Chapter 419: Trespassing

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sakai Mirei’s entire body was decked out in big international brands. She looked upwards, standing below the Hard Gold Group building with a limited edition Hermes platinum bag in her right hand.

Sakai Meiling was not at all surprised that this entire building in Ueno, Taito District, had become the office area of the Hard Gold Group. She looked at it for two or three minutes, and only then did she move her feet again and walk straight towards the interior.

Sakai Meiling entered the building, could not continue to walk towards the front, after all, without a work permit she could not pass the gate. So, she turned around and walked towards the receptionist in the lobby.

The two front desk ladies had received professional training. In addition, they were working in a big hand enterprise, even if they were not official members, they still had a unique pride in their hearts.

There was also some bragging rights with their friends. Naturally, their goal was to marry an official member of the company as their wife, after all, they could be close to the water and get the moon first.

The two front desk ladies immediately stood up when they saw someone walking towards them. They faced it with trained Japanese professional smiles on their faces.

“I’m looking for your president, Masayoshi Kishimoto.” Sakai Mirei blurted out as soon as she stopped.

The two receptionist ladies each had a pair of eyes that were coincidentally looking at each other from head to toe twice. Even if they could see that Sakai Meiling still had a youthful look on her face, they didn’t dare to slack off just because of the luxury items she was wearing.

Even if they couldn’t afford it, they would still look through mainstream fashion magazines without fail. In the mainstream fashion magazines are bound to regularly introduce a number of international brands spring, summer, fall and winter seasons of a variety of new models.

They are not only quenching their thirst, but also become a catalyst to motivate their own advancement. As long as one was fortunate enough to be able to marry a full-fledged member of the Hard Gold Group, then it would no longer be just a dream.

They naturally kept these things in their minds, and occasionally patronized stores such as LV, GUCCI, and CHANEL.

Limited edition, classic models can not afford to buy, but the basic models can still carry a burden. Even if it is a credit card installment, you have to have one or two of these things.

Otherwise, as a woman, you will be looked down upon. Inside a cosmopolitan city like Tokyo, there was never a lack of snobs.

When Sakai Mirei directly said that she wanted to see Chairman Masayoshi Kishimoto, they were still slightly surprised. The chairman could not just be met?

They didn’t rush to give her a temporary access card. It was always a matter of clarification. Otherwise, it would be a mistake in their work. If it was minor, they would be docked money, and if it was serious, they would be fired.

The plate-faced receptionist smiled, “May I ask, what kind of relationship are you and our president?”

“I’m his sister.” Sakai Meiling said without a single star of hesitation.

The plate-faced receptionist didn’t know if her words were true or not. By herself, just from the top of the line on the other party, she should be rich.

However, pretending to be a rich person in Tokyo was also a very convenient thing. There were quite a few stores that rented out luxury goods from clothes, bags to various accessories.

For a certain fee, you can rent them for a day. Many people had patronized such stores. As for the purpose, it is only to attend some occasions to support the appearance.

In fact, this has little to do with vanity. In order to survive in such a big international city as Tokyo, the necessary packaging was still needed.

The plate-faced receptionist began to pick up the landline phone to call the chairman’s secretary’s office while saying to Sakai Mirei, “Please wait for a moment.”

The other melon-faced receptionist lady was the helper with a professional smile plastered on her face, signaling with her right hand facing to the side, “You can sit there for a moment.”

Sakai Mirei looked in the direction of her finger and saw men and women of both sexes sitting there. They were people who either came door-to-door to sell this or that. Otherwise, they came with business projects in need of financing and so on.

Sakai Misuzu is not only not stupid, but also has some small smarts. She immediately said, “Can I be the same as these people?”

The melon-faced receptionist didn’t immediately take out a temporary entry/exit tag for the other party just because she lost her temper with this, “I’m sorry, that’s just how our workflow works.”

“You guys don’t recognize me, so let Ota Fidgets come out. She should always know me!” Sakai Meiling said with a frown.

The two receptionist ladies of course knew that Ota Fei Tori was the main head of the Administration Department at the headquarters, one of the executives. How could they call each other there?

“This young lady, I’ve already given you in connection with the Chairman’s secretary’s office. May I ask, what is your name?” The plate-faced receptionist lady said seriously.

“Didn’t I already tell you guys? I’m the younger sister of your chairman, Masayoshi Kishimoto. Is it hard to believe that I look like a fake?” Sakai Mirei said with growing displeasure at being stopped from entering like this.

“I know you’re our chairman’s sister, but you have to let me know your name. There’s a necessary verification that needs to be done on that side of the secretary’s office.” The plate-faced receptionist held the landline phone in one hand, while the other was tightly covering the microphone at one end, saying.

“Are you guys done? When I was working here as a vacationer, I didn’t have you guys! In terms of seniority, you guys also have to call me senior.” Sakai Meiling said with emotion.

After she threw down these words, she directly turned around and went in the direction of the door control with the intention of breaking in. With that, the melon-faced receptionist picked up the other landline phone in front of her and called security.

The access control is just a symbolic card punching device. If a person really wanted to break in, all they had to do was jump over it, just like the subway’s ticket checkpoint.

As soon as Sakai Meiling jumped over for a few moments, she was stopped by two security guards before she could even get on the elevator.

“This young lady, what you’re doing is trespassing. If you don’t quit yet, we’ll be applying coercive measures to you.” The taller security guard was serious.

Sakai Meiling said indignantly, “Don’t any of you touch me. Whoever touches me will be expelled.”

“We’ve given you your last chance. If you’re still bent on having your way, don’t blame us for calling the police over.” The short security guard really didn’t bluff his way through the intimidation.

“You guys don’t scare me. Do you guys know who I am? I’m the sister of your chairman.” Sakai Meiling said with a straight face.

The two security guards couldn’t decide if it was true or not for a moment, so they froze. They looked at each other for a moment before the taller security guard made a report to the head of the security section through the intercom.

After hearing this from his subordinate, the head of security immediately became furious. He cursed his incompetence while rushing towards the place of the incident. It was also the first time that he himself had encountered someone who dared to sow their wild oats in front of the Hard Gold Group.

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