Chapter 417 Driver

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

When Masayoshi Kishimoto was on his way back, Maki Iwasaki sent him a special person and car. He didn’t refuse; after all, he had drunk white wine himself. The Iwasaki family’s driver opened the door on the backseat side of the car for Masayoshi Kishimoto.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto got inside the car and sat down, it was only then that the door was closed by the driver. The other person made a half circle, opened the door and got into the driver’s seat. The door was then closed and the car was started. The car slowly drove out of Maki Iwasaki’s residence in the Central District.

“Going there, sir?” The driver with white gloves on his hands, in the attire of a full-time private driver was steadily holding the steering wheel and said.

“Minato-ku Nishi-Azabu.” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied bluntly.

“Understood. Don’t mind me talking too much. I’m Maki-sama’s full-time driver. I’ve been her full-time driver since she was a child. This is the first time I’ve seen her send her own car to give someone a ride.” The driver said truthfully.

Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled a little as he sat on top of the backseat of the car and said, “Then I am truly honored. From what you’ve said, you’ve been working for the Iwasaki family for quite some time.”

“I’ve been working for the Iwasaki family for four generations towards the top. It wasn’t until my grandfather’s generation that I started working as a driver for the Iwasaki family. My father followed in his father’s footsteps and also worked as a driver for the Iwasaki family.

By my generation, I was working as a driver for Ms. Maki.” The driver’s face showed pride, and he couldn’t help but stand up with his head held high and said.

“Looking at your age, you’re also in your fifties. Where is your son?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was not the least bit surprised that the other party had been working for the Iwasaki family for so many generations.

The one profession of a chauffeur was not a high profile job in 21st century Japan. However, it also depended on what kind of person the driver was driving for.

His pride stemmed from the fact that he was driving for Maki Iwasaki. It wasn’t a job that just anyone could do. In his grandfather’s generation, even the most ordinary driver was definitely a high class job.

In his father’s generation, the job wasn’t bad at all, and it belonged to the skilled labor category. In his own generation, even if he had already entered the stage where everyone could drive a car, there were still three, six, nine classes.

He is the owner of the family trusted people, which means that the income above is not bad, completely take the Mitsubishi Group within a middle management cadres of the salary.

“Going to university, Waseda University.” The driver’s tone of voice exudes the pride of having a son who is a good fighter.

“Not bad! After he graduates, he is bound to enter the Mitsubishi Group. Working for a big hand company, even if you graduated from a prestigious university, it’s still equally difficult.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Working for the Iwasaki family, that’s an absolute thing. I meant for him to take over my job and continue working as a driver for the Iwasaki family. However, he was unwilling to do so.

Do you think he’s stupid? He thought that because he went to a prestigious university, he would have a bright future ahead of him. What era is it now?

Even when he officially joined the Mitsubishi Group, working overtime every day was the norm. I’m afraid that when he reaches my age, he may not be able to earn more money than me.

My job is much more decent than the white-collar workers of the Mitsubishi Group. In the Warring States or Edo period, I would have been a junior member of the family.

It’s also relatively easy and well-paid. What’s it all about? For one thing, it’s the dedicated work and loyalty accumulated over generations of my ancestors, and for another, it’s that trust that stems from the Iwasaki family.” The driver said in a rare chatty manner.

This driver wasn’t the kind of casual chit-chat that a cab driver would have with a guest. He was completely purposeful and targeted.

Even he could tell that Iwasaki Maki was treating this one man differently. She was filled with good feelings even if she couldn’t talk about liking it.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have personally arranged for herself to come and send someone home. Not to mention the fact that the other party was an up-and-coming plutocrat. The two of them were about the same age, so it was more than appropriate for them to be a good match.

It was quite possible that after the two were married, Masayoshi Kishimoto had thus become his master as well. He could do better by starting to burn the stove now than later.

“It’s extremely normal for young people today to have their own ideas and want to have their own lives. They don’t want to be bound by their families, and they don’t want to work hard to earn money to support their families like their fathers and grandfathers did.

In addition to their leisure time outside of work, they are more willing to pay for their own interests. Traveling, fitness, anime, etc.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“It’s still you young people who understand the youth best. My son just doesn’t want to get married and have children early. In my younger days, if you wanted to be promoted or get an important job, you were bound to get married.

In those days, a man who didn’t get married when he should have was not to be trusted. Such men were generally viewed as irresponsible and not valued as they should be.

In the opinion of our parents, sooner or later, we have to get married. It is better to get married early or late. This will also be able to both put their minds at ease and reassure your superiors.” The driver said slowly.

“Times have changed! In this current era, Japan’s economy is mediocre, but it’s relatively easy for a person to survive.

It’s harder to raise a family. In your time, owning your own home was a very common idea, and it was possible to realize it through hard work.

Nowadays, it’s not easy for the average Japanese young man to own a house of the same size as in your era.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

“You are so right. Some of us are fine, after all, we are doing the Iwasaki family’s work for them. Aren’t my family’s relatives just like what you said?

To this day, they don’t have their own house, and they have to deal with rent every month. In the past, the landlord would raise the rent only once every few years.

Even if the rent was raised, it wasn’t much. Now, in a few months, or even a few weeks, the rent would be raised by the landlord. Every time the rent went up, it made him feel as thrilled as if he were watching a horror movie.

The house they rented in Tokyo was not only getting smaller and smaller, but it was also getting more and more isolated. Instead of getting better and better, the family was getting worse and worse.

They were always constantly complaining about society, the government, the Japanese economy, this and that, etc.” The driver said with deep emotion.

Justice Kishimoto certainly understood that this was the result of being obsessed with money. Children growing up in such a family environment are bound to be more or less negatively affected.

This caused many ordinary Japanese young people to be reluctant to get married and have children, thinking only of being able to live an easy life.

This once burdened with the responsibility of raising a family, then they will feel both physically and mentally exhausted, not enough money …… After all, Japan has long since passed the good economic times when one person could support a large family by making money.

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