Chapter 434 The same time

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:44:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The nine-to-five commute for the local Japanese companies, that is a legend. After this point, and then obliged to work overtime two, three hours that is the normal state.

Therefore, whenever the hand of the wall clock reached five o’clock, Watanabe Saeki and the others did not make a single move to prepare for the end of their shift at all. They were still doing their own things.

When the clock hand reached eight o’clock, the Minister of Administration took the initiative to stand up and head outside. He wasn’t going to the restroom, but to see if President Miyazaki Ryui had left yet.

If the boss hadn’t left, then no one should leave. As long as the boss left first, everyone could leave. The Minister of Administration returned to the Administration Department and clapped his hands twice, reminding, “Everyone can leave work now.”

So it was only then that Watanabe Saki and the others began to shut down their computers and pack up their things to leave. She and Nanjou Nana left the company and immediately stopped a cab on the side of the road and headed towards the harbor area.

It was a place where they had an old date with the same group of people from the same semester. Necessary socializing was always needed, not only in regards to relationships, but also about the laws of survival inside the company.

As for overtime, everyone worked overtime. Watanabe Saki and Nanjou Nana weren’t the first to arrive, after all, Hard Gold Construction was right in the harbor area.

The reason why they chose to gather here was that everyone was thinking of having dinner and then going to see with their own eyes the Hard Gold Group’s headquarters building that was under construction in Roppongi, Minato Ward.

“You brought your badge as well.” Nanjo Nana’s right index finger was pointing at Takeshi Matsumoto, who was assigned to Hard Gold Construction, and said with a smile.

“Aren’t you guys the same as me?” Matsumoto Takeshi likewise chuckled as he saw the one company gold badge they were wearing.

Accompanied by the laughter, Watanabe Saki and Nanjou Nana were seated side by side. Although the people had not yet arrived, they were not in a hurry.

Not only the two of them, but also the other people here all knew that eating was secondary, and the most important thing was for everyone to get in touch with the feelings of those who entered the company at the same time.

To put it bluntly, that is in private to form a small interest group. What happens in the future, there are people who know a word. Each other have a common between the care.

In addition to the people who entered the Hard Gold Group in their current period, there were still before, there were still behind, and there wouldn’t just be no more in the future.

“It’s still you Hard Gold Capital that’s the best, the income can be really much higher than us.” Nanjou Nana looked to Mitsui Koudou, who was sitting across from him.

“Why don’t we switch? By the way, you’re a girl, and you can’t come to our Hard Gold Capital. You don’t know how perverted President Kobayashi Kiyoshi is.

Overtime and whatnot, that’s not a matter. Everyone at Hard Gold knows he’s a notorious workaholic. That’s why the people who work under him are all men, not a single woman.

The worst thing is that the monthly tasks he gave are realized to every head. If you don’t get it done, you’ll know what it means to be worse than dead.

At the end of the month, I get nervous. Even if I complete the task, I’m still unconsciously nervous, fearing that I’ll be added to the list for the next month.” Mitsui Kou laughed bitterly.

“Just don’t talk about that. Could it be that I’m having a better time on Hard Gold Construction’s side? It doesn’t matter if it’s windy and rainy, or red-hot and sunny.

Even if it’s falling snow, I still have to go to the construction site. Sitting comfortably in the office in the summer with the air conditioner blowing, and sitting comfortably in the office in the winter with the heater blowing, that doesn’t exist for us here at Hard Gold Construction.

President Katsuhei Yamaguchi requires that we not only know exactly what each process does, but also that each of us master at least 60% of the level of one site professional skill.

You guys open my hands here, that’s all fallen from building walls.” Matsumoto Takeshi showed a pained look and took the initiative to extend both of his palms and said.

“Speaking so miserably, then why don’t each and every one of you resign?” Watanabe Saki of course knew that the pressure on his side was much greater than the pressure on his own side said.

“Resign? Only a fool would voluntarily resign.” Matsumoto Takeshi and Mitsui Mitsui blurted out in silent unison.

“Bitter is bitter, tiring is tiring, and the pressure is great, but the personal ability grows fast. The money is also given a lot! Just as our President Kobayashi Kiyoshi said, cowards don’t deserve to work under him.

In two or three years, I’ll be earning 10 million yen a year. At that time, don’t be too envious of me!” Mitsui Kou said proudly.

“Stinking show off.” Nanjou Nana of course understood that after two or three more years, her annual income would only remain at around five million yen.

The Administrative Department’s work was naturally quite a bit easier than theirs in comparison. For this reason, the speed and opportunities for promotion and income were not as good as theirs.

Even if I didn’t do administrative work, I wouldn’t be able to stand their hard work. Not to mention that she is still a girl, it is really not very suitable for high strength and high pressure work.

This is only two, three years later, the gap has doubled. If the time was longer, the gap would be wider and wider.

“Light, he’s not stinking showing off, but it’s what he’s gotten from his efforts. At the beginning, we passed through five hurdles and six generals, is only finally able to get the qualification of management trainee.

Nowadays, the job position has been realized well, the future is also bright. The only thing left to do is to work hard. If you really don’t want to do it and have to quit, I don’t think the company will keep any of us.

In Japan’s big hand enterprises, not only our Hard Gold Group is like this, other is also the same, even more powerful.” Takeshi Matsumoto spoke eloquently.

“Takeshi, they are girls, different from us. They have a way back, that is, they can marry and then just be supported by their husbands.

We are men, there is no way back. Even if we don’t raise a family, we have to support ourselves.” Mitsui Kou lamented.

“This is the twenty-first century. Why do you men still have such outdated thoughts? Our new age urban women are about self-reliance and self-improvement, not exclusively giving birth to your men, bringing up children, as well as cooking.” Watanabe Saki retorted.

“Right, we’re not reproductive machines.” Nanjou Nana chimed in agreement with that.

“That’s because you guys are considered strong enough among women to have the courage to say such things. If your annual income was only two or three million yen, or even less, only about 100,000 yen a month, would you still have that kind of confidence?

After all, the older a woman gets, the harder it is for her to find a decent man.

You have to live all day long with fear and care so that you can’t spend more than 200 yen a day. What if I lose my job? How to live?” Mitsui Kou laughed and said.

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