Chapter 401 Drinks

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:01
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On Thursday afternoon, Rie Sakai called Yuki Mizuhara to go to Roppongi with her. She wasn’t doing anything else but a shopping trip for the weekend party.

Drinks were essential, and a party without them was like a party without a soul.

Rie Sakai and Yuki Mizuhara walked hand in hand into a high-class liquor supermarket in Roppongi. The store had a wide selection of drinks from all over the world.

Sakai Rie took a hand-pushed shopping cart from the side of the entrance and said, “Yuki, whatever you like to drink, take it yourself, don’t ever be polite with me.”

“This one thing of wine, I don’t know much about it, and I don’t know exactly which one is good and which one is bad.” Mizuhara Yuki said honestly.

“Wine itself is not high or low, only whether you like it or not. Take the one in our family for example, he uniquely loves Chinese liquor.

As far as I know, the one that is known as the national liquor in China is Guizhou Maotai, which is also the most expensive. He doesn’t like this kind of saucy liquor.

His favorite is Wuliangye from Yibin, Sichuan. It is the highest blending process and model among the strong-flavored liquors. He also told me that Sichuan is the home of Chinese famous liquor.

In addition to Wuliangye, there are Langjiu, Luzhou Laojiao, Jiannanchun, Quanxing Daqu (Shuijingfang), and even Moutai, before the town was carved out of the province, was also within the map of Sichuan.

The main cities of Sichuan are each with their own brand of liquor, making it the province of liquor in China. In addition, the Fen liquor of Shanxi is also great in his opinion. He is equally fond of this kind of clear-flavored liquor.

Even so, I don’t like Chinese baijiu the most, it is too pungent, and there is an indescribable flavor that I can’t understand or accept.

It’s completely different from the sake we make in Daiginjo.” Rie Sakai explained slowly and methodically as she pushed the shopping cart forward slowly.

“I do like the Scottish single malt Glenfiddich whisky the best. This one, the Glenfiddich 30 year old, is my big favorite.

Granted, I know that Japanese whisky is no worse than Scotch, and in some cases even better, but I just love the floral and fruity flavors that are characteristic of Glenfiddich.” Yuki Mizuhara said bluntly.

“Girls generally like red wine and champagne, but you like whisky among spirits, how rare. It’s hard to believe that you’re a ladies’ man?” Sakai Rie pursed her lips and said.

She raised her hand and took a bottle of Ace of Spades Champagne from the top of the shelf and held it in her hand to look at it. She knew that there were five types of this champagne.

The most common golden champagne was not the most expensive, the white gold version was the most expensive. This outside looks like a metal bottle, but in fact it is also a glass bottle.

Only, it was plated on the outside, and then hand-carved the pattern of the whole bottle. This then by the world-class stars a endorsement and advertising a publicity, really let its value doubled.

The parties held at the house were all unmarried young people, so naturally it was in line with their taste for champagne. “Rie-san, you’re making fun of me again.” Mizuhara Yuki snapped.

“Not at all. Luckily, you gave me the word that you were into whiskey. If you had told me that you like brandy, I would have really thought you were an Obasan (middle-aged woman).” Sakai Rie turned back to one of the female sales clerks following them and said, “Give me ten bottles of each of the five Ace of Spades Champagne.”

She paused here and looked at Mizuhara Yuki, smilingly continuing, “Obasan, we still need brandy.

Men are notoriously fond of this one drink with a strong aftertaste. Ten more bottles of Hennessy Richard Cognac, and ten bottles of Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac.

Oh, and ten bottles of Glenfiddich ’38, too. Who made this one my sister’s favorite whisky? Then I won’t be able to do without it.”

As soon as the shopgirl heard this, she immediately bowed ninety degrees deeply, tears coming out of her eyes in excitement and said, “Thank you, thank you so much.”

Sakai Rie put the Ace of Spades champagne in her hand is back. She pushed the empty shopping cart and continued on her way. The female sales clerk immediately trotted off to report that the store manager knew about it.

After the store manager knew, the whole person was energized, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, after all, it was a big customer. He was very dry and went straight up to serve him personally.

The store manager stopped at the side of Sakai Rie and Mizuhara Yuki, first a forty-five degree bow, and then respectfully sent his business card to their respective hands.

He said with a smile on his face, “If you are in the Hong Kong area, just tell me the address of your store, and we will personally deliver all the wine you want to the store within an hour.

If it’s outside the harbor area, we can deliver it within two hours at the earliest. For other districts, the fastest we can do it is half a day, and the latest won’t be more than twenty-four hours. In the future, if you want anything else, just make a direct call, no need to bother coming over in person.”

“Your store? Rie-san, it turns out that you want to open a bar, not a party,” Mizuhara Yuki’s right palm in front of her mouth was unable to help but laugh and said.

As soon as the store manager heard that the other party’s words were wrong, he hurriedly made a ninety-degree bow and said, “I’m sorry, I’m offended.”

“I live in the harbor district, West Mabu. I’ll tell you the exact address when we check out. Right now, I still want to take a look around inside your store.

You guys won’t have to follow us anymore. We are not spies sent by your rivals in this business.” Sakai Rie said with a slight smile.

“You’re just too humorous.” The store manager gave another ninety-degree bow. He knew deep down that when a super rich person like the other party bought alcohol, it naturally wouldn’t be just once.

As long as both parties established a good relationship, then there was business to be done. Just a bottle of Hennessy Richard Cognac would cost 500,000 yen.

The purchase of this beautiful young woman in front of him was directly more than ten million yen in business. By his rough calculation, the other party had already spent several tens of millions of yen.

Not to mention himself, this Roppongi among any of the high-class liquor stores will also treat the other party as a god of wealth general offer up, half a word dare not offend.

“Brandy is available, champagne is available, whiskey is available, and we’re still missing some red wine. Let’s go check out the red wine bar!” Sakai Rie still pushed her one empty shopping cart and said.

Mizuhara Yuki came from a good background, but was equally subdued by Sakai Rie’s extravagance. Even though she was a big fan of Glenfiddich 30 year old, she could seldom drink it, and had never really drunk Glenfiddich 38 year old.

The Grand Fidi 38 year old is the top of the line among this one brand. If you just look at the years, the difference between the two is only 8 years, but the price is five times different.

She knew that the number of years labeled on the whisky didn’t mean that it was that year, but that the lowest vintage used in the blending was the one labeled.

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