Chapter 463: The Governor

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:45:50
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The flight from Tokyo to Shikoku Kochi Prefecture landed safely on top of one of the runways at Kochi Airport. After taxiing for a while, the airliner came to a smooth stop on a tarmac within the airport.

Sakai Rie had originally thought of returning to her hometown in a low-key manner, but unexpectedly, as soon as she, her sister Sakai Mirei, and her best friend Watanabe Saeki came out, they were stopped by a woman.

“Excuse me, who is Mrs. Kishimoto?” The woman said with extreme modesty and politeness.

Watanabe Saki was the first to react, smiling and pointing her right index finger at Sakai Rie, “This one is the Mrs. Kishimoto you speak of.”

The woman bowed forty-five degrees to Sakai Rie, then took the initiative to pull out her own business card box and pulled out a personal business card from it and presented it to the other party with both hands, “Hello, I’m the secretary of the governor of Kochi Prefecture, and I’m the one who’s here to pick you up. Please follow me.”

Sakai Rie received the business card in her hand, and then looked at the other party’s appearance, he did not look like a bad person. Besides, she was accompanied by her sister and best friend, so she didn’t believe that she would be kidnapped in broad daylight.

The three of them met the governor of Kochi Prefecture and a group of local government officials who had personally come to the airport to greet them, led by the man himself.

“This one is Mrs. Kishimoto.” The woman said as she gave a brief introduction to the governor of Kochi Prefecture first.

“Welcome home, Mrs. Kishimoto.” The governor said cordially.

Rie Sakai was completely unaware of such an arrangement beforehand. Although it was unexpected, she did not show any expression of surprise at all.

She still kept a spoiled look; after all, she had seen a lot of occasions in Tokyo, big and small, and had practiced the aura she needed to have. Thus, she herself didn’t balk for a single star when confronted with this parental official of her old family.

“Thank you.” Sakai Rie didn’t correct the other party’s address, and with a smile on her face, she gladly accepted.

“This time, my younger brother, Mizushima Makoto, was able to be successfully elected as a member of the Diet thanks to the help of your husband. My younger brother even called me personally, hoping that I would convey his thanks to your husband for him.” Governor Kochi said seriously.

“He had important business matters on top of his business is flying to Shenzhen, China. He will not be able to come back to his hometown to pay homage to his ancestors this Bon Festival. I will convey these words to him for his knowledge.”

Sakai Rie understood even if she didn’t know exactly what was going on. The reason why the man she had never met, Mizushima Makoto, had been able to become this time’s congressman was due to Kishimoto Masayoshi’s help.

The reason why this situation will appear at the moment, must be the other party extraordinarily attentive. In fact, with their network, it is not difficult to find out the names of the passengers on a flight from Tokyo to Kochi Prefecture.

Not to mention the fact that his own sister, Sakai Mirei, had clamored to fly first class, so it would be even easier to find out. The Mizushima family was also supposed to be one of the local political families in Kochi Prefecture.

She already knew about the Mizushima family at that moment; the younger brother was a congressman while the older brother was a governor. As for what government positions their fathers and grandfathers had held, it wasn’t hard to figure out. However, one didn’t need to know at all is all.

“Tomorrow evening, my wife has prepared a small banquet, and I hope you will be able to enjoy it.” The governor issued an invitation saying.

The governor’s wife, dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono, while sending the invitation that had been prepared long ago, only then did she speak from the sidelines with a smile on her face, “It’s just a small, ordinary family banquet.

The people here are all my husband and my friends and family. If you could come, it would certainly make our house shine.”

Rie Sakai took her invitation and said, “Definitely.”

“Then we have a deal.” The governor’s wife immediately got a special glow on her face. This little party she was hosting was a local Vanity Fair.

What kind of person was Rie Sakai? She had figured out long ago that the other party was an unabashed plutocrat’s wife. Just how powerful the Hard Gold Group really was was understood just from the fact that her own husband’s brother had been able to be elected as a congressman this time around. There would be no harm in befriending the other party herself, there would only be benefits.

She was able to invite Mrs. Hardgold Plutocrat to her home as a guest, but also to show other people that the Mizushima family’s network was broad, and that they had good friends with extraordinary strength even in Tokyo.

At the same time, Sakai Rie could not help but realize that this was yet another entertainment? Even if she was not willing to attend, she had to accept it.

She had to think of her mother for no other reason. The folklore store that her mother ran was located in Kochi Prefecture. She naturally hoped that the other party would take care of it more.

“Mrs. Kishimoto, even though this is the first time I’ve seen you, I genuinely fell in love with you. I really want to talk to you more.” The governor’s wife said with a gracious smile.

“Since we are so happy today, and you and Mrs. Kishimoto have met at first sight, then I wonder if Mrs. Kishimoto would like to have a lunch with us?” The governor took the opportunity to say.

“Yeah!” Sakai Rie said without refusing.

“Then this way please! There’s no need to labor over the salute or anything else, I’ll order someone to fetch it for you.” The governor had already ordered everything to be arranged. Drawing close to the Kishimoto family was privately beneficial to the future political offerings and other support given from the other side.

It would be a beneficiary of both his own future career, his brother’s career, and the careers of the rest of the Mizushima family.

After all, according to what his own brother Mizushima had truly told him, the Kishimoto family and the Iwasaki family had an extraordinary relationship. In public, the Hard Gold Zaibatsu was not a reputation to be taken lightly.

If one could pull in investment in Kochi Prefecture from the other side, whether it was in that area, it would be beneficial to the local economy and increase employment, as well as being one of one’s outstanding achievements.

At this time, Sakai Mirei, who had been ignored, saw with her own eyes that her sister was being treated with such a high level of courtesy and respect, and she became very upset in her heart.

Inevitably, she decided in her heart that all of this should have belonged to her, but her sister had taken it away from her. She should have been the main character.

She was reduced to a green leaf and a supporting role Although she was upset, she also wanted to go and see the luncheon prepared by the local governor and his wife.

Sakai Meiling had an iron face, but did not say the words to leave. She knew that even if she wanted to leave, no one would stop her.

In the minds of some of these people, she was dispensable. The person they were starring at was not herself, but her sister, Rie Sakai.

Watanabe Saki could be the opposite of what she thought. For the first time in her life, she had been in such close contact with the local parental officials.

In her opinion, it was all thanks to Rie Sakai. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have had the chance to see the other party on TV. In her mind, she felt that the other party was just an ordinary person.

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