Chapter 391 Birth

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:34
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Masayoshi Kishimoto returned to Tokyo, Japan. After disembarking from Haneda International Airport, he didn’t let anyone follow him, and went straight to the private hospital where Natsui Makoto was staying.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked into the suite where Makoto Natsui was staying, and saw not only her, but his own sons and daughters as well.

He stopped in front of them and lowered his head, first covering his face with his hands and then opening them once more, overjoyed, “Guess who I am?”

“Don’t you wake him up. I had a hard time putting him to sleep before you came.” Natsui Makoto stood over him and spoke bluntly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto heeded her words, after all, putting a child to sleep was a very hard thing to do. When a person was in the infant stage, it was absolutely possible to be reckless and defy all authority.

A child of a few years of age could be made to obey by beating him with a threat. A baby, however, would only cry even harder in return.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked left and right at the newborn baby, the skin was red and fluffy.

The more he looked at them, the more he liked them, and for a moment he forgot about the hard work that Natsui Makoto had done to give birth to the two little ones.

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but reach out a finger to touch his little cheeks. The touch of his finger was as smooth as a hard-boiled egg with its shell removed.

“Before this, you even told me that having a child is the same. As it turns out, you still favor sons.” Natsui Makoto said with a small mouth.

Masayoshi Kishimoto retracted his finger and looked towards her who was standing close to him and said, “I absolutely have to not be tongue-tied. Like this one it’s completely impossible to tell if their gender is male or female.”

“You are father and son. Therefore, you instantly recognized your own son.” Natsui Makoto blurted out.

“That’s a very unscientific statement on your part. It would have been perfectly justifiable if I had opened the swaddling clothes and performed a check. The problem is that I just didn’t do that.” Justice Kishimoto defended.

“Then why was your first choice that it was a son and not a daughter?” Natsui Makoto wrapped her hands around his waistline and leaned close to him. One of her eyes was gazing at the crystallization of love between the two of them and said.

“The only thing that makes sense is luck. It’s just like the cherry blossoms above the cherry tree. A gust of wind blows and some petals fall, while others don’t fall as a result.

Inside the petals that fall there are those that float down to the ground, those that float down into the water, and those that float down to the animals. ……

I preferred the son, that is like a gust of wind, is completely made a random selection. Being chosen by me, that only proves its better luck.

However, they are all my sons and daughters, so I will naturally treat them equally. In fact, I’m even more in favor of my daughter instead.” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not fail to recall the statement about why people are born unequal.

Natsui Makoto did not believe what he said. It didn’t matter to her, whether it was a son or a daughter, it was all her own.

“You have labored hard this time. What reward do you want?” Masayoshi Kishimoto conducted a rewarding speech.

“I don’t want anything. As long as you can treat me and the children well, that’s enough.” Natsui Makoto had willingly given birth to his children, not wanting to use it as a means to achieve motherhood or get the other party to marry her.

All along, her starting point and motives were incomparably pure. Because the two loved each other, then one was willing to do anything for him.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto said that he was going to give her a reward, he wouldn’t just talk about it, but he would really give it. Only, there was also something he couldn’t give. That one was marriage.

For this reason, Natsui Makoto knows this point, rather than say it is meaningless, to not come, it is better not to say, so as not to embarrass each other. As for the rest, it’s not like she wants it.

“The only thing that I feel sorry for is not accompanying you to give birth. I rushed back in a hurry, and I’m still late.” Masaru Kishimoto lamented.

Natsui Makoto knew deep down that he wasn’t saying this to cheer himself up, but was speaking from the bottom of his heart. When she gave birth, he was still in Shanghai, China. There was absolutely no way he would have known that his water had broken.

This due date can only be a rough speculation, it is completely impossible to do a precise and accurate prediction. It was a bit of a shame, but all went well.

“You name the child!” Natsui Makoto said with a faint smile.

“There’s no rush, I’ll go back and think and look through the dictionary. Don’t be idle either, you can likewise look through the dictionary and think it over.

You come up with ten alternatives, I come up with ten alternatives. At that time, we will then carefully study them together, following which we can finalize the final two names.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly replied.

“What about the last name?” Natsui Makoto hesitated before she had to mention it.

Masayoshi Kishimoto pondered for a moment, “You decide. You take the decision. It’s not impossible for the children to take your surname. If you have to let them take my surname, I have no objection.”

Natsui Makoto was still happy in his own heart about this statement. After all, the other party didn’t say the words to death in one breath, only being able to follow the mother’s surname.

She was not unaware that this son and daughter in front of her were Masayoshi Kishimoto’s illegitimate children. The present-day Masayoshi Kishimoto was not an ordinary person, but a figure within the Japanese financial sector.

“They are so cute looking.” The more Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at his sons and daughters, the more his heart loved them and said.

“Yes!” Natsui Makoto echoed with a smile and said.

“You guys grow up quickly. Only in the future will you be able to become useful to society. Whoever of you is the most capable, then that’s who will succeed me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with the attention of both of his eyes still falling on his own pair of precious children.

Natsui Makoto listened to the words really well, keeping them firmly in her mind. She definitely wanted one of the children she gave birth to to succeed their father.

“If they are your own blood, then it can’t be bad. I believe that when they grow up, they will definitely become your right-hand men.

One of the two is your eldest son and the other is your eldest daughter. They will both work hard to get ahead.” Natsui Makoto said in a serious manner.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t say anything else, but just smiled at his two babies. He would not follow that traditional system of primogeniture in Japanese society, nor would he artificially make a deprivation because of a legitimate child, or a child born out of wedlock.

He would only choose the strongest among his children to inherit the family business. If there was no candidate of his choice among them, he might as well hand over the Hard Gold Group that he had created to an outsider to take care of it, thus transforming the family-run business into one that was operated by a team of professional managers.

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