Chapter 410 Weakness is the original sin

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:26
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“In the Chinese mainland market above the search engine in this field, hard gold group has invested in the company there are two. One, is the Chinese local company, that is, Guangzhou’s NetEase.

The second is Yahoo! In September last year, Yahoo officially entered the Chinese mainland market, named China Yahoo. I’m investing in you, and that’s undoubtedly making a repeat investment.

You three make a competition, no matter who loses, it will make me hard gold group suffer losses. This kind of repetitive move of building wheels is plainly unwise.

The reason why I’m still interested in investing in your company lies in the point you were able to impress me in the business model you elaborated on earlier, focus and professionalism.” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“You want 40% of the shares of our Baidu company, not only me, but also the core members of my team are unacceptable price.”

Robin Li did not flatly reject the ten million dollars that the other party was going to invest in his company. He began a bargaining path.

Kishimoto justice spread out his hands, face without meticulous smile: “I this person has a bad fault is do not like to be rejected. Of course, you can choose not to accept my conditions.

However, I can just invest this ten million dollars into your biggest competitor, and even keep on raising the stakes.”

Li Yanhong instantly felt a stark threat from the other party. He faced such a situation, did not get up and brush his sleeve.

In the capital market, that is to rely on strength to speak, weak is the original sin. At this point, he was still in the United States when he worked completely understand things.

He initially returned to China with 1.2 million dollars from the United States to start his own business. For ordinary people, this is already an astronomical amount.

However, for entrepreneurs, it was a drop in the bucket. His company was like a sampan, while the Hard Gold Group was like an aircraft carrier, nuclear-powered.

Currently is the Internet economy bubble bursting stage, like their own kind of Internet entrepreneurial enterprises can be harder than in the past from the capital market above the financing success.

Robin Li’s rationality is telling him, even if it is under the city’s alliance, but also have to sign. As Kishimoto justice said, China yahoo, netease with search engine.

Compared to themselves, these two companies have a first-mover advantage. Especially China Yahoo, in addition to the first mover advantage, there is a huge advantage in technology.

Not only that, like their own company this kind of obscure search engine company there are many. He can think of something, others can also think of.

In China, the search engine is still considered a new thing. However, in the United States, it has long been nothing new.

The reason why he chose this field to start his own business is that he wants to introduce the good things of the United States to China. The most important thing is that he is very optimistic about its development prospects.

The silence in the small conference room was not something that Masayoshi Kishimoto liked. His heart is very calm. He has long had a very good idea of the future of mainland China’s BAT, the front of this one B will be the weakest one.

In a period of time, Baidu is the most famous. Its market capitalization peaked at $100 billion, and hovered at tens of billions of dollars for a long time.

Alibaba’s market value can be as high as $500 billion and Tencent’s market value of $500 billion is to the point that can be said to be equal.

The strength of these two companies is indistinguishable. Their main business operations are not the same, resulting in the same investor will not appear superimposed situation. Alibaba is in the field of e-commerce, while Tencent is in the field of online games.

“You don’t have to reply to me currently. Not only can you think about it properly, but you can also have a meeting to discuss it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto broke the silence in the small conference room and said.

Robin Li was only able to respond with the word “good”. Who let “weak countries have no diplomacy”? His own company is small, not only faces the risk of being bullied by big companies, but also faces the danger of being crushed or eaten by other companies that are homogenized at any time.

In the weak and the strong above the mall, they are such a small company can survive is not much. Fewer still manage to grow bigger and stronger.

Completely rely on their own strength to carry out a development, is tantamount to a fool’s errand. Internet industry not only exists in the big fish eat small fish, and there are also fast fish eat slow fish.

The current is new technology. After not one, two years on nothing. Like this situation in the United States is quite common. Even if the current China does not have the United States that a new generation of speed, but also has a rapidly changing.

Nowadays, in the United States to learn and successful and return to China to start their own business, and more than one person. He does not belong to any irreplaceable character.

Justice Kishimoto looked up at the wall clock hanging on the wall of the small conference room and said: “Unconsciously two, three hours have passed like this. It’s already noon.

Regardless of whether the deal between us is successful or not, benevolence and righteousness should still be there. We, the Hard Gold Group, should do our part as a landlord.”

When he said here, he intentionally paused for a moment, looked at his left and right again, and then added: “Since it is you who will be the one to approach, then you will be the one to accompany us.

As for the place, it’s the same place as always, the Hi-Lo Advanced Japanese Cuisine Pavilion. Let our Chinese guests who came all the way here also have a good taste of where the essence of Japanese kaiseki cuisine lies.”

Of course, Robin Li and his party knew that Kaiseki cuisine was Japan’s high class cuisine. Here it was evident that the other party did not treat them slowly, but on the contrary presented a kind of importance.

If the Hard Gold Group had sincerely treated them slowly, there wouldn’t even be this one business banquet. A small company like themselves running to seek investment should not be in the minority.

“You guys just eat well, drink well, and have fun.” Justice Kishimoto smiled.

“Thanks.” Robin Li expressed his gratitude and said.

“We’ll talk about it after you have an official signing intent with me. If there’s anything else you need to ask in the midst of this, just ask these people you’re in contact with. There’s nothing bad to ask, after all, it’s their area of work.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

Robin Li once again expressed his gratitude, “Thank you.”

“I have other things to do, so I’ll take my leave.” After Masayoshi Kishimoto finished speaking, it was before he stood up. As soon as he stood up this time, the first ones to reflex were the subordinates of his own Hard Gold Group.

One by one, they all stood up in tacit agreement and bowed forty-five degrees towards him to say goodbye. Subsequently, Li Yanhong and the others also followed and stood up. They were not accustomed to bowing, so they paid their farewells with a salute of attention.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked straight out of the small conference room without looking back. This person immediately behind him was still the head of the secretary’s office, Yamada Mirai.

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