Chapter 453: Clearing the Bar

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:45:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the evening, Takayuki Nanno took the initiative to call Kazuya Takahashi to go to a clear bar that they used to frequent on weekdays. The two sat side by side at the bar.

In front of them, besides the six snacks, they were opening a bottle of Hakushu, a 25 year old single malt whisky from Japan’s mainland.

“You’re taking it easy in this morning’s meeting, and you’re not helping me out.” Takayuki Nanno said as he held the special glass containing the whisky on top of his right hand.

“You and Kobayashi Kiyoshi took turns targeting Oda Shingo, isn’t that a bit too much?” Kazuya Takahashi said calmly.

“Who the hell are you on that end of the spectrum?” Nanno Takayuki said as he looked sideways.

Takahashi Kazuya similarly turned sideways to look at him and said, “If you say I’m from that side, I’m from that side. I know that both you and Kobayashi Kiyoshi have considerable ambitions, both thinking of progressing further and ascending to a broader stage that is more capable of displaying your own personal talents and skill.

That is your business. As for me, I’m fine as I am now. Besides, Shingo Oda is the new president of Hard Gold Media, appointed by Justice just recently, and he’s taking over the position he used to hold.

If you guys do this, it’s inevitable that he won’t have other thoughts in his mind, that you’re questioning his appointment.”

“I have absolutely no intention of targeting Justice. I’m only considering the interests of the group company as a matter of fact. As for whether or not Kobayashi Kiyoshi has ulterior motives, that I don’t know.

Even if we were in the same gang, I wouldn’t hook up with Kobayashi Kiyoshi. The three of us are childhood friends, and we’ve only really been a team since we were kids.” Nanno Takayuki said in a serious manner.

“It’s useless for you to talk to me. That’s something you should say to Justice.” Takahashi Kazuya rotated back to his body, picked up the whiskey glass in front of himself, and took a sip from the glass with a tilt of his head, saying.

“Could it be that you don’t want to put in an outside job and subsequently take over Shingo Oda’s position? Hard Gold Media is in control of TV Tokyo and the HORIPRO office.

There are both pretty anchorwomen and cute actresses. If you were to sit on the president’s seat, wouldn’t it be easy for anyone, and who wouldn’t you be able to get your hands on?” Nanno Takayuki said with a meaningful smile.

“Don’t tempt me with these yes and no’s. If this were in the past, I would be moved. However, I have now met that one right person and am ready to call it quits.” Takahashi Kazuya said seriously.

Of course, Nanno Takayuki knew that that one right person he was referring to was Mizuhara Yuki. Incredulous himself, he said, “You’re playing it for real this time?

Don’t forget that marriage is the grave of love. For the sake of one tree, you give up an entire forest, is it worth it? You’re only thirty, even if you wait another ten years, it won’t be too late to get married when you’re forty.”

“That can only mean that you haven’t met your one true love yet. When you meet it, you won’t say that. Right now, you can’t fully understand when I say this to you.

When I say that to Justice, that’s what it means to find the right person, to meet your soulmate in the high mountains. He truly understands me.” Kazuya Takahashi said with a bit of self-indulgence.

“Love or career, I’ll resolutely choose the latter.” Nanno Takayuki blurted out.

“Wrong, not love and career, but family and career. With a woman I love and who loves me. The two of us together to set up a small family, and then have two, three children, its happy is also very good!

The old game of life, from a woman to another woman, over and over again is just that little thing in bed. If you do that too much, you’ll feel bored and have no sense of freshness.” Takahashi Kazuya chuckled.

“I get where you’re coming from. You are tired of eating too much big fish and meat. Nowadays, you want to eat some light porridge and small dishes to switch up your appetite.

In the near future, you will likewise feel that the flavor of light porridge and small dishes is too bland, and you will again miss the days of big fish and meat. At that time, you will be yourself again.” Nanno Takayuki calmly said.

“Perhaps! However, I currently know what I need just fine.” Kazuya Takahashi said bluntly.

Minamino Takayuki also knew that this one of his hairdressers was someone with little ambition. The other party’s strength was that he liked to enjoy the sense of fulfillment that came from doing things well and being successful.

He had originally thought of joining forces with him to get rid of Shingo Oda, but he had failed to do so. The position of Hard Gold Media’s president was really important.

“Katsuhei Yamaguchi, what do you think?” Takayuki Nanno asked with a sense of purpose.

“You’re not thinking of screwing him, are you? I advise you to better die of that one heart. Not to mention that you won’t be able to screw him, it will even harm your friendship with Justice.” Takahashi Kazuya was surprised.

“Did I say I was going to screw over Yamaguchi Katsuhei? I’m just asking you what your personal opinion of him is.” Nanno Takayuki’s heart was in the right place as he said.

“Yamaguchi Katsuhei’s personal ability in construction is unquestionable, an absolute connoisseur. This is something that you also know by heart. He has an obstinate temper and is not very good at making turns, but he is grateful to Justice.

If Justice hadn’t gone to the slums of the Adachi district and fished him out, he wouldn’t be where he is today.

Not only that, but Justice also gave him power, showing his trust in him. In order to repay Justice for this favor, Yamaguchi Katsuhei was nothing but loyal, in addition to working his ass off.

Not to mention that my words as the Minister of Justice don’t work well with him, even your words as the Minister of Personnel don’t work well with him either.

He won’t listen to anyone except justice. Or rather, he just doesn’t see us in his heart.” Kazuya Takahashi spoke eloquently.

“Yamaguchi Katsuhei and Kobayashi Kiyoshi have a good relationship. What do you think about that?” Takayuki Nanno then wanted to hear his personal opinion saying.

“In my opinion, there’s just no such thing as them having a personal relationship. The reason why the two were made to seem to be on good terms is one, because their age difference is not as big as ours, making it easier to have common topics and thoughts.

This second is that they both belong to the type of workaholic, it is inevitable that they will be able to create a sense of sympathy in their hearts. It’s not unlikely that they are still secretly competing with each other, Kobayashi Kiyoshi doesn’t want to give up the NO.1 position.

Yamaguchi Katsuhei, on the other hand, wants this NO.1 position. Hard Gold Capital and Hard Gold Construction are ranked one and two in our group of companies.

This kind of rivalry between them to catch up with each other is not a matter of two tigers fighting each other, but it helps the group company’s effectiveness.” Takahashi Kazuya said without haste.

“How can you see that?” Nanno Takayuki asked with a smile.

“Yamaguchi Katsuhei and Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s character traits are more or less conceited and high-minded, after all, their abilities are both outstanding for all to see.

The two belonged to a gentleman’s fight and would not use underhanded means in secret. To win, one must also win honorably and squarely.” Takahashi Kazuya said thoughtfully.

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