Chapter 433 The Badge

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:44:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Saiki, come on, let’s go to the personnel department.” Nanjo Nana, who was assigned to work at Hard Gold Denshi at the same time as Watanabe Saiki, smiled beautifully.

Watanabe Saiki looked at this one of her contemporaries with a bewildered face, not understanding, “What’s the point of going to the personnel department?”

“You actually don’t know yet?” Nanjo Nana’s eyes were instantly widened considerably, looking at her as if she was looking at an alien, she said.

Watanabe Saki became more and more confused and said, “What exactly is it that you have to go to the personnel department for?”

“To get our badges. Supposedly, it’s made of gold. The word hard gold is clearly visible on the surface of the badge. It also shines under the light!” Nanjou Nana said with her hands facing her in a single motion.

“I still have a few things to do here. Why don’t you just do it for me?” Watanabe Saki made a pleading gesture towards her with her hands folded together and said.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but no, it has to be claimed in person. Only we, the official members of the society, are qualified to receive it.

It’s also the only way to match the class of our Hard Gold Group as a multinational big-handed corporation.” Nanjo Nana said with anticipation of the badge.

Watanabe Saki had no choice but to stand up, and together with the other woman, they exited the door of the administration department and headed straight for the personnel department. Before the two of them even entered the HR department, they saw a line of people in the aisle.

Everyone was not only talking and laughing, but also more or less exuded a sense of pride and belonging. This kind of seemingly empty thing is exactly the kind of cohesion that a company needs.

Badges are very common in Japanese companies. Not only that, but Japanese lawyers and other professions also wear a small badge on their lapels to show their identity.

The personnel situation at Saki Watanabe’s company, Hard Gold Denshi, was even more complicated. Not only was it a newly established company, but it had also been formed by merging a number of small and medium-sized companies.

The problem with this was the lack of a unified sense of belonging. Inside the company, people from various companies used to meet privately from time to time, resulting in the gradual formation of various small teams.

Masayoshi Kishimoto wanted to turn these people into “hard gold men”. For this reason, Natsume Ryosuke, who was the company’s publicity minister, would naturally brainwash them as necessary.

They were different from people like Saki Watanabe. Saki Watanabe and the others were college students like a blank sheet of paper. Even without the pre-employment training, they would have a strong sense of belonging inside their heads, that they were “hard gold people”.

The badge is not just a formality, but something that creates a sense of belonging and cohesion.

Wear in the collar, and is made of gold, the sun shines, naturally will be particularly conspicuous. The Hard Gold Group was also a large handful of companies, and those who were qualified to wear it were official members, so it would make some onlookers envious, and it would also be able to make people feel a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

“Saiki, don’t forget about that one party we had at the same time in Minato at night.” Nanjo Nana reminded.

“Can’t forget.” Watanabe Saiki said seriously.

“Even though we weren’t left to work for the parent company, we’re still full-blooded, not born of some stepmother. Even if we all wear up the same badge, there’s still a difference.

On top of position advancement, we can be expected to be faster than those whose companies we annexed.” Nanjou Nana was proud of her roots and said.

“That’s something that’s hard to say. From what I know of the Chairman, he values personal ability over personal relationships the most. There’s a piece of calligraphy hanging in the president’s office.

It’s a poem by Gong Zizhen from the Qing Dynasty of China, “Surrendering talents without sticking to a certain pattern”. It means that one will not adhere to certain rules to select talents.” Watanabe Saiki said thoughtfully.

“Saiki, you are really too out of touch with the latest situation. Nowadays, within our organization, the president cannot be called president, but rather lord.

An internal company meeting with the chairman in attendance, that has to be called the Imperial Council. This first person who started saying that was Publicity Headquarters Minister Natsume Ryousuke.” Nanjo Nana said bluntly.

Watanabe Saki blinked twice and said, “Isn’t this driving history backwards?”

“There are a lot of people here, a lot of mouths and even more ears. There’s never been a compulsion for anyone to say what they have to say.

The reason everyone is willing to say that is because of their respect for the president. Without the chairman, we wouldn’t have our Hard Gold Group today.

In less than five years, this one company of ours has already gone from a micro-enterprise that started out with only three people to a large handful of 30,000 people.

Our group of companies is doing well! I don’t know how many people out there want to come in but can’t. Don’t get confused.” Nanjou Nana kindly reminded.

“I just don’t believe that I’ll be fired for having said that. Anyone who tries to screw me over won’t be able to.” Watanabe Saki swore.

“Keep your voice down, are you afraid that the people here won’t hear you? Not only me, even President Miyazaki Ryui knows that you have an extraordinary relationship with the Lord, and the Lady.”

Nanjou Nana had long known that not only was she rooted in the right place, but she was also the one with the right reasons. There were times when even the Minister of Administration here had to be courteous to her.

If the Administrative Minister of Hard Gold Denshi wanted to meet Masayoshi Kishimoto, it wasn’t like he could just see her. However, Watanabe Saki was different.

She could totally go to Kishimoto’s house as a guest. In the midst of this conversation, who was to say that something about someone in the company wouldn’t be said?

If you specifically look for things that Masayoshi Kishimoto was in a bad mood to say something bad about someone, it would undoubtedly be an intentional attempt to fix that person.

Young people are okay, outgoing, it is not difficult. It wasn’t necessary to stay at headquarters to have the best future, and the way some young people were being groomed was to be sent out on a walkabout.

This is most obvious in the Japanese convenience store industry. As long as there are a lot of stores, the company will usually arrange for young people to do a related outreach work.

The purpose of this is so that they can get a real sense of the situation in each place. Each place, each store will have specific different problems to face.

People of a certain age, with wives and children in Tokyo, have basically stabilized their lives and jobs. Once one is expatriated, it means one is exiled.

If one doesn’t go, then one either resigns voluntarily or is fired. It’s not easy for a person of a certain age to get re-employed without a job. In Japan, the misery of middle-aged unemployment is real.

So, there are few people who don’t take it. May not let the family drink the northwest wind in the future? Even if the job is not as good as before and the income is less, it is better than no job and no income is not know how much better.

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