Chapter 402 Name

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At this time, Masayoshi Kishimoto was not at the company. Even during business hours, it was perfectly fine, after all, no one was taking his attendance.

He appeared at the private hospital where Natsui Makoto was. He looked down at his son inside the baby’s cradle, his right index finger was grasped with both hands and brought inside his mouth for a sucking session.

“So cute.” Every time Masayoshi Kishimoto saw his two little angels, even if he was physically and mentally fatigued, he was able to sweep it away, thus bringing him a full sense of happiness. He said with a smile on his face.

Natsui Makoto held her daughter with both hands and stood at his side, and said in a small scolding manner, ”You really can’t be trusted with your words.

You obviously like your son, but you have to say that you like your daughter even more. Your first reaction every time you enter the door is to walk over towards your son.”

“Coincidence, coincidence.” Justice Kishimoto blurted out without changing his smile.

“That’s too much of a coincidence.” Natsui Makoto crowed.

“Whatever you say.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with his eyes still focused on his son in the cradle.

“I’m not just saying that, it’s completely based on the truth. I’ve always wondered, if I hadn’t given you a son, just two daughters, would you still be running towards me once a day?” Natsui Makoto said thoughtfully.

“You’re really thinking too much. No matter if you give birth to a son or daughter, they are all my blood. I will love them all.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“I’m sure you will love them. It’s just that there will just be favoritism. You can see why a human’s heart is not located in the center of the chest, but rather to the left. Because people are biased.” Natsui Makoto pursed her lips and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed sideways at her and said, “That joke of yours isn’t funny at all.”

“It’s good that you two have a rich father. From now on, you won’t have to be like your mom.” Natsui Makoto suddenly said with a lot of emotion.

“You only see the good of being rich, but not the bad of being rich.” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

“It’s the first time I’ve heard someone talk about the bad of being rich. Why don’t you tell me how being rich is bad?” Natsui Makoto cried out.

“Money is something that corrupts the human heart little by little, and then makes you good to become its slave. Rich people are most likely to suffer from the cynicism of others.

Could it be, haven’t you heard of such a saying? Money is a bloodless knife. Let’s not talk about far away, just take our pair of children as an example, we now think they are so cute, complete with little angels.

That’s because they haven’t formed a consciousness or concept of money in their heads yet. When they know what money is, their hearts will change a little bit because of it.

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary family, a rich family, or even a poor family, all of them are staging a fight over their property. From ancient times to the present, abroad and at home, there has never been a moment’s respite.

I hope that they will not become slaves to money, but will take up the social responsibility that is due to them. The richer a person is, then the greater his responsibility to society.

Nowadays, the development of Hard Gold Group is on the fast track. The company is not only getting bigger and bigger, but also more and more people. There is no lack of breadwinners among them.

I would have to be responsible for them. If the company goes bankrupt, they will be the direct victims. Their sons and daughters, and even their parents, etc., will also be affected.

If I don’t shoulder this one responsibility and just try to enjoy myself, I now have enough money to last me ten lifetimes.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

Natsui Makoto did not doubt for a second that the words he said were false. Money was a thing that one really couldn’t tell, couldn’t tell. It was absolutely impossible to live without it.

“You still say that I always think too much. I see you, think only more than me. Children and grandchildren will be blessed. Even if you think everything ahead for them, it still makes it so that they won’t carry out a development exactly as you want. After all, they are human beings, not puppets on strings in your hands.

Take me for example! I never thought that I would be able to have the rich life that I have today. It’s all thanks to God’s mercy.” Natsui Makoto spoke bluntly.

“Names, have you thought of them yet. Let’s just talk about what the two little ones will be called in the future, shall we?” Justice Kishimoto changed the subject.

“Great! I wrote all the alternative names on top of a piece of paper. The paper is inside the bedside drawer, so go get it yourself!” Natsui Makoto hugged her daughter with her arms across her body, leaving her hands completely free and said.

“How am I going to get away? Look at our son sucking on my finger so happily, if I were to draw it away at this one moment, he’d surely wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah. It’s the same if you just say so.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed bitterly.

“Our daughter’s name alternatives are Manami, Emi, Miya, Kayetsu, Kana, Nana, Kana, Yoshie, Yoshie, Yoshie.

Our son’s name alternatives are Eiki, Hideki, Jun, Ryou, Ren, Takuya, Tetsuya, Yamato, Yoso, Yaji.” Natsui Makoto didn’t pause and recited them word for word.

She had spent a lot of time thinking over and over for these twenty names, and had also made cuts from more names.

Masayoshi Kishimoto listened to the ten alternatives for each of her children’s names, but did not say a word. He looked at his son inside the cradle who was just too cute.

“I told you! I told you to get that piece of paper from the bedside drawer, but you didn’t. Now that I said it, you can’t remember it again.” Natsui Makoto complained.

“Who says I can’t remember? Our daughter’s name alternatives are Manami, Emi, Miya, Kayue, Kana, Nana, Kana, Yoshie, Yoshie, Yoshie.

Our son’s name alternatives are Eiki, Hideki, Jun, Ryou, Rin, Takuya, Tetsuya, Yamato, Yosho, Masaru.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a nice repetition.

Natsui Makoto laughed with joy, “You’re good! I only said it once and you memorized it all.”

“How many words are there in total? There will be those who can’t remember.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in disbelief.

“I just can’t remember.” Natsui Makoto said bluntly.

“That’s a good indication that your memory isn’t working. I’m afraid you’ll be prone to Alzheimer’s when you get older.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed out loud.

“If I really get Alzheimer’s, I would rather forget myself than you and the children. You guys are the ones I should remember the most in my life.” Natsui Makoto inexplicably got a little sad and said.

“You’re still decades away from old age, it’s early! It’s not like there aren’t ways to prevent Alzheimer’s. Play mahjong in your spare time to exercise and move your brain.

This can pass the time of boredom and also give the brain cells a full workout. It can be said to be two birds with one stone.” Justice Kishimoto recommended.

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