Chapter 462: A Difficult Scripture

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:45:47
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After the Miyazaki family entered the house, Miyazaki Ryui began to distribute gifts. He himself had prepared some corresponding goodies for each of his family members.

“Spending money recklessly.” Miyazaki’s mom scolded as she received the gifts her son bought for her.

“Mom, you’re just worrying blindly. My brother is now the president of a big-handed enterprise, with an annual income of tens of millions of dollars a year. These few things are nothing.

Just accept it in peace and use it. Nowadays, is there anyone in the surrounding neighborhood who doesn’t envy our family?” Miyazaki’s eldest sister said bluntly.

“Uncle, where is my gift?” Miyazaki big sister’s two children are impatient with tender childish voice is in unison to interject in and ask.

“Will not be missing you two little things.” Miyazaki Ryui immediately recognized the gifts for his two nephews from the different paper bag packages.

He personally distributed the gifts to them. In addition to receiving thanks, he also personally felt the sense of trust and closeness that the two conveyed to him that was unique to family members.

The two little ones hurriedly opened the gifts in person. When they saw the stuff, they were especially happy, after all, it was the latest model of handheld game console.

“Just buy one, why are you buying two?” Miyazaki’s mom said as she started to feel sorry for her son’s money again.

“Lest they fight over it.” Miyazaki Ryui replied.

“One is enough for you two! Give me the remaining one to play with.” Miyazaki’s little sister similarly coveted the latest handheld game console in the hands of her two nephews.

The two little guys hurriedly grabbed it with both hands and turned around to run towards the outside of the living room. They were afraid that their things would be snatched away.

“Brother, you haven’t given me 30,000 yen yet!” Miyazaki’s little sister said as she once again reached towards Miyazaki Ryui for money.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Your brother just came home and you’re like this.” Miyazaki’s mom said in displeasure.

“Who made my brother rich and me poor? Dad died and the eldest brother is the father. It’s only natural that he should take care of me.” Miyazaki’s little sister said with vigor.

“Mom, see for yourself. Little Sister is spoiled by you.” Miyazaki’s eldest sister said bluntly.

“Who are you to count me out? Do you think you’re just better than I’m able to be?” Miyazaki’s little sister argued.

“Come on. It’s only 30,000 yen! I’ll give it to you. You shut up. Don’t make mom unhappy again.” Miyazaki Ryui hurriedly stopped the two sisters from escalating their argument, while taking out his wallet and pulling out three 10,000 yen bills from it and handing them over to his little sister, saying.

“My brother is still the best.” Miyazaki’s little sister took the thirty thousand yen into her hands and said joyfully.

Miyazaki Ryui not only gave her the money, but also gave her that one gift that she was supposed to have. He handed over his eldest sister’s gift as well.

After the gifts belonging to the family members were distributed, there were still some gifts left for friends, family, and close neighbors.

Miyazaki’s eldest sister unwrapped her own gift, an LV designer bag, and her whole heart burst with joy. She immediately pulled it on top of her left wrist and asked her mom, “Does it look good?”

“It looks good, it must be very expensive!” Miyazaki’s mom blurted out.

“Can it not be expensive? That’s a luxury item.” Miyazaki’s little sister interjected.

Miyazaki’s big sister was beautiful in her heart. She herself instantly fell in love with it. At this moment, Miyazaki little sister also unwrapped her own gift, a whole set of high-grade cosmetics. She, however, did not show any excitement.

“This doesn’t apply at all, it’s better to just give me cash.” Miyazaki little sister instead showed her disappointment and said.

“How is it not applicable? Twelve year old girls in Tokyo know how to dress themselves properly. Look at you, you’re twenty years old, do you have that little bit of girl-like appearance?

You don’t go to school, don’t work, don’t even say anything about you. All day long you just look like this, what boy would look at you?” Miyazaki Ryui said unsatisfied with her little sister’s otaku girl look.

“Regarding my personal issues, it’s not for you to worry about. It’s better for you to worry about your personal problems first! You can shoulder the responsibility of continuing the bloodline of our Miyazaki family.” Miyazaki’s little sister retorted.

“All three of you are children born to me and your dead father. What, is Ryui so capable and marvelous? You two are such a picture of death.” Miyazaki’s mom said with warm anger.

“Who let brother suck all the good nutrients out of us pretty much first?” Miyazaki’s little sister said without putting the blame on herself.

“That’s right.” Miyazaki Big Sister chimed in at once.

“Just a what? You two bicker all day long, how is it that you are united on this one thing?” Miyazaki’s mom asked rhetorically.

“My little sister’s and my problems are small issues. The current big issue in our family is about brother’s marriage. Matsui Natsuki can be very scheming.

At first, I mistakenly thought that he was really going to Tokyo to look for a job, which is why I kindly told her about my brother’s phone number, but I didn’t realize that he was going to Tokyo to hook up with my brother.” Miyazaki’s eldest sister said in a serious manner.

“Matsui Natsuki is not right for my brother. Now, my brother that’s the president of a big hand enterprise. Even if he wants to take a wife, she should be a rich girl.

That way, it’s a good match. Matsui Natsuki is not suitable, absolutely not suitable.” Miyazaki’s little sister expressed her personal opinion and said.

Miyazaki Ryui was speechless. These two sisters of his were really united in a rare way. One was divorced and brought her two children back to her mother’s home.

This live down, not only rely on not leave, but also what money are not paid, and their two children are together to gnaw old age.

The other one is squatting at home. Do not go to school, do not work, that is all right, after all, is a girl, the future can still have to marry that one way to go.

However, this little sister has no intention of marrying. All day long, either eat or sleep. Otherwise, she reads comics, plays games, and so on.

Miyazaki’s mother shook her head, and now also thought with her son, after all, every family has a difficult experience. Her own son is out of his league.

For that reason, she was also proud of her son for having made it big. However, when she thought of the two daughters she had given birth to, her brain started to hurt.

“Brother, you’re not really rekindling an old flame with Matsui Natsuki, are you? She surely loves not you as a person, but your money, your social status.” Miyazaki’s eldest sister suddenly became greatly nervous and said.

“Right. Brother, you mustn’t get confused over this one thing!” Miyazaki little sister stared at him in said.

Miyazaki’s mother saw that her son didn’t say anything and couldn’t figure out what exactly he was thinking in his heart. She just objectively said, “Mom has arranged a blind date for you. When the time comes, you’ll also be able to have more choices.”

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