Chapter 421: Rascals

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:43:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Yamada Mirai pushed open the door and walked in. When she saw Sakai Mirei sitting there, she became a bit tongue-tied and just stood with her hands hanging down waiting for the Chairman to ask her questions.

“Just say what you have to say!” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked to his secretary-chief, not deliberately allowing Sakai Misuzu to engage in an evasive speech.

He knew that although the little girl was straightforward, she also knew what to say and what not to say to the outside. Besides, how many people would believe the secrets of a seventeen or eight year old girl?

“A secretary who calls himself Makoto Mizushima called to ask you to meet him at a convenient time. He said that Ms. Maki had already mentioned it to you.” Yamada Mirai said truthfully.

Masayoshi Kishimoto instantly remembered that Maki Iwasaki had spoken to herself about the agent in question. This person was no one else but this one Mizushima Makoto.

“Let’s do it today at noon! The place will be arranged inside the Kiraku Premium Japanese Cuisine Pavilion.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

“Isn’t it a bit rushed?” Yamada Mirai said as she offered her opinion.

Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly smiled and said, “You tell the other party to rush over right away, neither will refuse. By the way, you go and call Natsume Ryousuke over to me.”

Yamada Mirai responded with an “Understood” before turning around and walking out. Although she didn’t know exactly what was going on here, she would do as Masayoshi Kishimoto wanted.

“I was thinking of rubbing you the wrong way at lunch, and I didn’t realize that you intentionally had something scheduled to talk about at noon today?” Sakai Mirei mistakenly thought he was doing it on purpose.

“You’re just too much of a worrywart. At noon, you can join us at the Kiraku Premium Japanese Cuisine Pavilion.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with complete discretion.

“You’re not fooling me, are you?” Sakai Mirei said in disbelief.

“It’s just one meal! You can order whatever you want to eat. It’s just that I won’t be able to sit and eat with you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Then what’s the point?” Sakai Mirei said as she wanted more than just a meal.

“Otherwise, I’ll have the head of the secretary’s office eat with you on my behalf?” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

Sakai Misuzu gave it a little thought and didn’t refuse, “Fine. You have to keep your word.”

“I promise you one thing. Shouldn’t you also promise me one thing?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a sense of purpose.

“It’s true what they say, take the short hand and eat the soft mouth. I haven’t even gotten a bite of yours yet, and you’re already asking me to do things for you.

Is the thing you want me to promise you to do the first thing is to go inside one of the hotel rooms and take a shower and wait for you to come over?” Sakai Meiling first gently shook her head before she started to say without being serious.

“Damn girl, don’t talk nonsense. I’m telling you to meet your sister after lunch. How can you, a person who is a blood sister, should take the initiative. You’re not going to let your sister take the initiative to find you!” Justice Kishimoto said seriously.

“I knew you would say this one thing. In your heart, my sister always comes before me.” Sakai Meiling said unhappily.

“What exactly is the grudge between you sisters?” Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that she wasn’t too happy to go through with it Dao.

“You tell me. That’s what you call asking questions knowingly.” Sakai Mirei said bluntly.

“It’s a shame I’m the only one in the Kishimoto family. If I had an older brother or a younger brother, there would be harmony. If you don’t suffer from scarcity, you suffer from unevenness.

If you really don’t want to, I won’t force you. Only, if you need my help in the future, I’m afraid that …… you should understand.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled without a face.

“It’s not impossible for you to let me meet my sister. You have to help me with one thing first.” Sakai Meiling said seriously.

“Speak.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s right hand came out and said succinctly.

“There is a boy within our school who is stalking me and is really too annoying. I clearly told him from the very beginning that it was something absolutely impossible between us.

However, he is still constantly pestering and harassing me. I am thoroughly annoyed with him.” Sakai Meiling said with a frown.

“Take this. You call this one and tell him things. He’ll do everything properly for you. From now on, not only will the one boy you mentioned not bother you, but you will never see him again.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened the center drawer and took out a notepad and pen from it. He flipped open the notepad and used the pen to write a string of cell phone numbers and Kazuhiko Inoue’s name on top of a blank page. He put down the pen in his right hand and tore off the page.

Sakai Misuzu stood up and walked to the front of the desk, reaching out to take the paper from him and look at it in her hand. There was some fear in her expression.

She had known for a long time that Masayoshi Kishimoto had a complicated background in pachinko parlors and said, “I’m just asking you to get him to stop harassing me, not to find someone to kill him for me.”

“What are you thinking inside that one little head of yours? The boy who is stalking you is nine times out of ten genuinely in love with you.

As the saying goes, a strong woman is afraid of a stalker. This kind of middle-class boy in your school will be honest if he is scared a little. If you’re not honest again, a good beating will do the trick.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed with a “pfft” and said.

“Then what is this person called Inoue Kazuhiko?” Sakai Mirei said trying to figure it out.

“Have you forgotten all about him? Initially, when you were working as a temp at my place and working out as a front desk girl, wasn’t there a yellow-haired guy who had designs on you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with an unchanging smile.

Sakai Meiling was immediately reminded by his reminder. She blurted out, “He was a rascal.”

“You’re really not wrong. He is indeed a rogue. Hooligans have uses for hooligans. It’s always better to leave things like dealing with you to a good person!

Of course, you can also choose to tell your teacher or something. I’m guessing that you know that this is one of those things that won’t be taken seriously at all and is useless.

For one thing, that boy can bite the bullet and say that he didn’t harass or pester you in any way, after all, you can’t produce strong evidence.

Even if you do, the teacher is not a police officer, and without teeth, you have no power. On the other hand, the teacher will only regard it as a small dispute between a man and a woman or something.

Both of these situations will only intensify the boy’s pestering and harassment of you. So, this is something that only Inoue Kazuhiko will be able to handle properly for you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

“What if it’s not like you make it sound?” Sakai Mirei said with a wink.

“A boy from your school is so ballsy as to dare to call out a hooligan? If it’s not like this one, I’m afraid he’ll really be sacked and then thrown into Tokyo Bay.” Masayoshi Kishimoto put away his smiling face and said.

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