Chapter 467 Capital Never Sleeps

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:46:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The night view of Shenzhen was also very beautiful. Staying in the hotel on the top floor of the Kishimoto Justice, once again stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the suite’s living room, listening to Yamada Mirai’s negotiation report, while crossing his arms in front of his body is leisurely looking out the window at the neon lights light up the city.

More than 10 million people, only more than three million people have Shenzhen household registration, undoubtedly shows that this city belongs to the foreign immigrant city.

In fact, it is called “Shenzhen” this name, that is, from January 1979, to 2000, so far, only 21 years of time, especially young a city.

The speed of economic development is so fast that it has attracted the attention of the whole world. Cities can stay young forever, but people don’t stay young forever.

In this city, how many people can relax and enjoy the “beauty” that blooms at night?

Among the four first-tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, Shenzhen is the least exclusionary. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou all have their own cultural symbols and habits.

The history of the natives of a place can be traced back at least three generations. As for Shenzhen, apart from those native people in Baoan County, there will be no more than the third generation of native Shenzheners.

Born here, grew up here, have a household registration of the second generation of Shenzhen people are few and far between, after all, this city changed its name only 21 years. That’s why Shenzhen is known as a small fishing village that has rapidly developed into one of China’s largest cities.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understands that xenophobia is not only inside China’s big cities, but also in Japan. To be precise, the Japanese are inherently xenophobic.

This has a lot to do with the fact that it is an island nation with few resources. One more person is one more mouth to feed, and a lot more is consumed.

Actually, it’s quite understandable. It’s just like a family. You don’t have to say anything about your own people, but how do you feel when an outsider comes into your house to eat and drink? The problem is that your family is not rich.

Japan was not a wealthy country before the Meiji Restoration. Or, it has been a poor country for a long time in history.

Some great Japanese movies like Narayama, The Seven Samurai, and The Lower Class are very realistic about the economic situation and the life of the lower class in Japanese society.

Otherwise, Japanese people would not have the ritual of holding chopsticks horizontally with both hands and chanting “I’m going to start” during the meal.

As for the Japanese people’s attitude towards death, it also has a lot to do with its geography. Many volcanoes, many earthquakes, many tsunamis,……, coupled with the Meiji Restoration before the poor life, for many people, life is worse than death. This death is also a kind of relief.

Justice Kishimoto understands that xenophobia in the city is mainly concentrated in the middle and lower classes. The conflict between the foreigners and the first people, after all, the resources inside any city are limited.

When there are too many and not enough, there is bound to be competition between people. Without a strong skill, one would not be able to make much money by simply relying on labor, even if they were exhausted.

This is not the point, but the point is that even for such work, there is still a tendency for people to undercut each other in order to be able to get a job.

The first people feel that the outsiders are unruly and disrupting the marketplace, and the outsiders can’t afford to wear out their welcome in order to survive and provide for their families.

After all, the outsiders had one outstanding disadvantage that the first people did not have, and that was that they often had to pay rent or more.

The First People do not accept outsiders and ostracize them. The outsiders, in turn, had difficulty truly integrating into the city, couldn’t go back to their old homes, their young bodies became old, and they couldn’t retire without peace of mind, and that’s where their real embarrassment and pain came from.

Justice Kishimoto said nothing after listening to Mirai Yamada’s report on the negotiations. His gaze was still looking out the window at the night view of the city.

Yamada Mirai understood that if the Lord didn’t say anything, that was the best recognition for them, and it meant that their negotiation strategy and thinking was right and didn’t need to be changed.

If there was something wrong and changes needed to be made, Justice Kishimoto would not remain silent. Although this one investment was a small one for their Hard Gold Group, it was extraordinarily valued by the Lord.

Otherwise, he would not have said that sentence, the words of ambition. There will not be he personally from Tokyo, Japan to Shenzhen, China to fly this line.

Yamada Mirai also know, the upper intention is difficult to predict. In any case, he did not see this small company under negotiation at the moment has what great potential for development?

In addition, she could not understand the Lord’s intentions regarding the number two person in the group company. When His Lordship was away from the Tokyo headquarters, Takayuki Nanno used to be in charge of all matters.

This time, not only she, but also many of the management felt that it was abnormal. Why had Kazuya Takahashi been replaced?

Even though both Takayuki Minamino and Kazuya Takahashi were his childhood friends, it didn’t mean that there wasn’t a close relationship between them.

Personnel changes, even if small, will make people in the head unconsciously carry out all kinds of speculation, after all, it can be related to the issue of standing in line.

Stand correct team and stand wrong right, that will appear two completely opposite results. Individual’s future and destiny often will happen sky-high change.

“Shenzhen, China is also a city that never sleeps.” Yamada Mirai calmly said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto turned his back to face her and said, “Capital never sleeps. The rapid economic development of this city is the result of a staggering amount of capital investment.

There are not only domestic, but also all kinds of foreign investments. What is the nature of capital? It’s greed, profit-seeking, maximizing profits. Morality is shit in front of capital.

And people follow the money. Where there’s money, there’s no shortage of people. Not only are there people from all over China, but also from the five continents and four oceans of the world. Their common purpose is to come here to make better money and live a better life in the future.”

“What my lord means is that your investment in this current project is making a tentative investment in this city?” Yamada Mirai said with some realization.

“It can also be put that way. I am quite optimistic about the core team members of this one company.” Masayoshi Kishimoto extended his right hand to look at his five fingers.

These five fingers of a human were not all aligned the same, yet they were able to hold things with ease. If all five fingers were truly equally aligned, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be as flexible and convenient as they are now.

Therefore, the foot has its own length, the inch has its own shortness is each has its own use. Only, the team that is properly shaped like five fingers is a rare good team.

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