Chapter 403: The Boom Party

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t have a suit, and Rie Sakai didn’t have a tuxedo on. They were both wearing everyday clothes. Again, they didn’t stand at the front door to greet the guests.

What they were organizing was a “Home Party”, a private party for young people, a kind of private party that was different from formal and traditional parties.

This kind of party is generally attended by young people. What young people like is to show their individuality, no constraints and let themselves go.

If they were to come dressed in suits and tuxedos, it would be tantamount to exercising self-restraint.

Rie Sakai gave young people like her a platform where they could let loose. Only, the style was quite high.

Not only were there young girls from the Rosebud Club, but there were also unmarried young men from the Hard Gold Group.

On top of that, Rie Sakai had also invited some other people. These people were all friends that she had made at other social occasions.

Suzu Mizuhara was also invited. She valued this opportunity so much that she started dressing up early, thinking that she would definitely hook up with at least one of the executives of the Hard Gold Group at the party.

Naturally, she couldn’t afford to lose out to her sister Mizuhara Yuki’s boyfriend, Takahashi Kazuya. The more she thought about it, the more she limited herself to a very small circle.

Yuki Mizuhara knew it was a “party”, so she didn’t wear a small dress like her sister to emphasize her feminine and soft beauty.

She dressed casually, the way she would dress if she were studying on a regular basis. Not only that, she also arrived at Kishimoto’s house early alone.

“You came alone? It’s really ungentlemanly of Kazuya to not even pick you up. Tonight, we’ll replace him.”

Sakai Rie faced Mizuhara Yuki head-on and took the initiative to take the other party’s hands, really having a sense of treating her as her own sister, smiling.

Mizuhara Yuki knew she was joking and would not take it seriously, “I thought of coming over earlier to see if there was anything I could do to help you.”

“No need for you to do anything. As long as you have fun.” While Rie Sakai was talking to her, not only the maids in the house, but also some temporarily hired personnel from outside were coming and going, busy and preparing.

“Where’s Brother Justice?” Mizuhara Yuki did not see Kishimoto Masayoshi’s silhouette in the large living room on the first floor, so she casually asked.

“Reading a book in the study on the second floor. What he likes is a party similar to the French salon format. Literary as it is, it’s just too quiet.

We young people should just get moving.” Sakai Rie was in high spirits and even swung her torso left, right, and left a bit saying.

“You won’t be upset if you do that, Brother Justice, will you?” Mizuhara Yuki asked cautiously.

“It won’t. A young person living the life of an old person, that’s just not normal. Young people should have vigor and vitality.

Only then will this one country of ours have a future and hope. Tonight, there are some friends that you know, while there are some friends that you may not.” Sakai Rie guffawed.

Mizuhara Yuki looked at the scene in front of her and also knew that the number of people tonight would not be small. If it was just those ten people from her own sorority at the beginning, naturally, she wouldn’t need such a big row. She estimated in her heart that dozens of people were definitely there.

“You’ve got to show me a good time!” Mizuhara Yuki believed that this person who was able to be invited by Sakai Rie and subsequently walk into Kishimoto’s house wouldn’t be a bad way to go.

“I’ll take you for a ride, then what about Kazuya? He’ll blame me for luring you away.” Sakai Rie “giggled” and laughed out like a silver bell, saying.

“What are you guys talking about? So happy. I heard it just as I entered.” Takahashi Kazuya, dressed in casual clothes, came over from afar.

Rie Sakai laughed before saying without haste, “I was laughing at why you didn’t go pick up Yuki.”

“It’s not that I don’t go pick her up, it’s that she won’t let me pick her up.” Kazuya Takahashi said bluntly.

“A girl says she won’t let you pick her up and you really don’t go pick her up?” Sakai Rie chided.

Of course, Takahashi Kazuya understood that a girl’s mouth was not her heart, and that “no” meant “yes”. He treated Yuki Mizuhara completely differently than the girls he had picked up in the past.

“I have to fully respect your female wishes. Otherwise, it will be viewed as chauvinism by you guys. I do know that machismo is among those who are always criticized in your place. I don’t want to become that one object of eternal criticism in your mouths.” Takahashi Kazuya perked up.

“Come on. Masayoshi Kishimoto is the one who has a serious macho mindset. You, and Takayuki, are hairy kids with him. Things come together, people come together. The three of you are just the same.” Sakai Rie said bluntly.

“No, no, I’m not. Although the three of us grew up together, we have different temperaments. The most prominent thing about Masayoshi’s character is his tenacity.

When he wants to accomplish something, no matter how difficult it is, he will go ahead and overcome the difficulties and resistance, and eventually make it happen. Nowadays, he is a kingly aura added to his body and is not angry.

Xiaozhi is the most short-tempered of the three of us. In contrast, I am the man with the mildest temperament.” Kazuya Takahashi spoke eloquently.

Sakai Rie didn’t have the slightest inclination to laugh after hearing him say that, after all, he was telling the truth. She didn’t deny it, “You’ve summarized it well!”

“Does Nanno-san have a short temper and will he hit people?” Mizuhara Yuki became greatly nervous all of a sudden. She knew that her sister was targeting Nanno Takayuki.

If she were to say something bad about Nanno Takayuki in front of her, not only would the other party not be able to hear her, but she would also be mistaken for intentionally being bad and disruptive.

“I can only guarantee that Takayuki’s testimony won’t hit women. However, I can’t guarantee that he won’t hit men.” Takahashi Kazuya chuckled.

“It doesn’t matter if he hits men or doesn’t hit women. As long as it’s hitting people, it’s bad.” Mizuhara Yuki blurted out.

“Yuki, don’t listen to him talk nonsense in front of you. When Kazuya said that Takayuki’s grumpy personality, that was only relative to the introverted personalities of both him and Masayoshi.

If Takayuki were really a grumpy man, he would not be destined to achieve what he has today. You have to realize that any man who can make things happen is bound to have a cool head.” Sakai Rie explained.

“I believe what Rie-san said. You a liar.” Yuki Mizuhara rushed at Kazuya Takahashi and said with a heavy snort.

Takahashi Kazuya cried out “Wrongfully accused”. His right palm was still placed on his heart, pretending as if he had suffered some kind of serious injury.

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