Chapter 468 Instant Messaging

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:46:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked over to the couch and turned directly to sit down. He didn’t like the state of being seated while others stood, so he raised his hand to signal Yamada Mirai to sit down as well.

Yamada Mirai first bowed forty-five degrees, and then only sat down properly; after all, she had grown up with a Japanese hierarchical culture that had been deeply inculcated and indoctrinated in her since she was a child.

For this reason, Masayoshi Kishimoto was still not too accustomed to this kind of Japanese culture. Even if he knew that the modesty of the superior was just superficial politeness.

If the subordinate really took it as a matter of fact, it would become a kind of arrogance. Even if he himself did not have this intention, it would not be genuinely regarded as a kind of equality by his subordinates, but rather as the boss’s trust and regard for himself.

“In reality, China’s Internet is a mega LAN, and there is no real integration with the world. However, this is also determined by China’s most realistic national conditions.

As for China’s Internet companies, there are a lot of policy constraints on them. However, they are still trying to make the necessary efforts and breakthroughs.

In the minds of some Chinese pioneers, the 21st century is the century of the Internet, can not miss such a big trend.

The market of 1.4 billion Chinese people, even if it is just a LAN, will take a long time to be properly digested. The market of over 100 million people in Japan is felt to be very big, and it tends to go out only when it is done well.”

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto says this is not without reason. Otherwise, Chinese people want to go on the Internet, there will be no “over the wall”.

Even with the extranet, it is only the tip of the iceberg in the whole Internet world. The bigger, broader, freer, more lawless Internet world is hidden underwater in the darknet world.

This one with the “closed country” of China’s Internet policy is completely able to be understood by their own, but by a variety of attacks is completely unreasonable.

He is clearer than anyone, the latter will appear Mimeng stream under various banners not only mixed with the wind, but also a lot of money. Even, there are many followers and drummers.

From this, we can see how many people in China’s real society do not have the ability to think independently and are easily incited.

The harm brought about by these self media is that they are causing social instability, class hatred, class contempt chain and other discordant notes.

Once something really destabilizes society, the consequences are unimaginable. People will die for sure, it’s just a matter of how many. It’s just a matter of how many. It’s just a matter of the average person feeling bitter, dissatisfied, etc. with their life at the moment. Who let the reality of life has always been so?

Social unrest, that is the big meaning, directly able to make the current life of its stable become unsettled, the pain index rose more than a thousand times. It’s true what they say, whoever wants to mess up the country, they can clean it up, or even kill it.

Moreover, the reason why many people prefer to believe in the self media rather than the government is due to historical reasons.

Even if you “climb over the wall” and go out to read this and that on the Internet, does it have to be true? There are also people who make up all kinds of stories to confuse people and incite hatred. ……

It’s not too much to say that today’s era is the best era for China. At the very least, there is no famine, no foreign invasion, no civil strife and so on.

People live and work in peace and contentment, and as long as they are willing to work, they will not starve to death even if they are worse off. Even in the year 2000 in China, the population below the poverty line is still a lot of people, there will not be starving people everywhere.

He remembers clearly, his previous life in 2002 into the university, read to the sophomore year, that is, 2004, received a roommate’s father called.

Himself casually said a so-and-so went online. The other party was surprised for a moment, and asked what the Internet is?

Rural origin, through the college entrance examination out of the university students, even if they have grown up, began to gradually integrate into the city, it does not mean that their parents and other people are the same.

As for the parents of urban kids, at that one time, there was no such thing as not understanding what the Internet was. For them to go to an internet caf茅 and catch their kids was like going to catch an adulterer.

“The Internet is that attractive?” Even if Yamada Mirai knew that the trend of the times was like that, she couldn’t imagine at the present time that the latter days would thus change drastically Dao.

“Yes, more than you can imagine. From a certain point of view, we seem to be living in a science fiction world. In mainland China, the Internet has not yet made its existence felt by ordinary people.

The Internet is still very limited for them to do things like listen to songs and talk to each other. Next January, I will let them really feel the charm of the Internet.

We absolutely control the Japanese JSS company’s “Stone Age OL” has been scheduled for January 2001 to officially enter the Chinese mainland market.

As long as let the ordinary people to have fun, be attracted to, is only will let them have the most real feeling in the body. This is able to and days south and north never have contact with the people have contact, and then also found each other’s common hobby, that is not easy.

QQ is just an instant messenger, but don’t underestimate it. Calling in today’s China, the call fee is also a big, say small, but also not small expenses.

Even if you send a short message to your cell phone, it will cost you 10 cents a piece, and 20 cents for a mobile message sent outside the network or a mobile message sent outside the network. That’s a few bucks out the door in an hour.

In the middle of this there is a waiting process (2000 mobile network will appear short message sent out, after a few minutes, or even a few hours before receiving the situation), the immediacy of the above is really not as good as QQ.

As a matter of fact, I’ve been to mainland China many times, and haven’t you noticed that there are very few ordinary Chinese people who use cell phones? A good portion of them are still using BBs.

QQ not only saves communication costs, but also allows you to send one word, so you don’t have to worry about whether ten cents a word is cost-effective or not.” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled.

“I understand. Tencent is not only providing a new way of communication, but it is also one of the cheapest means of communication.”

Yamada Mirai came to a sudden realization. She finally realized why the Lord had to invest in this company called Tencent.

“In terms of technology, it’s not exactly new. However, it will be able to challenge the hegemony of China Mobile and China Telecom in the communications industry in the future, and take a bite out of the mouths of lions and tigers.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that at this time, China Mobile and China Telecom could not even look at Tencent. Otherwise, he would not have personally come here.

In this year, the first Internet economic bubble burst, was swept under the Chinese Internet industry in the Tencent company facing the most difficult financial times, will not develop ICQ software to 600,000 yuan price to sell to the Shenzhen Telecom Data Bureau, and the other party is still too expensive.

At this time, QQ this thing in the eyes of many people in the communications industry is an entertainment chat tool, similar to the network above the teahouse, nothing special.

There is no lack of people will worry about the prospects of this business? In a particularly bad environment, it is like betting on the smallest probability that will appear. That’s why it gave itself the opportunity to pick up the treasure again.

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