Chapter 426 Problems

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:44:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Some time later, Masayoshi Kishimoto returned from Natsui Makoto’s place to Nishimabu’s home. As soon as he entered, the maid on duty told him that Rie Sakai was drinking alone in the small living room on the second floor.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was immediately concerned about this unusual behavior of Rie Sakai. He went up the stairs to the second floor and turned a corner towards the small living room. As soon as he pushed open the door, he saw her drinking alone with a red wine glass in her right hand.

Masayoshi Kishimoto entered the small living room and closed the door behind him. He found a seat closest to Rie Sakai and was able to sit down and look at her. He didn’t rush to speak, patiently waiting for her to speak first.

“In the afternoon, Meiling gave me a call. She picked up on the other end of the phone that she didn’t initiate the request to see me, but that you asked her to see me.” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

“This girl definitely did it on purpose. Looking at you like this, you must have had a fight with Meiling.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

Sakai Rie placed the red wine glass on top of her right hand on top of the crystal coffee table in front of her and said, “It’s just so infuriating. She always feels that I’m the one who stole you from her, as well as all of this that belongs to her.”

“The two of you sisters are like fire and water.” Masayoshi Kishimoto tried to avoid the fact that he was caught in the middle of the two of them was a cut and dried relationship.

In fact, his heart was like a mirror, the origin of all this trouble was that marriage contract between the two families in the first place. Even if he used the way of redemption to put this one thing from the objective above to finish, but also did not completely solve the people in the psychological above the idea.

The reason is very simple. Greed in human nature. It was just like the compensation for demolition, even if it was reasonable, it would still make the demolition tenants more or less feel that it was not enough and that they had suffered a loss.

“It’s all your fault.” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“And how did I piss you off?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with an innocent expression on his face.

“If you hadn’t messed with her, how would today’s events have happened?” Sakai Rie said with reason.

“I admit that I did a bad thing with good intentions. However, it doesn’t say much for her not coming to my office this morning.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

“Today, she went to your company?” Sakai Rie asked in surprise.

“Yes.” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied succinctly.

“During school hours, instead of studying properly at school, she ran to your place. What on earth does she want? It’s the promotion exams coming up soon.” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“You’re a knife’s mouth and a tofu’s heart. Verbally, you say above that you don’t care about this one sister of yours. In reality, you care about her more than anyone else. It’s just that Meiling doesn’t appreciate your feelings.

A rebellious teenage girl is like this.” Seeing that she was able to say such words, Masayoshi Kishimoto understood that while she was angry, she still couldn’t forget to care about her sister’s personal future.

“It’s still your fault. If only you weren’t so strong and weren’t the way you are now. At that time, Meiling wouldn’t have felt that I was the one who stole everything that should have belonged to her.” Rie Sakai sighed.

“After all is said and done, it’s still my fault for being too uptight. If I were really a loser, not to mention Mei-Ling, would you even look at me?” Masayoshi Kishimoto cried and laughed.

“You’re a pain in the ass. You’re progressive when you’re progressive. There are many aspects of advancement, why do you have to be strong on investing money?

You could have chosen to write novels in the first place, or you could have run the Pachinko parlor properly.” Sakai Rie was poked at by him, but deadpanned above her words.

“The problem is that my best aspect is strong in investing money. People don’t fully utilize their strengths but avoid this, and isn’t it a fool’s errand?

As for what you said about writing novels, I really don’t know how to write, only read. When I was running Pachinko’s store, you didn’t scold me for making bad money. Have you forgotten what you said?” Masayoshi Kishimoto pulled a long face and said.

“No matter what you say, one shouldn’t have as much money as they do now. Without this much money, you wouldn’t be able to keep Meiling in your thoughts.” Rie Sakai said forcefully.

“To this day, I realize that it’s still better to have no money than to have money.” Masayoshi Kishimoto once again cried and laughed and said.

“I’m not saying that having no money is better than having money. I am saying that your money is simply too much.” Sakai Rie laid words of sophistry and said.

“When I’m dead, I’ll donate the vast majority of my money to good causes. At that time, each and every one of you must not cry bitter tears and try to stop me from doing that.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Don’t get carried away. Let’s talk about Mei-Ling just to talk about Mei-Ling.” Rie Sakai pulled the conversation back and said.

“Mei-Ling, what’s there to talk about again! I reckon that in all likelihood, the little ninny is almost out of money. Today, you didn’t see her in person.

She’s got all the world’s top brands on her, even the limited editions. How long can she afford to spend tens of millions of yen like this?

Besides her, I’m afraid your little brother Shouta doesn’t spend much slower than Mei-Ling. Nowadays, I wonder how the ancestral folklore store your mom runs is doing. Then again, there’s your father.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

Sakai Rie had originally been depressed in her heart, which was why she was drinking mulled wine alone. Now that he said that, her heart became even more depressed. She directly fell into silence.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was able to understand Rie Sakai’s pain. It was like some female stars. Personally, they were competitive and made a lot of money. In the end, in the end, one hadn’t gotten much.

Most of it was used by the family. Either for mom to pay off her gambling debts, or for dad to pay off his gambling debts, and so on. The family still feels that it is not enough, constantly asking for money. Isn’t this the same thing that happened to Cai Shaofen, Zhang Shaohan, etc.?

Sakai Rie took the wine glass above the crystal coffee table in her hand as soon as she reached out and drank it all in one tilt of her head. She was just about to reach for the bottle when Masayoshi Kishimoto grabbed it and said, “I’ll drink with you.”

As soon as his words fell, he picked up the bottle of red wine and started blowing it straight up. In a short amount of time, half a bottle of red wine was drunk by him.

Of course, Sakai Rie understood that he was doing it for his own good saying, “Since you won’t let me drink away my sorrows, then accompany me to talk more!”

Masayoshi Kishimoto put the empty bottle back down and said, “This can be had.”

Rie Sakai’s left hand propped up her head as she picked up the empty glass with her right hand and said thoughtfully, “All this time, I’ve been dragging you down. Not only me, but also my uncontested maternal family.”

“When you love someone, then you don’t just love only her strengths, you also need to accept her weaknesses. No gold is perfect, no one is perfect. Problems in this world that can be solved with money are not problems.

Problems that can’t be solved with money are real problems. Therefore, none of their problems are considered problems yet.” Justice Kishimoto said frankly.

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