Chapter 396: Talking About Love

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:47
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At the same time period above, Sakai Rie and Mizuhara Yuki were drinking the best red wine and eating the best steak in a high-class western restaurant in the harbor area.

This meal was naturally Sakai Rie’s treat. Who let it be that she was the one who took the initiative to ask out the other party?AA was not popular above their class.

“I see why you’re a bit soulful today?” Sakai Rie was holding a red wine glass in her right hand, and her left index finger was unconsciously touching the mouth of the glass in a clockwise circle, saying.

“Kazuya Takahashi hasn’t called me for three days straight.” Mizuhara Yuki said bluntly.

“And you can’t stop tensing up?” Rie Sakai said with a knowing smile up.

“He’s been calling me every day and I’m getting a little tired of it again. How come I feel a little empty inside when he suddenly stopped calling me.

Rie-san, could he be dating other girls behind my back?” Mizuhara Yuki said as she held a dinner knife in one hand and a dinner fork in the other.

“Can’t bear to part with it?” Sakai Rie said as she let her smile grow wider at her rambling thoughts.

“No matter.” Mizuhara Yuki said as she pretended to be relaxed as she cut the steak inside the plate.

“You’re still being tough. Don’t you forget, I’ve been there too.” Sakai Rie said with her smile unchanged.

“Okay, okay, I’ll admit it, I’m falling for him ever so slightly. Only that little bit, no more.” Mizuhara Yuki put down the knife and fork in her hands and gestured a distance with both hands and said.

“Now, it’s only been three days, less than a week. Since he’s not calling you, then you shouldn’t call him either. This current stage is where the key to victory lies.

If you take the initiative, then you will become passive in the future. I believe that in your heart you still want to take the initiative.” Rie Sakai placed the glass of red wine in her hand on the tabletop and imparted relationship-related experience, saying.

“Then what should I do if he still hasn’t called me after a week?” Mizuhara Yuki pursued.

“If you haven’t received a call from him even after a week, I’m afraid there’s a real possibility that he might have changed his heart. It’s better not to have a man with no willpower like that.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you just want to feel the love game. If you decide to see him as a marriage partner, then you’ll have to test him more.” Sakai Rie said seriously.

Mizuhara Yuki suddenly pursed her lips and said, “Rie-san, how did you toss Brother Justice in the first place?”

“I never tossed him. It was always him who tossed me.” Sakai Rie came up with an Inuyasha playing with a nail rake, hitting Kishimoto Masayoshi upside down and said.

“No way! I’ve heard from Kazuya that the romance between you and Masayoshi is nothing short of a century of abuse. It spans from the last twentieth century to the twenty-first century.” Mizuhara Yuki straightened up and said.

“This one Takahashi Kazuya is completely full of shit.” Sakai Rie flatly denied it.

“Rie-san, you’re really something. How exactly did you subdue Brother Justice? It’s not easy to take down an outstanding man like him, is it!”

Mizuhara Yuki likewise knew that young and golden men were sought after. The more outstanding the man was, then the more women surrounded him. She put her hands together in front of her face and sincerely asked for advice.

Sakai Rie saw her so sincere, so for the first time began to talk about their own only once in love experience and experience said: “looks and not handsome, the main is no money man, the mouth is also stupid, beautiful women will not look at him.

The man who looks not ugly and has money, and his mouth will also say, beautiful women will generally look at him. People, especially women, always have to want a what?

Or, always have to give themselves a reason. Looking for a boyfriend, naturally, you will look to the talented, rich, not ugly, gentle nature of the man.

You look at the man, other women will not be blind, can not see. It is futile and futile for you to try to hold on to him. I’m not afraid of thieves stealing, but I’m afraid of thieves thinking. You can prevent a moment, can not prevent a lifetime.

Men are like dogs, the more you watch him more tightly, his rebelliousness is more powerful, in turn, will hurt and damage the relationship between you.

Dealing with men is like flying a kite, when it’s time to let go, make sure to let go of the line, and when it’s time to pull, make sure to pull the line tight.

Men are the best at what they do to women, and why can’t we women do the same thing to them?

Instead of going back and forth about how it’s one thing or another, and how you’re not doing well there or something, you should just not think about it at all, harbor the transcendent idea that what’s yours is yours, and follow your feelings.”

“Makes sense.” Mizuhara Yuki nodded her head thoughtfully.

“It’s just like when you pinch a handful of sand in your hand, the harder you try to pinch it, the opposite is what makes the sand rapidly drain away from within the palm of your hand.

True love, or not, is completely unclear. What you think is true love may be like a hallucination that you see when you’re high on drugs.” Sakai Rie said seriously.

“I’ve been taught.” Mizuhara Yuki instantly had an epiphany and said.

“Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that Kazuya Takahashi isn’t your true love. He didn’t call you for the past three days, perhaps because he was too busy with work and didn’t get around to it for a while.” Rie Sakai had a point to make.

“Has Brother Justice ever done that to you?” Mizuhara Yuki asked curiously.

“He and I have a special situation. We lived together from the start. Other than him traveling on business, we were seeing each other every day. In a situation like ours, is there any need to call every day?” Rie Sakai laughed and said.

“Fair enough.” Mizuhara Yuki said calmly.

“Being in a relationship is really tiring, from the body to the mind it can make you feel a kind of exhaustion that you’ve never felt before. It’s as if you’re exchanging a lifetime of pain for a moment of sweetness.

This one analogy of mine may not be appropriate. If you just want to have fun, you won’t have this kind of feeling. You won’t be able to experience the attachment to a person.

My family that, you look at me as if he is not very enthusiastic, and even a little indifferent attitude, but it is not at all my what wrist, my temperament is this kind of slightly cool, and in fact, every time he traveled, I worry.

I worry that the plane he is traveling on falls out of the sky, I worry that he is sick, I worry that he meets a bad person outside or something. Once a woman starts worrying about a certain man, that’s proof enough that she’s starting to fall in love.” Sakai Rie pushed her luck.

“Rie-san, let me worship you! Master.” Mizuhara Yuki was greatly moved and said.

“I’m not qualified to be your master. I am merely a bit luckier than the vast majority of people.” Sakai Rie said with a faint smile.

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