Chapter 398.

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:42:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto parked his car in his Chairman’s exclusive parking spot. In the beginning, when the company was first established, it was only a small office area on the first floor.

As the company grew, the entire first floor became the office area of the company. Then, two floors into their own company’s office area.

Then, is the third floor into their own company’s office area. Nowadays, the whole building has become their own company’s office area. This also included the underground parking lot on the negative floor.

Masayoshi Kishimoto entered through the main entrance of the Hard Gold Group’s corporate headquarters. As soon as he appeared, the company’s two receptionist ladies immediately stood up, folded their hands in front of their stomachs, and bowed forty-five degrees towards him respectfully.

In addition to that, the company employees who were still waiting for the elevator downstairs saw him and made the same forty-five-degree bow to him from left to right.

As soon as the elevator arrived, Masayoshi Kishimoto walked straight into the elevator alone. He turned his back to face the employees standing outside the elevator. None of them stepped inside and watched the elevator doors close, as well as the Chairman take the elevator to the upper floors.

Shortly after Masayoshi Kishimoto reached his office and sat down, Takayuki Nanno walked in. He grabbed the other party before they could say anything, “On the weekend night, my family will be hosting a party. at that time, you can be sure to come.”

“I’m afraid it’s really hard to say about this matter. The new round of recruitment is already so busy that I’m burnt out. I came over to give you a work report on this one aspect.

This time, the new recruiting campaign is unprecedentedly big.” Nanno Takayuki said bluntly before he had a chance to sit down.

“We’re not busy talking about your business for now. If you don’t come to the Party, Rie will be upset. When she gets upset, she’ll harp on me.

Just this morning, she took the initiative to propose a weekend Party. you can’t not give her face.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he crossed his fingers and placed both elbows on the tabletop.

“I’ll come, I’ll come, I’ll definitely come.” Nanno Takayuki said with a firm resolve.

“Now, let’s talk about this newcomer recruitment event!” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“The campus recruitment, we’ve kind of basically come to an end. The training and assignment of them was completed before this.

Hard Gold Media, Hard Gold E-Commerce, Hard Gold Construction, and Hard Gold Capital are all still short of people in large numbers. In addition, some important positions in the headquarters are also short of people.

So, I decided to step up my efforts in social recruiting. In addition to recruiting people with relevant work experience, there are also fresh college students. However, this is all the fault of the Publicity Department.” Takayuki Nanno spoke eloquently.

“I think it’s quite good that the publicity department advertises for your HR department! Do you know about the Hard Gold Group? It doesn’t matter if you don’t know.

Do you know the current hottest online game, Paradise? Don’t know, it doesn’t matter. Do you know Google, Yahoo, Amazon? Don’t know, again it doesn’t matter.

Do you know TV Tokyo? Do you know about Roppongi’s old town redevelopment plan? I’m sure, as someone who lives in Tokyo, there’s no one who wouldn’t know about them.

I can tell you that we, the Hard Gold Group, are the largest shareholder in all of the above. On top of that, we have tons of other investments in China, Korea, the U.S., and so on. Now, do you know about the Hard Gold Group?” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“And I’m not saying it’s bad. It’s just too good, causing the number of applicants to be unprecedented. In front of our company’s recruitment desk, it’s black with people. The resumes we’ve received alone are piling up.

Look at the resume, from which a screening, and then call the company to notify the number of people who meet the requirements to participate in the written test is refreshing our past history of the total number of more than ten times.

Only those who passed the written test had the first round of interviews, also called group interviews. Next up is a group discussion that they conduct. Those who pass move on to a second round of written tests, followed by individual interviews.

With such a large number of people, the workload increases. Ten times more people, the workload can be more than ten times. Arrangement above must have the order of priority and so on.

Who to choose, who to eliminate, our personnel department also have to carry out a relevant meeting to discuss repeatedly. Naturally, we don’t want to bury anyone.” Nanno Takayuki said truthfully.

“This is a matter for your Personnel Department. Exactly how to do it, that’s also a matter for your Personnel Department. You don’t need to give me details about that.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

He knew from an old age how hard it was to find a formal job in Japan, especially in Tokyo. It wasn’t an easy thing to become a company’s social animal either.

For a large handful of companies like the Hard Gold Group, the competition was even fiercer on top of that. Whether it’s one in a thousand or one in a million, it’s a natural thing.

He himself suddenly recalled the Japanese movie “Hojo” that he had seen in his previous life inside his head. In that it was about the job search problems faced by a group of college students who were about to graduate.

The reason why the Japanese place special emphasis on job hunting is that many companies, especially big players, only hire fresh graduates.

They like to have a “blank sheet of paper” on which to plan their careers. Each person’s career plan is customized by the human resources department. The good thing about this is that the promotion ladder is clear and unambiguous. The bad thing is that you can see the end from the beginning.

Once you miss a fresh recruitment season like this, it will be more difficult to become an official member of a company in the future. If you don’t find a suitable position in the society, it is quite possible that you won’t have your own position in the society.

As a result, some Japanese are forced to work in cities such as Qingdao, Dalian, and Shanghai in China, as well as in other countries.

It’s not that they like it, but they have no choice. First of all, the income is only one-third of the same position in Japan, and the workload is also the same. For this reason, they often laugh at themselves, rather than looking for a second chance in their careers, they are exiled overseas.

“I mean, can you simplify the process? First fill the job vacancies among the company, and only then slowly proceed with internal re-elimination.” Takayuki Nanno sought advice.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that Japanese companies generally do not directly fire anyone, the basic practice is to persuade people to retire or deploy them to obviously insulting “positions” to force them to voluntarily resign.

“It’s too cruel to give someone hope and then kill that hope. This will directly delay others to find a job. I still have the same principle, I would rather have a shortage than an abundance, and I strictly control the importation.” Justice Kishimoto expressed a disapproval saying.

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