Chapter 452 – Loyalty

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:45:19
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At this time, Miyazaki Ryui and Ota Hidetori were sitting in a private room at the Hiraku High Japanese Cuisine Pavilion eating lunch for the two of them. They weren’t talking about love on a date, but belonged to a gang.

“In the future, we must be united. Otherwise, personal status and authority will be precarious inside the group company.” Miyazaki Ryui picked up a cup of sake in his right hand and drained it with a tilt of his head.

“Our Administration Department and Natsume Ryosuke’s Propaganda Department were originally well water. Now, he’s even taking the initiative to stir up trouble.

Is it possible that he still wants to merge the Administration Department and the Propaganda Department? Or is he Natsume Ryousuke the head of both departments?” Oda Feijao warmed with anger.

“In all fairness, Natsume Ryousuke still has a noteworthy work record in promoting the group company’s image and raising its popularity ever since he became the Minister of Publicity.

That’s probably what made him start to swell up inside. The only reason he wants to take on more things and make more achievements is because he wants to advance a little further up the ladder.

However, in my opinion, the president may not have the heart to promote him. Until now, the executive, specialized, and vice president of our Hard Gold Group are all vacant.

For this reason, the chairman has kept his mouth shut. In my opinion, the chairman is centralizing power and ruling alone, rather than decentralizing power and ruling together.” Miyazaki Ryui said without haste.

“Even if the Chairman wanted to promote another one of our executives, it would only be Takayuki Nanno of the Personnel Department. As of now, he’s the most likely.” Ota Feitsugu said thoughtfully.

“Ota, have you ever thought about releasing an outside appointment like I did?” Miyazaki Ryui put down the empty glass in his hand and asked tentatively.

“You mean you want me to avoid Ryosuke Natsume now? Don’t you forget that he’s the one who got on Lao Mei’s bad side first, not Lao Mei getting on his bad side first. Since he’s going to do it, then old me will do it with him to the end.” Ota Feijiao said indignantly.

“I didn’t mean it the way you said it. The chairman once mentioned in my presence that he wanted to find someone to lead the formation of a brand new subsidiary, the Hard Gold Bank.” Miyazaki Ryui revealed as he poured himself a drink.

Oda Feijao was not interested in that saying, “That one doesn’t suit me. For one, I don’t have banking-related work experience or vast connections.

Secondly, there’s no need for me to build on my strengths and avoid my weaknesses. After all, my strength is in administrative work. Nowadays, it is good enough for me to co-ordinate the administrative work of group companies.

Thirdly, I took the initiative to choose to transfer, and isn’t it too cheap for Natsume Ryousuke? I don’t want some people inside the company to mistakenly think that I’m afraid of him.”

Miyazaki Ryui suddenly laughed and said, “There is no one who knows you better than the Chairman. He personally told me that you would never give up your current job. The Chairman really does know people well.”

“Without the President’s trust, cultivation and promotion of the two of us, then there would be no place for us to be today.

In addition to our undying loyalty to the Chairman, we are just doing our jobs so that no one else can pick on us either.” Oda Feijo said with a heartfelt appreciation for Masayoshi Kishimoto’s knowledge.

“We’re two of the patriarchs of this one company.” Miyazaki Ryui snapped.

“Some people don’t see us as patriarchs, but rather as stumbling blocks in our personal path.” Oda Fidgett said with a sense of humor.

Miyazaki Ryui understood that her words were not false and said, “The problems on my side are even more complicated and difficult to deal with than the problems on your side.

I’m in a hurry just in terms of unifying the minds of the Hard Gold Denshi management. The lack of synchronization in the corporate culture has caused constant disagreements.

The various small interest groups are still based on their respective former companies. This integration is not simply a matter of departmental personnel, but of reversing their preconceived ideas.”

“Just be content! Could it be that you didn’t see Shingo Oda being pinned down at the top of today’s regular Monday senior management meeting? In my opinion, he’s the worst off.

He was caught in the middle. With the least seniority, he rather has the feeling of being bullied by Takayuki Nanno and Kiyoshi Kobayashi in combination.” Oda Feijao said as he ate.

“In terms of the current ranking of asset size and importance in the Hard Gold Group, Hard Gold Media, which Shingo Oda is in charge of, is ahead of my Hard Gold Denshi.

Although I didn’t see the layoff plan report that he submitted to Takayuki Nanno, I was able to tell from Takayuki Nanno’s anger that he was twelve percent dissatisfied.

Otherwise, Nanno Takayuki wouldn’t have taken the initiative to ask to get involved. Shingo Oda even upheld the concept of HORIPRO’s corporate culture above the meeting, what with the human touch.

This is completely inconsistent with the corporate culture of our Hard Gold Group. We practiced the idea of plucking the weak and leaving the strong.” Miyazaki Ryui said slowly.

“Whether it’s Takayuki Nanno or Kiyoshi Kobayashi, their dissatisfaction with Shingo Kohda seems to me not only to be only about layoff plans and finances and whatnot, but also about trust and seniority.

This coming up and letting him preside over a sub-company inevitably made several people uncomfortable in the back of their minds. He submitted to the headquarters in the layoffs and reorganization plan and did not show his loyalty side, so it is reasonable to be criticized.

In your mind, you didn’t approve of Shingo Oda as the president of Hard Gold Media. The only reason you didn’t question him was because you were too busy fighting Kobayashi Kiyoshi in the ring.

If there was no such thing as this one at your place, nine times out of ten, you would have joined Takayuki Nanno, and Kiyoshi Kobayashi in their crusade against Shingo Oda.” Oda Flyer analyzed.

“The business related to the Hard Gold Denshi is a program that the Chairman is pushing hard. All along, even though Kobayashi Kiyoshi has been dissatisfied with it, he didn’t dare to target the chairman.

Moreover, every investment project the Chairman has made so far has been a great success. I believe that the future of Hard Gold E-commerce is also a bright future.

Even if we are currently in the pre-dawn darkness, sooner or later we will see the light of day. At that time, we will be able to shut Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s mouth completely.

As for Shingo Oda, I don’t have much negative opinion. In terms of professionalism, work experience, and relevant connections and background, he is currently the most suitable candidate.

In terms of hiring, the chairman likewise didn’t miss a beat. The only thing that I have a slight problem with is still the other person’s seniority and loyalty.

This one person was able to betray his past bosses, and is equally capable of doing something to betray them again.” Miyazaki Ryui defended.

“Your concerns are not entirely without merit. When comparing personal ability and loyalty, it’s the latter that’s a bit more important.” Oda Feijao said bluntly.

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