Chapter 416: Spectrum Generation Family Ministers

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:42
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Masashi Kishimoto was of course clear that corporate reform, while easy to say, was extremely difficult to do. It was bound to touch small interest groups, as well as smash some people’s rice bowls.

If they don’t fight for their jobs, they’ll fight for them. The Japanese people are the forehead above the tie and pull banners to show determination, a variety of protests, demonstrations, sit-ins, etc., and even bloodshed and violent conflict.

The Japanese economy is dominated by private companies, not state-owned companies. It is so difficult to change, not to mention the state-owned enterprises in mainland China. This is simply impossible without extraordinary vigor and courage, or even the determination to take the blame.

Prof. Zhou Xiaozheng has a saying that a real loser cannot even get an interview with a state-owned enterprise. It is simply a fool’s errand for the average person to get into a monopolized state-owned enterprise.

A university graduates through the parents of the second degree, such as the relations, gifts, etc., spent nine bulls and two tigers is the son arranged into the Maotai Group to become a formal establishment of the plant cleaner.

To this end, the son was greatly dissatisfied, whining, feel that they are undergraduate graduates, how to do such a job?

A few years later, he passed the age of twenty-five, extremely grateful to his parents’ insight. His own classmates are what teachers, company white-collar, but the annual income is nothing more than three to five million yuan a year.

Even if he was a sweeper, he was still able to get more than ten thousand dollars a year. To put it bluntly, what to do is not important, that are fake, only money is real.

This is still his parents are Maotai Group’s official workers for the big advance, and the enterprise is also in order to prioritize the employment of the unit’s employees’ children.

If this is put aside in the last century, children can also generally cover the parents’ work. And what is the difference between hereditary? Don’t think it’s the same in mainland China, it’s the same in Japan.

According to the normal way to enter the Mitsubishi Group, such as Japan’s famous big hand enterprise official members. One way is by education, not famous university undergraduates can not.

The second way is by technology and title, non-senior workers can not. That’s where the problem comes in. How can a group of young people in their late teens or early twenties become senior workers?

The reason is simple. One of their parents is a regular employee at a Mitsubishi Group company. Their children are first recruited as so-called trainee workers. After a year or two, they will naturally be regularized.

Every year, when there is staff training, it is a priority to send the children of these regular employees to further education. Furthermore, the technical school they attend is also a supporting program funded by the enterprise, which is designed to cultivate back-up personnel.

Whenever there is a need for employment, the same principle of giving priority to the children of the employees of the organization will be followed. When a Japanese company is looking for a job, a form is given to each applicant.

In this form, the applicant is given a form in which he or she is asked to indicate whether or not he or she has any internal or external relationships with the company. On the surface, it seems to be to avoid suspicion, but in reality, it is not the case at all. If it really didn’t matter, if there was no background, if there were no white people with nothing, there would be no chance of being recruited.

The third way is to be a preferred candidate. In the beginning, the Mitsubishi Group’s subsidiary companies had some kind of major accident caused by the casualties of the children of the members of the society will have the official quota of recruitment.

Even if they were minors, they were able to wait until a family’s children reached adulthood and were then recruited. For this reason, there have been tragedies in both Japanese and Chinese families.

There is only one place. The child in the family to want. Everyone knows that it’s not easy to get into a good organization. This inevitably leads to a situation where the human brain is beaten into a dog’s brain.

The four road is the road to regularization. This is often the majority of enterprise temporary workers want to become a full member of the last straw.

Once you become a full-fledged social worker, not only will your salary and benefits be substantially increased, but you will also have a year-end bonus. Especially the medical insurance premium, the enterprise will pay the big part and the individual will pay the small part.

Otherwise, you will really know how expensive it is to have your medical insurance fully covered by the private sector in Japan. If you have an accident and need to go to the hospital, the first thing you will be asked by the medical staff is whether you have health insurance. If you don’t have health insurance, even the hospital won’t be happy to accept you.

Even in the 21st century, feudalism has not been completely eradicated, and it continues to have both positive and negative influences.

Not only Japan, but also the United States, which was founded only 200 years ago. George W. Bush Jr. even once made the remark that his own ancestors were also aristocrats.

Since ancient times, Japan has been strongly influenced by China politically, economically and culturally, yet there is one thing that has remained untouched by China.

Japan adopted a true feudal system, i.e., a tiered feudal system similar to that of medieval Europe, rather than a centralized system similar to that of China.

Japan did not have an autocratic monarch with unlimited power as in China, nor did it have a civil official system that allowed commoners to participate in politics, nor did it have the grassroots ideology of “it is better to have a king and a vassal than a general”. The so-called “the king wants the subject to die, the subject has to die” is not valid under the feudal system of Japan.

As a matter of fact, with the exception of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, all the top rulers in the history of Japan were descended from hereditary nobles, and the difference only lay in the status of the nobles.

For this reason, Uesugi Kenshin and Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Warring States period of Japan are a stark contrast. The former was one of the most militarily advanced lords, but one of the main reasons for his slow rate of territorial expansion was that most of his vassals were gaijin, not genealogical.

The so-called outer samples were local magnates who were subservient to the great lords, and for whom the Uesugi family was a higher status ally rather than a true master.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was quite different. His genealogy of retainers was much more than that, and in this way he laid the key to why he was able to succeed in the end.

The Tokugawa Shogunate’s long reign of 264 years is also a result of this, which is one of the longest reigns even in China’s great feudal dynasties.

Iwasaki Maki is only said the Mitsubishi group within the large and small genealogy of the vassal and more words, is not unreasonable moaning.

Kishimoto justice is not without advance to see two, thirty years later, hard gold group within the same will appear a lot of father and son, mother and son, father and daughter, mother and daughter two generations of people work in a company.

This time is fast, in a few years it will appear. It won’t take a hundred years, just thirty, fifty years, hard gold group within the grandparents and grandchildren will also appear the situation of working together.

The organization is good, the income is high, who does not want to use the original foundation and advantage to let their own children and grandchildren can come in and take over?

In addition, the traditional Japanese mindset is that the big family keeps the big business, the small family keeps the small business, and the son takes over the father’s business. This inevitably further exacerbates the solidification of social classes.

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