Chapter 449: Cynicism

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:45:11
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Late at night, Natsuki Matsui was still unable to sleep. She was lying flat on her back with a quilt over her body, and with her cell phone in both hands she was sending short messages to her family and friends back home in Aomori, as well as other places.

She told the story of what had happened to her that day, but also expressed her inner feelings and true thoughts.

Matsui Natsuki’s state of giggling from time to time could indeed give people the wrong impression that she was in love. However, I’m afraid that a thirty year old woman like her has long since lost that kind of emotion.

The older a woman gets, not only does she become less cute, but she also becomes more realistic. Of course, the same goes for men. To be more precise, the older a man gets, the worse he becomes.

Matsui Natsuki’s friends immediately started giving her all kinds of advice. Some said that since she was already living at her ex-first boyfriend’s place, she should take the opportunity to rekindle her old feelings. Renew the romance that wasn’t finalized in the first place that was exclusively between them.

Others say, Miyazaki Ryui is now a successful man, rich, big hand corporate executives, such a diamond in the rough is other people can meet but can not be sought.

Now that you are close to the water, it is only right that you should get the moon first. Don’t be afraid, don’t hesitate, go forward with one word “on”.

Some people even say that taking the Miyazaki Ryuji means that you have a better start in the rest of your life. A life like today’s will be something you take for granted in the future.

To love, or not to love, has become unimportant. The important thing is that you will be able to benefit from him quite a bit in a tangible way. This one venture would be totally worth taking another chance on ……

At the same time, Kishimoto Masayoshi in his home in Nishimabu, Minato-ku, was as if he was suffering from an opium addiction, with a yawn to the left and a yawn to the right.

He would not go to bed even if he looked like this. He knew that even if he got into bed and lay down, he would be equally unable to sleep.

“Does being alone with me bore you so much?” Sakai Rie was dissatisfied with this appearance of his and said bluntly.

“Is there any point in you saying that? I’ve been looking at you for so many years, almost every day, that my eyes are getting aesthetic fatigue.

Even if you are as beautiful and attractive as you look, it won’t work with me anymore.” Masayoshi Kishimoto closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with both hands and said.

“Then why did you marry me?” Rie Sakai asked offhandedly.

“I’m a man of integrity. Since I have a marriage contract with you, then I have to fulfill it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh a little and said.

“You don’t have to force yourself at all. Why bother?” Sakai Rie came to be angry even though she knew he was being tongue-tied. She held the red wine glass in her right hand was gently doing a clockwise spin and said.

“If you really choose to leave me. Or, I’ll give up on you. How will you live in the future? Could it be that you have never realized that the initiative is in my hands, not yours?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened his eyes and looked at the red wine glass she was holding. He knew that not only did Rie Sakai know how to enjoy herself, but she had also gradually developed a lifestyle and habit.

Once a life as privileged as this one was no longer, she was bound to be very uncomfortable. This was a fulfillment of the old Chinese saying that it was easy to go from simplicity to luxury, but difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

“I know you are enamored with Chinese culture. Then I’ll answer you with a line from Chinese culture. Marry the chicken and follow the chicken, marry the dog and follow the dog.

If this is according to the principles of investment, you will not be unaware that I am considered a successful venture capitalist. The excess profits brought about by successful venture capital investment should naturally be mine to enjoy.” Sakai Rie said seriously.

“You win.” Masayoshi Kishimoto leaned forward, stretched out his right hand, and took the whiskey glass from the crystal coffee table in the small living room.

Sakai Rie didn’t have a happy look on her face and said, “In the past, when I did a verbal fight with you like this, I won and still had a sense of pleasure in my heart. Nowadays, how is it that I am like a pool of stagnant water in my heart?”

“It means you are tired of me. You don’t love me anymore.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with more than a playful smile.

Sakai Rie habitually just rolled her eyes at him and said, “It means that I’m starting to become more and more mature inside, and I’m no longer as childish as I used to be.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto brought the whiskey glass to his mouth and took a sip with a tilt of his head. He didn’t deny this kind of statement from Sakai Rie. The four years that the two had been together had just rushed by.

That initial freshness between them had pretty much worn off. Their love was there. It was only that the love between the two was starting to transform into affection bit by bit.

“You’ve been busy and busy, and you’ve also been busy with a result. Nowadays, your company is already famous.” Sakai Rie had a deep understanding of what it meant to have a prosperous husband and wife.

It was because Masayoshi Kishimoto’s company had grown bigger and stronger. She herself had followed suit with a lot of glory. Just today, she received another invitation to an important event.

“People are a collection of contradictions. When one is busy, the inside of one’s head will think that after this bout of busyness, one will be fine.

One idles down for a good rest. If you let yourself be idle, what is the purpose of living?

What is the meaning of living? When your emotions and thoughts are filled with such negative emotions, it is easy to make people depressed.

So, you see why some rich people are prone to depression, and that’s where it comes from. Being rich in material things simply does not mean that they are equally rich on the spiritual level.

So, in order to find things to do, they travel the world, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. This in turn makes them tired of this materialistic lifestyle.

It’s really hard to get them to give up this one rich life, and again, they can’t do it at all.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s right index finger was lightly tapping the whiskey glass and said.

“Does this kind of thought of yours belong to existentialism or nihilism?” Sakai Rie asked thoughtfully.

“Regardless of which one it is, it’s all stating the same point, that human existence is meaningless.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a cloudy voice.

“I see. You’re being cynical.” Sakai Rie was said with a sweet smile.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew deep down that she was a woman who was able to empathize with himself on a thought level. On this point, it was Natsui Makoto who was completely unable to do so.

He and Sakai Rie just sat together like this, and could both sip wine and talk about philosophy. It wouldn’t feel like there was nothing to say.

If he himself were to stay with Natsui Makoto like this, then the topic would not involve philosophy. Even one’s favorite literature would not be talked about.

She didn’t read much in the first place, focusing too much on the actual life of each day. In her opinion, living each day well was better than anything else.

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