Chapter 418 The Maid

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After Iwasaki Maki’s full-time driver dropped Kishimoto Masayoshi off at his home, it was only then that he drove back. As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto entered the house, he ran towards the long sofa in the large living room and turned around to sit on it.

It wasn’t long before one of the maids at home took the initiative to walk up to him with a cup of hot tea and said, “Sir, have some tea.”

Kishimoto justice from her hands to the tea cup took over, sent to the mouth is gently blowing, and then went to drink a mouthful, the water temperature is not cold and not hot, just right.

He blurted out: “Bitan floating snow from Sichuan, China. How did you know I like this kind of tea?”

“Miss Rie doesn’t like tea again, she only favors coffee, and her favorite is Blue Mountain Coffee. From time to time, I often see her hand-brewing this kind of tea for you, that’s why I remembered it.” The maid smiled.

“You are quite the thoughtful one. Tonight, why are you alone? Where are the others?” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

“Sir, how could you forget that none of us are that type of maid who lives in the house all day. We are part of a shift system. Only one maid is left on duty at the house residence each night.

Other than that, everyone else works an eight-hour shift from nine to five. If there is any overtime, Rie-san will let us know in advance.

After Rie-sama ate dinner at home, she went inside Yuki-sama’s house to play.” The maid answered one by one.

Kishimoto Masayoshi was holding a teacup in his hand, it was only then that he remembered that there seemed to be such a thing. He never cared about things at home, and had left it all in the hands of Rie Sakai. Tonight, he drank a lot of wine, his head has some slow reaction.

Masayoshi Kishimoto casually asked, “Do you think it’s better to have you guys work night shifts every day? Or is it better for one person for a week or one person for a month?”

“There are advantages and disadvantages to each. The advantage of having daily night shifts is that if you have a date with a friend one night or if you run into any emergencies, naturally, you’ll all be able to go.

Even if they collide on the day they’re on duty, they can still switch duty times with other people. The downside, is that once every three days, there is a common room.

On the day that you need to be on duty all day, not only do you have to change your own sheets, but you also have to change your own pillows and comforter.

The advantage of being on duty once a week or once a month is that you are able to stay in the room without having to change your own sheets, pillows, and comforter as often as you would like.

The downside is that it’s less convenient when it comes to individuals who have personal errands to run. There are pros and cons to both.” The maid said truthfully.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that girls had to be more particular than boys. This personal stuff was going to be a necessary replacement by them.

“Personally, do you prefer to be a live-in maid or not?” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“The good thing about being a live-in maid is that not only can you save on your personal living expenses, but you can also save on the cost of renting an apartment. The disadvantage is that it is not free.

If you don’t live as a housemaid, you’re free, but you have to bear your own rent, living expenses, and transportation costs.

The pressure is there, and it’s not small. Personally, I prefer to work as a live-in maid. It’s more freeing.” The maid didn’t sit down, and stood at one side of the room in an orderly manner as she replied.

“Does Rie pay you enough to cover your expenses? For example, do you need to find another part-time job after working eight hours on weekdays?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was certainly aware of the high cost of living and the avenue of stress that came with being an ordinary person in an international metropolis like Tokyo.

“Will not. Ms. Rie is paying us overtime, all at the hourly rate set by the government. Not counting overtime pay, we get about 300,000 yen a month, which is about the same as the average office worker’s salary, if not better.

As far as I know, many of the regular employees of small companies in Tokyo make only about 200,000 yen. We’re already making a third of their salary, 100,000 yen a month.

However, we’re much more relaxed and less stressed than regular office workers. On top of that, there’s a free working lunch. If it comes to a full day on duty, that’s breakfast, lunch and dinner for free.

A monthly income of 300,000 yen is already the average salary for heavy laborers in Tokyo. For that reason, we’re all still satisfied.” The maid spoke eloquently.

Masayoshi Kishimoto had known about the poverty of Japanese women for a long time. Their poverty rate was much higher than that of men. Not only that, but the pay they received was also one-third less than that of men.

The maid of the house in front of him was not just trying to please herself when she spoke words of satisfaction. Sakai Rie really wasn’t stingy when it came to money.

Japanese maids also faced competition from maids from other countries in Southeast Asia. Filipino maids, with their reputation, were bound to be their strongest rivals.

Several women from Southeast Asian countries put their chance to change their destiny in marrying a Japanese man. Even if they were lower-middle class, it was better than the fear of working as a black laborer and hiding.

Even if the Japanese girls are young, they can choose to work in maid restaurants and maid cafes. However, the monthly income they can earn in Japan may not be around 300,000 yen.

This kind of work that seems to be very special abroad, but is actually very common in Japan, is just to cater to the fans of the second generation.

Who made the Japanese naturally detail-oriented, able to make the market particularly segmented. As long as there is a demand, even if it is small, for them, that is the existence of a consumer market, which means that there is a certain profit space.

A month of hard work, about 200,000 yen is also a common salary level. In Japan, jobs with no skill threshold do not pay well.

If you want to earn a good salary without a good education or a skill, for men, it’s just heavy manual labor. For women, the only way to get a good salary is to work as an escort.

Escorts are different from the women who sell directly in the custom store. However, they will also suffer from social discrimination.

Some companies will fire you if they find out that you have worked as an escort. Not to mention those who had worked as a custom woman.

“As long as you do a good and serious job in my house, you won’t be treated badly. You also don’t have to worry at all about the job you’re doing being some kind of youth-eating line of work.

As for room for advancement, again, it exists. This is not a place where I will live for the rest of my life. In the near future, I will build a bigger and better house.

By then, I will need more maids. The head of them, the head maid, or the steward of this one house will still need to be selected from among you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

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