Chapter 425: Friends and Family

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:44:07
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At noon, Masayoshi Kishimoto sent a short message to Makoto Natsui through his cell phone is, telling her that he had something to do at noon and couldn’t come over.

By the time he got off work in the afternoon, he took the initiative to go to Natsui Makoto’s place. If he didn’t see the two little angels for a day, there would always be something missing in his heart.

Masayoshi Kishimoto first stood in front of the cradle where his daughter was, stretching out his right index finger to make a clockwise spinning motion in front of the little one’s eyes. Her eyes stared at her father’s right index finger for a short while before her head began to spin.

“What are you doing? This one dad of yours is definitely not a pro.” Natsui Makoto accompanied on the side noticed something was wrong and reached out to stop Kishimoto Masamichi.

“I play with my son, and you say I’m biased, favoring sons over daughters. Now, I play with my daughter, and you say I’m not her real father. You tell me instead, who is her real father?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said playfully.

Without a word, Natsui Makoto stretched out her hands and went to pinch the flesh of his upper body left and right.

“A gentleman moves his mouth, not his hands.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said offhandedly as he fought back.

Natsui Makoto directly unfolded her mouth and rushed to bite him. It was at this one moment that the two little ones burst out laughing in unison. To the two, it was just too funny.

“Damn heartless.” Natsui Makoto suddenly stopped and said.

“Not only do I have a conscience, but my conscience is greatly good. If you don’t believe me, touch it.” Kishimoto Masayoshi stretched out his right hand and grabbed one of her small hands which was placed on his heart position and said.

“Old fashioned. I’ve even given you a child, so don’t coax me in the way of falling in love anymore!” Natsui Makoto laughed sweetly.

“I didn’t coax you, honestly. Even if you gave birth to all your children, you should still maintain the good condition you had when we were in love that one time.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“How stupid would I have to be then! In the beginning, it was because I was inexperienced in love and couldn’t withstand your flowery words that is what made me fall completely.” Natsui Makoto said bluntly.

“It’s said that a woman in love has an IQ of 0, and a woman who has given birth to a child has a negative IQ. In my opinion, you are not like this!” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“How much do you want me to be stupid?” Natsui Makoto said with neither anger nor laughter.

“How could you possibly be silly? You’re a truly intelligent woman with great wisdom. Otherwise, how could you have taken me under your wing?

Inside normal days, those women who seem quite smart are often great fools. Just by looking at their decision to choose a man, one can tell everything.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

Natsui Makoto pursed her lips and said, “Enough about me. Let’s talk to you about a serious matter. Can you help my good girlfriend Uehara Tomomi arrange a decent job?”

“She begged you?” Justice Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

“She’s unemployed again. Working a temporary job like this isn’t a permanent solution. Besides, it’s going to be even harder to find a job now than it was in the past. Wages aren’t going up and prices are skyrocketing, how can people get by?” Natsui Makoto put herself in her people’s shoes and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she didn’t have many friends, and one of her closest friends was Tomomi Uehara. He himself had also met this person.

Uehara Tomomi is also a woman with little heart and lungs. The only good thing about being friends with such a person is that you don’t have to be on guard.

The downside is that people like her are the easiest to fool. As long as anyone chatted with her, she would immediately treat the other person as a friend, or even a confidant, with all her heart.

“Is it good? Why don’t you give an accurate answer!” Natsui Makoto prodded a bit and said.

“Why don’t you let her come to your home to take care of you and the child. At that time, food and shelter will be included, and she will also be offered a salary of three hundred thousand yen a month.” Masayoshi Kishimoto casually said.

“Don’t, absolutely not. Even if they are even close friends, they still have to separate some things clearly. If Tomomi works for me, then our relationship becomes awkward.

The relationship between employer and maid is mixed with us being the best of friends. I’m afraid that this will not only not be able to help me well, but will also negatively affect the good relationship we used to have.” Natsui Makoto really didn’t care about the money.

“It’s good that you understand this in your heart. Friends are friends, and money is money. Once the issue of money is involved, things tend to change, and it’s not at all as good as it was originally thought to be.

This friendship also has a price. The matter of arranging a job for Uehara Tomomi is a small matter. Let her work as a company clerk! Once she’s done a good job, she’ll be transferred.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“That would be really great.” Natsui Makoto was filled with joy. She believed that Uehara Tomomi would not refuse. To some girls like them who hadn’t received higher education, a white-collar job in a company was a dream come true.

It was much more decent than working as a waitress in a restaurant or a salesperson in a shopping mall. What’s more, the job introduced by Masayoshi Kishimoto, the income will definitely not be less than what Tomomi Uehara is getting now, it will only be more.

“Don’t be too happy. You have to clearly tell Uehara Tomomi to keep her mouth shut.” Justice Kishimoto reminded.

Natsui Makoto instantly understood the meaning of his words. Her extraordinary relationship with him could not be publicized everywhere. She suddenly became a little despondent and said, “I think it’s better to forget about it.”

“One moment, you actively want to introduce a job to Uehara Tomomi. The next moment, you don’t want it. How many meanings are there?” Justice Kishimoto chuckled.

“For a short time, I believe that Tomomi can manage to keep her personal mouth shut. After a long time, especially with more alcohol, it won’t be easy.

Instead of getting you into some trouble then, it would be better to simply take precautions.” Natsui Makoto said in the spirit of putting him first in everything.

“A friend should do a favor, but she can’t get herself involved. If she really has financial difficulties, you can lend her some money.

As for whether she returns the money in the future, one depends on her character, and the other doesn’t matter. Always remember that you are acting as her friend, not family.” Justice Kishimoto reminded again.

Natsui Makoto nodded, with some realizations. No matter how good a friend’s relationship was, it could not replace family.

Only then did Masayoshi Kishimoto notice that his pair of children were looking at them with wide eyes, as if they had all understood the conversation between the two.

He couldn’t help but chuckle and say, “You see the two little ones understand.”

Natsui Makoto heard him say that, so she turned her attention from him to the children. She couldn’t help but feel adorable just by looking at the two little looks of seriousness.

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