Chapter 435: White Hair (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:44:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Fujie Nao personally rubbed the temples of Masayoshi Kishimoto who had closed his eyes. At close range, she saw a few gray hairs starting to sprout on the other’s head.

“You have gray hair even at such a young age. Why don’t I pluck it for you?” Fujie Naoe asked for advice.

Masayoshi Kishimoto, still with both eyes closed, said, “If you pluck the gray hair on my head, won’t it grow back? It will still grow back again.

Who made me work like this day and night? After using too much brain power, besides getting hot, it is the easiest way to grow gray hair. Luckily, it’s growing gray hair, not in hair loss.”

“Then you should work less!” Fujie Naoe exhorted from the bottom of her heart.

“I’d like to, but it’s completely out of my hands. In a high position, I dare not forget my responsibilities.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

Fujie Nao’ou’s hand movements did not stop, continuing to gently rub the two temples on his head clockwise. Although she didn’t know what it was like to be in a high position, she also understood what it meant to say that it wasn’t easy to run a business.

This is a firefly club, even if the scale is not big, but also inside and outside of the people together is close to a hundred people.

This year is also known as the employment ice age, resulting in the number of people who come to her here to apply for recruitment than in the past a lot more out. Even if some people from the heart do not want to engage in this kind of secular discrimination industry, but also have no choice.

People live, there will be consumption. Only expenditure, no input, day by day to watch the deposit in the reduction, that the heart will appear anxious, uneasy, and even panic.

Some of them not only have no savings, but also have debts, which aggravates the anxiety, uneasiness and panic inside.

Especially in a cosmopolitan city like Tokyo, one of the biggest expenses is rent. It’s also a necessity, and it’s not going to change.

“You’re all this distressed. How can we live? The number of customers coming to my store this year is a bit less than last year. Not only that, this turnover has also slipped quite a bit.” Fujie Naoe suddenly said with a feeling.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was equally aware that this year was the year known as the ice age of employment. The reason why such a situation had arisen was that it was caused by Japan’s economic downturn.

As a result, many companies have cut back on hiring, and even if there are vacancies, they are no longer hiring for fear that the economic situation will deteriorate further.

It is better to maintain the status quo than to lay off employees. When the economy improves, they will recruit again. Otherwise, companies are just raising the bar to recruit people.

This year is not the most frightening, but after the international financial crisis in 2008, the employment situation of recent Japanese university graduates has seriously deteriorated, and there will be a “super-employment ice age” for university graduates.

First of all, Japan’s universities since 2006 into the “all-entry era”, as long as the payment, every high school student can go to college, the college entrance examination is no longer a “one-way bridge”, college students are no longer the “elite”. The college entrance examination is no longer a “one-wood bridge” and college students have long since ceased to be “elites”.

In this respect, the expansion of colleges and universities implemented in 1999 in mainland China is the same. Mainland China’s fresh graduates in 2003, the employment problem began to highlight.

The disadvantages brought about by the expansion of enrollment are also obvious, and they are most directly reflected in future employment. There are too many monks and not enough gruel, so the PK race of life has entered the second round, the employment stage.

The first round of PK is the college entrance examination. When fresh college students apply for jobs, many of them have difficulty meeting the requirements of employers.

Coupled with the economic downturn, many units are cutting costs, the use of new people more carefully, to take the “strict selection doctrine”, no qualified students would rather reduce the employment program or simply do not recruit, it is said that such enterprises amounted to 70%. Many college students in the application failed, most feel that their level is not enough.

Another group of people can have good jobs even if they are not strong enough, commonly known as the connected people. No matter what country you are in, there is such a group of people.

Their very existence has value. Otherwise, who will be paid a salary to support it for no reason? The value of this, that is the people behind them.

Or, this one work itself exists who do is to do, that will naturally use the birth is not as good as use familiar. Those who were born with little resources, little background, no relationship to the lower strata of society towards the forced more miserable, so as to survive in the middle of the cracks.

Secondly, Japan’s “industrial vacuum” is becoming increasingly serious, affecting the employment of students. Due to the appreciation of the yen, the domestic market is weak, in order to avoid the loss caused by the appreciation of the yen and expand the overseas market, many companies move their factories overseas. Only by lowering the cost can the products have a price advantage in the international market.

In addition to large multinational corporations, there is also a trend for the service industry to move overseas. In order to maintain their overseas operations, many companies are hiring local employees, and there has been a significant increase in the number of employees hired overseas by large corporations such as Panasonic, which believes that students from other Asian countries and regions are better and more educated than Japanese students.

In fact, labor costs in other Asian countries and regions are lower. Whether it’s assembly line workers, corporate white collar workers, etc. In a homogeneous situation, whoever is cheaper is competitive. This also includes people.

There is also the fact that Japanese university students are not able to get a job at a high school or a low school. Because the economy has deteriorated and many small and medium-sized companies are in a precarious situation, college students are looking for big companies that are well known.

It is human nature to avoid harm. There is no excuse for this choice. They aspire to work in big-handed enterprises, on the one hand, good income, and on the other hand, stability.

Finally, many college students do not want to work in dirty, tiring and dangerous jobs, and Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises have to bring in trainees from abroad in order to solve the problem of manpower shortage.

On this point, Mr. Kishimoto understands that the situation in mainland China twenty years later will be more or less the same. This part of the young people more value the decency of the work, rather than income.

The monthly income of a delivery boy is higher than that of many white-collar workers, yet more people are still willing to engage in white-collar work rather than delivery.

It’s even laughable that a construction site worker earning two or three hundred dollars a day would still be looked down upon by a white-collar worker who can’t even earn a hundred dollars a day.

“How are you holding up? If you can’t hold out, say something.” Kishimoto Justice asked with concern.

“Don’t worry, my place won’t close down for a while. If even my place is at the point of closing down, there won’t be many clubs in Ginza that can survive.” Fujie Naoe said confidently.

“The days ahead will only get harder and harder for young people.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was very clear about the economic trends of the next nearly twenty years. Even Japan, which was a developed country, would hardly be spared.

“Could it be that there is no good solution?” Fujie Nao asked with interest.

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