Chapter 457 India

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:45:33
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Masayoshi Kishimoto and Kazuya Takahashi switched places back. Takahashi and Kazuya meaningfully and directly lamented, “It’s still the most comfortable place to sit.”

“My trip next month is set to go to Shenzhen, China. During the period of time that I am not in Japan, you will be in full charge of the affairs of the head office.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“That’s not right! Isn’t Takayuki always in full charge when you’re not in Japan? How come I’ve been replaced this time?” Kazuya Takahashi was surprised.

“Because you’re the most idle, so I can’t see you being idle.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a soft smile.

“As long as you’re not afraid of me messing things up for you to come out, then I’m fine with it.” Kazuya Takahashi said without refusing.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that he was joking, so he also became a little less serious and said, “If you really mess things up for me, then I will send you to develop the Indian market.

If you just said you won’t accept it, I’ll take you on a business trip. Anyway, it’s not possible to let you loaf around like this and get paid for nothing.”

Takahashi Kazuya caught the point of his words and said, “What, are you interested in India among the emerging market countries again?”

“This time, I intend to finish the trip to Shenzhen, China, and then I will fly to Mumbai and New Delhi, India to have a good look around.

India is also an ancient civilization. In fact, this title in addition to the tourism industry to promote the role of publicity, for us investors, not at all useful.

What we value most is the return on investment. India’s population is larger than China’s, which means that it has a huge potential spending power.

India’s land area is only one-third of China’s, but arable land is a little more than China. In my opinion, even after twenty years, China will slowly appear like Japan’s aging and the problem of childlessness, while India will not appear.

Mainland China has a monogamous one-child family planning policy, while India can have as many children as it likes.

Indians like to have children, whereas the more economically developed mainland China is, the more it generally dislikes having children.” Justice Kishimoto said truthfully.

“I know very little about India, and the only thing that interests me about India is nothing more than the monuments of civilization, yoga culture, and other touristy things.

Although China and India, I have been there, but I still feel that the investment environment in India is not too ideal, and it is difficult to have great development.” Takahashi Kazuya said seriously.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t think there was much of a problem with his opinion, rather similar to how Chinese people looked at India. India’s state system was completely different from China’s.

It doesn’t do the kind of things that the leaders in China do when they give the go-ahead for big investment infrastructure projects, such as electricity, roads, bridges, etc. India will have meetings over and over again.

India will meet and discuss over and over again. This kind of so-called political democracy is also quite delayed and things. Moreover, Indians do not have the Chinese kind of want to be rich, the first to repair the road propaganda and the concept of living in this world.

The caste system in India also restricts it to a great extent. Indians are more inclined to the religion that does not repair this world, repair the next life.

Even if they have a little money, they either build temples or donate it to “gurus”. In any case, there are a lot of fraudulent godmen in India. In this area, Japan and Korea have similar problems.

People who believe in these things are not only the main force of the lower middle class, but also the upper middle class. The former want to get rid of the lack of material things, while the latter want to get rid of the less-than-satisfactory spiritual things.

“You should not be fooled by the reports and ratings of the mainstream international rating agencies. India in the end is suitable for investment, the only way to have a say is to examine it first.”

Justice Kishimoto couldn’t help but remember inside his head that international rating agencies were also masters of taking money and doing things. Even if they are big names in the mainstream Western rating agencies, they will still say that the bad is good, and the dead is said to be alive, thus misleading a lot of people.

Otherwise, the world financial crisis of 2008 would not have swept across the globe, first breaking out in the United States. Later, many of the scandals that came to light were deliberately done by big investment banks.

Their purpose is to maximize their profits. The reason why Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, in his own opinion, was mainly because he ran slow, after all, he was also one of the greedy participants in it.

This world economic crisis, which he remembers so vividly, is not a bad one. The finance ministers of the world’s major economies and central bank governors are constantly meeting.

At the same time, the heads of state are also closely consulting and paying attention. Each other constantly in a variety of economic and political games.

In 2008, his previous life was not a child, but a 25-year-old young man. From a macro point of view, China has directly lost 10 million people.

This 10 million people can be related to 10 million families, the impact can be as high as 30, 50 million people. Exports have dropped dramatically, after all, mainland China uses its own cheap labor to make things that are mainly exported to the United States, Europe and other developed countries.

The Chinese government’s $4 trillion bailout program itself is not wrong. The problem is that the flow of money in the above is not invested in the urgent need for capital turnover and survival of small and medium-sized enterprises, but mainly flowed to the infrastructure projects, large state-owned enterprises, central enterprises and so on.

This also laid a hidden danger for ten years later, the manufacturing industry is weak, basically half collapsed. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and manufacturing industries are the main places of employment.

Farmers from the countryside to work, and can not find a job, and even if you find, but also can not earn a share of the money as desired, completely unlike the previous demographic dividend of China’s early years, a lot of publicity to let them out of the countryside into the city to work.

In a reversal of this, they are being publicized to go back to the countryside to develop agriculture-related production. The problem is that farmers who have gone out of the countryside have opened their eyes in the cities, especially the first-tier cities, and they are not willing to go back.

Even if they have a very hard time, they will insist on it, and insist on it again. A large number of rural people have left the countryside and entered the cities, and are competing with the urban population for employment and other resources. As a result, the conflict between urban and rural areas in China has become more and more prominent.

As for the microscopic view, is his previous life in the tens of thousands of people in the large state-owned enterprises in 2008 after is no longer jumping a few years on the complete shutdown.

He did not have much remembrance, after all, did not catch up with the good times. The only thing that the old workers can still enjoy is that this local big state-owned enterprises in the last century 90 era of the scenery.

At that time, in this big state-owned enterprises to work they are still young, to go on a blind date also specially dressed in overalls to go, that old son is a good unit.

Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river. Wind and water rotate, not yet thirty years, even the market above the vendors selling small vegetables look down on them.

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