much, so I’m looking forward to the Chairman’s enlightenment.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei had put his main focus on the old city renovation program in Roppongi, Tokyo, after all, it was the top priority project for hard gold construction.

Secondly, he also had to keep an eye on the progress of the real estate investment project in the Gangnam 3 district of Seoul, South Korea. It was from there that he was able to get started in the first place.

Now, the president was determined to spend huge sums of money to enter the real estate market in China. As the head of Hard Gold Construction, he was duty-bound to assist from the side.

“Shanghai being the largest city in China, the financial center, that’s all crown talk. Layoffs, also known as unemployment. It’s happening in Shanghai all the same. Not only in the past, but still now.

The first big wave of layoffs that hit mainland China in 1997 as a result of the Asian financial crisis hit Shanghai’s female textile workers hard. The number is said to be in the millions.

Why am I talking to you about this? This group of people once carried the entire economic development of Shanghai.

The main thing we look at when investing in a place is the general environment. The environment is composed of a local ordinary people.

As long as the location of the people can be hard-working, then there is a basis for investment. Or to put it bluntly, they have the value of being exploited.

We can extract the surplus value of labor from them. The women here are so hardworking, then the men will not be bad there.

Many of the men in Shanghai work as steelworkers and shipbuilders. Here, it’s hard work, hard work, dirty work.

Don’t let the outside world’s definition of Shanghai men as little men and the like fool you completely.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei had always known that the Chairman had a unique social and investment perspective. When the other party said that today, he had to be genuinely impressed himself.

“The actual situation in Vietnam and China is not quite the same. The women in Vietnam are equally hardworking, but the men are not as good.

According to their thinking logic, their men are the ones who do great things. In fact, all I see them doing is sitting on the side of the road drinking iced coffee and blowing off steam, besides sending their wives or girlfriends to work in the factories.

The Vietnamese are much more friendly to the Japanese. Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) in Vietnam should also have investment value.” Katsuhei Yamaguchi has a point.

“We’ll talk about Vietnam later. Right now, you have to remember and advance my layout and strategic intentions above the real estate project in China in question.” Justice Kishimoto said seriously.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei knew that the chairman had no intention of making an investment in Vietnam at the moment, so he said no more. He only needed to execute and follow through on the other party’s strategic intentions.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked out of the car window at the view, a skyscraper was rising up. This was the hot spot for investment. In Asia, in addition to China, among the developing countries, instead of investing in Vietnam, it is better to invest in India.

India has a large population, resulting in a huge consumer market. India’s biopharmaceuticals, software industry and other high-tech enterprises are not weak in the world.

At present, Kishimoto justice did not put the investment direction for a re-expansion lies in here can give himself more profit space.

Wait until he puts the Chinese market above the layout to complete, only will then seriously consider India or Southeast Asia countries market above the investment project.

The 21st century is the era of the Internet. Japan missed such an opportunity, but he could not miss. Although the current Internet bubble burst, but did not hit their confidence.

This is especially on top of the development of online games. Paradise” is still in South Korea, Japan, Europe and the United States market in a steady stream of continuous profits.

However, Masayoshi Kishimoto knows that this game in the Chinese mainland market will be encountered in the water and soil. In his opinion, it does not matter.

Who let his hand has an ace in the hole? Actoz Soft’s “Hot Blooded Saga” was his winning strategy.

He owned 40% of the shares of Actoz Soft, so he was able to directly intervene in the company’s business direction.

At the same time, in Kishimoto’s early guidance of the idea of justice, go out of the business strategy is to make the “Stone Age OL” in the Taiwan market is a great success.

Japan’s JSS network game company is therefore greatly encouraged, but also in the active preparation, began to enter the Chinese mainland market. This is also the original Kishimoto justice and the company’s management reached an agreement content.

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