Chapter 415 investment philosophy

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:39
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As long as Masayoshi Kishimoto became a mouth, then he would definitely do as he was told. Like him a level above the person, naturally can not do a good deal of the city of the people who go back on their word.

Not only Chinese people, but also Japanese people, also pay attention to a faith. People without faith, not established. Giving someone a rose, leaving a lingering scent in the hand, will deepen the relationship and bond between the two sides.

After they finished talking about important matters, the servants of the Iwasaki family returned to their respective posts in the dining room and brought hot dishes to the table one by one.

“It is said that you have made a series of investments in mainland China.” Iwasaki Maki’s eyes were leveled at him, and a smile appeared on her face as she said.

“You haven’t been idle in South America either!” Masashi Kishimoto similarly looked at her, a smile showing on his face as he said.

“Our five-year bet, in the end, I still don’t know if you or I will win?” Maki Iwasaki said with a confident smile.

“If you want to perform a cancelation, I fully express my acceptance.” Masashi Kishimoto didn’t use aggressive tactics, but just in his heart, he didn’t fail to feel that the victory was not a victory.

He himself had known the economic development trend of the world’s major countries in the next five years for a long time. Mainland China’s economy was still able to hold on to nominal double-digit growth.

“I’ve given you a last chance, but you’re not even appreciating it. At that time, you don’t want to cry.” Iwasaki Maki snapped.

“The one crying his eyes out won’t be me, it will only be you.” Masashi Kishimoto said confidently.

“How could it be? The investments you’ve made have been mainly into internet companies, except for real estate projects. The bubble of the Internet economy bubble this year has already proved that the virtual economy is not very reliable.

Even if it has the beauty like science fiction, it can’t replace the real economy. South America is rich in various minerals, which Japan lacks the most. South America’s mining technology is quite backward, naturally, Japan’s specialized technical equipment and talents.

This South American countries of raw materials pulled back to Japan, and then processed into industrial materials, and finally made a variety of commodities can not only meet Japan’s domestic demand, but also can be exported to China, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other neighboring countries.” Iwasaki Maki elaborated his point of view and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not refute, “Our investment philosophies are completely different. You favor the real economy, while I favor the virtual economy.

I am always optimistic that the future direction of the economy is the virtual economy. Or maybe it’s just my adventurous personality that makes me like this kind of investment that seems to be changing tricks.

If I were to go down the path of development of the real economy, not only would the amount of capital invested be huge, but it would also be slow to develop. Whether it is a large copper mine, or iron mine, the money invested can be enough for me to invest in a number of new enterprises in the Internet. As for the profit output and value-added, it is far inferior.

On top of that, the mining industry is too involved. Not only do you have to be on good terms with the powers that be in the government of the country in question, but you also have to be on good terms with the local forces in the area where the minerals are located.

Miners’ strikes, armed protection of mines, ecological pollution, and so on, far from being able to get things done in a short period of time. A single mishandling will intensify the conflict of interests between the two sides.”

He paused here, then continued, “The real economy requires a large number of people, good and bad, and the management above is also a troublesome matter.

It’s not like I have any experience to draw from within this one field. Since I have to feel my way across the river, I might as well take the sword and find a new path.

After more than 100 years of development, the Mitsubishi Group has built up a series of enterprises and also formed a complete industrial and commercial system.

The Mitsubishi Group is spread throughout the field of mining, shipbuilding, banking, insurance, warehousing, trade, steel, glass, electrical equipment, aircraft, oil, automotive and real estate industries.

The Hard Gold Group is a new company founded less than five years ago and was only able to invest the limited resources I had in hand in a few areas. Instead of sloppy work, it’s better for me to focus on one or the other.”

Maki Iwasaki nodded a little, recognizing that he had made a rough analysis. It wouldn’t be smart for the Hard Gold Group to follow the path of the Mitsubishi Group.

The main thing was that times were different. At the beginning of the Mitsubishi Group’s development, it was strongly supported by the Meiji Restoration government.

Furthermore, during the period of primitive accumulation of capital, the Mitsubishi Group did a lot of bloody things. Ruthless exploitation and oppression of World War II laborers is a typical example.

Neither the establishment of an industrial system nor the establishment of a commercial system is something that can be perfected overnight.

It took the Iwasaki family several generations of tireless efforts to achieve its current position in the Japanese zaibatsu world. Of course, compared to its most glorious days, it already seemed to have declined a bit. For this reason, his father still can’t forget to revitalize the family business and return to the top.

“Greatness has its difficulties. Even if you want to turn a direction, it’s not something to be taken lightly. Within the Mitsubishi Group, not only have we, the Iwasaki family, gone through several generations, but many of the regular employees have gone through several generations as well.

Grandchildren, sons, grandfathers, and grandfathers’ grandfathers have all served the Mitsubishi Group, and have even shed blood and died. Even if a necessary downsizing is to be carried out, the knife cannot fall on these people’s heads first.

It is really necessary to close or divest a certain enterprise, but also to carry out a necessary transfer of employment for them. What can be said about these people? There is no credit, but there is also hard work. Then again, there is fatigue. Not to mention the fact that they have used their generational loyalty to the Iwasaki family as a banner.

Naturally, the Iwasaki family could not afford to be burdened with the reputation of unloading their jobs. Once layoffs occurred, it wasn’t just a matter of using one less person, but it was very possible that a family’s livelihood would be cut off.

This was not even the most troublesome. The most troublesome thing was none other than the management. The Iwasaki family had many genealogical retainers, both large and small, and the whole body was moved by one hair.

With so many blockages, how can fresh blood flow throughout the body? The first thing a newcomer with no background does when joining the Mitsubishi Group is to stand in line. This really makes people feel crying and laughing at the same time, but not without feeling sad and lamentable.

If the newcomers do not go about it in this way, they are bound to suffer all kinds of ostracism and suppression. They kind of have no choice in order to survive.” Iwasaki Maki suddenly said with great emotion.

“It’s not easy to live in high places.” Kishimoto Masashi expressed an understanding saying.

“It’s such a truth. Doing as we please is also something that simply doesn’t exist for us. The higher-ups are like the referees above the pitch, even if they pull out a red card or a yellow card, there has to be a reason for it.

This penalty that is not able to convince people is bound to cause conflict to break out.” Iwasaki Maki picked up the red wine glass in his right hand and casually shook it while saying thoughtfully.

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